# Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/ # # GT::FileMan::Commands # CVS Info : # $Id: Commands.pm,v 1.267 2005/04/11 17:24:03 jagerman Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # ==================================================================== # package GT::FileMan::Commands; # =============================================================== use strict; use GT::TempFile; use GT::Base qw/:persist/; use vars qw/$ICONS $READ_SIZE %LANGUAGE/; use GT::AutoLoader; use GT::File::Tools qw/:all/; # Our nasty language hash. %LANGUAGE = ( UPLOAD_MODE => "File %s was successfully uploaded in %s mode.", MSG_LOG_OFF => "Please enter username and password to login.", MSG_MULTI_UPLOAD => "%s files have been successfully uploaded.", MSG_CHMOD_CHANGED => "Permissions on %s file(s) have been updated successfully.", MSG_SEACH_FOUND => "Your search found %s results.", MSG_REPLA_FOUND => "Your search and replace updated %s files in %s", MSG_SEACH_NOTFOUND => "Your search did not produce any results.", MSG_FILE_EDITING => "%s %s file ...(size %s bytes)- Download", MSG_FILE_CREATED => "%s has been created.", MSG_FILE_EDITED => "Changes to %s have been saved.", MSG_DIR_CREATED => "%s directory has been created.", MSG_PREFERENCES => "Your options have been saved.", MSG_UNCOMPRESS => "%s file has been unarchived.", MSG_TAR_CANCEL => "Creation of tar file has been cancelled.", MSG_TAR_CREATED => "Tar file %s has been created.", MSG_COPIED => " %s selected file/directory(s) have been copied (%s can not be copied).", MSG_MOVED => " %s selected file/directory(s) have been moved (%s can not be moved).", MSG_DEL_SUCC => "%s files and %s directories have been removed.", MSG_DEL_CURR => "You've removed the directory: %s", MSG_DEL_ALL => "You've removed the directory, and all contents recursively.", MSG_DEL_SKIP => "You've skiped the directory :%s", MSG_DEL_CANC => "You've cancelled deleting the directory", MSG_DEL_ALL_SUCC => "All child dirs and files on the selected directorys has been removed. ", MSG_CONTINUE => "
click here to continue.", MSG_PWD_CHANGED => "Your password was changed. ", MSG_DEMO => "Disabled in Demo.", MSG_USER_ADDED => "%s was added successfully.", MSG_USER_DELETED => "%s was deleted successfully.", MSG_USER_RMALL => "Users were deleted sucessfully.", ERR_DEL => "Can not remove file(s)", ERR_CHMOD => "Can not change mode ", ERR_FILE_OPEN => "Can not open file: %s", ERR_FILE_EMPTY => "File %s is empty.", ERR_FILE_EXISTS => "File %s exists.", ERR_FILE_NOT_EXISTS => "File %s does not exist.", ERR_FILE_PERM => " Sorry, but we don't have write access to the htaccess files: '%s' and '%s'", ERR_FILE_PEM => "The %s directory is not writeable.", ERR_NOT_TEXT_FILE => "File %s is not a text file.", ERR_DIR_NOT_EXISTS => "Directory %s does not exist.", ERR_DIR_PEM => "The %s is not writeable.", ERR_DIR_PERM => "Please check permission.", ERR_NOT_ISFILE => "%s is a directory.", ERR_TMP_FILE => "Can not open temp file.", ERR_FREE_SPC => "Upload: Not enough free space to upload that file.", ERR_RM_FILE => "Unable to remove file: %s. Reason: %s", ERR_UPLOAD => "Unable to upload file: %s. Reason: %s.", ERR_FILE_SAVE => "Cannot save file %s. Check permissions.", ERR_DIR_EXISTS => "Directory %s already exists.", ERR_NAME => "Illegal Characters in Directory. Please use letters, numbers, - and _ only.", ERR_FILE_NAME1 => "No double .. allowed in file names.", ERR_FILE_NAME2 => "No leading . in file names.", ERR_READ_DIR => "Can not open dir: %s. Reason: %s", ERR_DIR_DEEP => "Directory level too deep.", ERR_DISK_SPACE => "Not enough space to save it (free space is %s kb)", ERR_UNCOMPRESS => "Select files or directories before to uncompress.", ERR_TAR => "Error: %s.", ERR_TAR_NOT_EXISTS => "Can not create a tar file: %s", ERR_TAR_PEM => "Can not create a tar file %s. Check permission.", ERR_DOWNLOAD => "You selected a directory !", ERR_LOGIN => "Invalid Username and Password.", ERR_INVALID => "Input value has invalid characters : %s ", ERR_NOT_FILE => "The %s is not a file", ERR_OLD_PASSWORD => "Invalid Old password", ERR_NEW_PASSWORD => "New password must be more than 3 character", ERR_OPEN_FILE => "Can not open %s file, reason: %s", ERR_WRITEABLE => "Can not save %s file, reason: %s", ERR_NO_AZIP => "Please install the Archive::Zip library which is required.", ERR_NO_GZIP => "Please install the Compress::Zlib library which is required.", COBALT_NOREMOTE => "FileMan is not currently running under server authentication!", ERR_VERSION => "This action does not support for your current version!", ERR_PRINT => "Please select the files which are required text or image files", PRINT_NEXT => "Print Next", COBALT_NOUSER => "Unable to lookup user '%s'", COBALT_BADUID => "Invalid user '%s' (%s)", COBALT_CANTSU => "Can't switch to user '%s' (%s,%s). Reason: '%s'", COBALT_BADDIR => "Invalid home directory '%s'. It does not look like a standard Raq director.", COBALT_BADGROUP => "This program is restricted to site administrators only. You must be in the site administer group in order to use this." ); # Mapping of image name to icon files. $ICONS = { 'gif jpg jpeg bmp' => ['image2.gif' => 'Image File'], 'txt' => ['text.gif' => 'Text File'], 'cgi pl pm' => ['text.gif' => 'Script File'], 'zip gz tar' => ['compressed.gif' => 'Compressed File'], 'htm html shtm shtml' => ['ie.gif' => 'Html File'], 'wav au mid mod mp3' => ['sound.gif' => 'Sound File'], 'exe' => ['binary.gif' => 'Binary File'], 'doc' => ['doc.gif' => 'MS Word'], 'xls' => ['xls.gif' => 'MS Excel'], 'pdf' => ['pdf.gif' => 'Adobe Acrobat'], 'unknown' => ['unknown.gif' => ''], }; # How large a chunk should we read into memory at once. $READ_SIZE = 500000; sub DESTROY {} $COMPILE{cmd_main_display} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub cmd_main_display { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Display main page # my ($self, $args, $type) = @_; # Load user list from .htpassword if it exists if ($args->{show_passwd} or $self->{cgi}->{show_passwd}) { $self->{url_opts} .= ';show_passwd=1' if ($self->{url_opts} !~ /show_passwd/); my $htpasswd = $self->load_htpasswd(); foreach (keys %$htpasswd) { $args->{$_} ||= $htpasswd->{$_}; } } $self->list_files(); $self->{cgi}->{cmd_do} = 'cmd_command' if ($type); $self->page('main.html', $args); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{load_htpasswd} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub load_htpasswd { my $self = shift; my $pass_path = $self->{in}->cookie('def_passwd_dir'); my ($htpasswd, $exist, $delete_list); if (!$self->{cfg}->{passwd_dir_level} and !$pass_path =~ /^$self->{cfg}->{root_dir}/) { print $self->{in}->header (-cookie => [ $self->{in}->cookie ( -name => 'def_passwd_dir', -value => '0', -expires => '+5y')]); $pass_path = ''; } if ($pass_path) { # create .htaccess and .htpasswd in Password directory my $file_name = $self->_safe_dir(); $file_name =~ s/[\/ \:]/\_/g; $htpasswd = "$pass_path/.htpass$file_name"; $exist = 1 if (-e $htpasswd); } else { my $fpasswd = $self->_safe_file(".htpasswd", {fullfile => 1, exist => 1}); $htpasswd = $fpasswd->{file}; $exist = 1 if ($fpasswd->{exist}); } my $faccess = $self->_safe_file(".htaccess", {fullfile => 1, exist => 1}); my $htaccess = $faccess->{file}; if ($exist and $faccess->{exist}) { open (HTPAS, "< $htpasswd") or die "Unable to open: $htpasswd ($!)"; my @users =Readme File:";
open (DATA, "<$real_work_path/$readme") or return $self->cmd_main_display({reload => 1, status => "$!"});
$count = 0;
while () {
next if ( $_ =~ /^\#/ or !$_);
$msg_readme .= (($msg_readme)? "
last if ($count == 10);
close DATA;
$msg_readme .= "
$font $prompt $cmd
!; eval { $pid = open (TMP, "$cmd |"); $oldfh = select(TMP); $| = 1; select($oldfh); while("; } else { # Other command my ($output,$errors) = ('',''); if ($cmd or $self->{cgi}->{runfile}) { my $tmp_output = new GT::TempFile; # create a result file my $tmp_errors = new GT::TempFile; # create a error file if ($self->{cfg}->{winnt}) { #for WinNT system ("$cmd 1> $$tmp_output 2> $$tmp_errors"); } else { system ("$cmd 2> $$tmp_errors 1> $$tmp_output"); } open (TMP, "< $$tmp_output") or return $self->cmd_main_display({reload => 1, status => $!}); read (TMP, $output, -s TMP); close TMP; open (TMP, "< $$tmp_errors") or return $self->cmd_main_display({reload => 1, status => $!}); read (TMP, $errors, -s TMP); close TMP; if (($cmd =~ m/^\s*cd\s+(.+)/) and !$errors) { ($self->{cfg}->{winnt} and $working_dir !~ m,^/,) and $working_dir = '/'.$working_dir; $working_dir = _command_show($working_dir,$cmd) || {}; ($self->{cfg}->{winnt}) and $working_dir =~ s,/,,; } $output = $self->{in}->html_escape($output) if ($output); $errors ||= ''; } my $action = ($cmd)? '' : "onload='top.js_cmd_command(1)'"; $prompt = $self->{cfg}->{winnt} ? "$working_dir> " : "[". eval { getpwuid($<) } ."\@$server_name ".($working_dir || '/')."]"; print qq! $font){ s/(\n|\r\n)$//; print GT::CGI->html_escape($_), "\n"; } close (TMP) or die $@; }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /timeout/) { my $ret = kill ('INT', $pid); $ret ? print "Command timed out." : print "Command timed out. Unable to kill: $!"; } else { die $@; } } print "
$prompt $cmd
$errors!; } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{cmd_upload} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub cmd_upload { # ----------------------------------------------------- # upload a files # my ($self, $data) = @_; # $ENV{'PATH'} = ''; #for taint mode warning $data ||= $self->{in}->param('txt_input'); my $work_path = $self->{work_path}; my $path = $self->{cfg}->{root_dir}.(($work_path)? "/$work_path" : ''); if (!-w $path) { # Current directory does not writeable my $msg = sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_PEM},($work_path) ? $work_path : 'Root'); ($self->{in}->param('txt_input')) ? return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1 , status => $msg }) : return (0, $msg); } my $free_space = 0; if ($self->{cfg}->{allowed_space} > 0) { my $disk_space = $self->_checkspace($self->{cfg}->{root_dir}); $free_space = $disk_space->{free_space}; } my $filename = $data; my $mode = $self->{cgi}->{type}; $filename =~ s/.*?([^\\\/:]+)$/$1/; $filename =~ s/[\[\]\s\$\#\%'"]/\_/g; # Change the name if needed if ($self->{cgi}->{name} eq 'uppercase') { $filename =~ s/(\w+)/\U$1/gi; } elsif ($self->{cgi}->{name} eq 'lowercase') { $filename =~ s/(\w+)/\L$1/gi; } # Get the full file name and save the file. my ($bytesread, $buffer, $fullfile, $file_size); my $file = $self->_safe_file ($filename, { fullfile => 1, exist => 1, write => 1}); return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_INVALID}, $filename)}) if ($file == -1); # not safe $fullfile = $file->{file}; if (!$self->{cfg}->{winnt}) { $fullfile =~ m,^([\/\w.-]+)$,; $fullfile = $1; #untainted } if (!$self->{in}->param('txt_input')) { #multi upload return (0, sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_EXISTS}, $filename)) if ($file->{exist} and !$self->{cgi}->{overwrite}); return (0, sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_PEM}, $filename)) if ($file->{exist} and !$file->{write} and $self->{cgi}->{overwrite}); } else { return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1 , status =>sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_EXISTS}, $filename)}) if ($file->{exist} and !$self->{cgi}->{overwrite}); return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1 , status =>sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_PEM}, $filename)}) if ($file->{exist} and !$file->{write} and $self->{cgi}->{overwrite}); } $file_size = 0; open (OUTFILE, ">$fullfile") ; binmode (OUTFILE); while ($bytesread=read($data,$buffer,1024)) { if ($mode eq 'ascii') { $buffer =~ s,\r\n,\n,g; } print OUTFILE $buffer; $file_size += 1024; if ($self->{cfg}->{allowed_space} > 0) { if (($file_size / 1024) > $free_space) { close OUTFILE; unlink ($fullfile); ($self->{in}->param('txt_input')) ? return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => '1', status => $LANGUAGE{ERR_FREE_SPC}}) : return (0,$LANGUAGE{ERR_FREE_SPC}); } } } close OUTFILE; if ($mode eq 'auto') { if (-T $fullfile) { open (FILE, "< $fullfile") or die sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_OPEN}, $fullfile, "$!"); read (FILE, my $data, -s FILE); close FILE; $data =~ s,\r\n,\n,g; open (FILE, "> $fullfile") or die sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_OPEN}, $fullfile, "$!"); print FILE $data; close FILE; $mode = 'ascii/text'; } } # Change mode if ($self->{cfg}->{upload_chmod}) { my $octal_perm = oct($self->{cfg}->{upload_chmod}); # Permissions have to be in octal chmod($octal_perm, $fullfile) if $octal_perm; # 0 _probably_ means not octal, because 0 is an odd permission to use } my $status; if (-s $fullfile == 0) { unlink ($fullfile); $status = sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_UPLOAD}, $filename, "File is 0 bytes."); } else { $status = sprintf($LANGUAGE{UPLOAD_MODE},$filename,$mode); } $self->cmd_main_display({ reload=>1 , status => $status}) if ($self->{in}->param('txt_input')); if (-e $fullfile || -s $fullfile != 0) { if ( $self->{cfg}->{multi} ) { #save log info my $from = $fullfile; $from =~ s/$path\///; $self->history("cmd_upload|$from|$path"); } return (1, $status); } else { return (0, $status); } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{cmd_mul_upload} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub cmd_mul_upload { # ----------------------------------------------------- # upload nulti files # my $self = shift; my $count = 0; my $msg = ''; for my $i(1..10) { my $data = $self->{in}->param('file'.$i); next if (!$data); my ($result, $status) = $self->cmd_upload ($data); $result ? $count++ : ($msg .= $status . '
!; my $read_size = 4096; my $to_read = ($file_size > $read_size) ? $read_size : $file_size; my $buffer; seek FILE, -$to_read, 2; read FILE, $buffer, $to_read; my $read = $to_read; my $need_lines = $lines - 1; while () { if ($buffer =~ /\n(.*(?:\n.*){$need_lines}\n?$)/) { print $self->{in}->html_escape($1); last; } $to_read = ($file_size - $read > $read_size) ? $read_size : $file_size - $read; unless ($to_read == 0) { print $self->{in}->html_escape($buffer); last; } seek FILE, -($to_read + $read), 2; $read += $to_read; my $new_buffer; my $bytes_read = read FILE, $new_buffer, $to_read; if ($bytes_read == 0) { print $self->{in}->html_escape($buffer); last; } $buffer = $new_buffer . $buffer; } my $cnt = 0; if ($follow) { seek FILE, 0, 2; # Seek to the end of the file while () { select undef, undef, undef, 1; seek FILE, 0, 1 or last; # Reset eof(FILE) print while"; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{cmd_perl} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub cmd_perl { #---------------------------------------------------------------- # check perl syntax # my $self = shift; $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin'; #for taint mode my $url_opts = $self->{url_opts} || ''; my $work_path = $self->{work_path} || ''; print $self->{in}->header; my $css_file = $self->{in}->cookie('scheme') || 'fileman'; print qq! {cfg}->{html_root_url}/$css_file.css> '; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{cmd_diff} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub cmd_diff { #---------------------------------------------------- # Show difference between two files # my $self = shift; my $filename1 = $self->{cgi}->{c_edit}; my $filename2 = $self->{cgi}->{txt_input}; my $file1 = $self->_safe_file($filename1, { fullfile => 1, text => 1, exist => 1 }); my $file2 = $self->_safe_file($filename2, { fullfile => 1, text => 1, exist => 1 }); ($file1 == -1) and return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => '1', status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_INVALID}, $filename1) }); ($file2 == -1) and return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => '1', status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_INVALID}, $filename2) }); my $work_path = $self->{work_path} || ''; my $fullfile1 = $file1->{file}; my $fullfile2 = $file2->{file}; return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => '1', status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_NOT_EXISTS}, $filename2) }) if (!$file2->{exist}); return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => '1', status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_NOT_TEXT_FILE} , $filename1) }) if (!$file1->{text}); return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => '1', status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_NOT_TEXT_FILE} , $filename2) }) if (!$file2->{text}); require GT::FileMan::Diff; my $diff = GT::FileMan::Diff::html_diff($fullfile1, $fullfile2, 3); if (!ref $diff) { $diff == 1 ? return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => '1', status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_OPEN}, $fullfile1, "$!") }) : return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => '1', status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_OPEN}, $fullfile1, "$!") }); } my $back_btn = ($self->{cgi}->{hide_back_button}) ? '' : ""; print $self->{in}->header; my $css_file = $self->{in}->cookie('scheme') || 'fileman'; print qq! {cfg}->{html_root_url}/$css_file.css> !; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{cmd_tar} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub cmd_tar { #---------------------------------------------------- # Create tar file # my ($self, $fn, $error) = @_; if ($fn) { return $self->_zip_information($fn, $error) if ($fn =~ /.zip$/i and $GT::FileMan::HAVE_AZIP); return $self->_tar_information($fn, $error) if ($fn =~ /.gz$/i and $GT::FileMan::HAVE_GZIP); return $self->_tar_information($fn, $error) if ($fn =~ /.tar$/i); # .tar file } my $input = $self->{cgi}->{txt_input}; my $zip_type = $self->{cgi}->{opt_gz}; my $from_path = $self->_safe_dir(); my $fulldir = $self->_safe_dir($input); ($fulldir == -1) and return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_INVALID}, $input) }); # not safe my $fullfile = $fulldir->{fulldir}; my $path = [split /\//,$fullfile]; my $tar_file = @$path[$#$path]; my $to_path = $fullfile; $to_path =~ s/\/@$path[$#$path]//; #path to save tar file return $self->cmd_main_display({reload => 1, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_TAR_NOT_EXISTS}, $input)}) if (!-e $to_path); # check exists the directory return $self->cmd_main_display({reload => 1, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_TAR_PEM}, $input)}) if (!-w $to_path); # check permission on this directory if ($zip_type == 1) { # create a .tar.gz file $tar_file .= '.gz' if ($tar_file =~ m/.tar$/i); $tar_file .= '.tar.gz' if ($tar_file !~ m/.tar.gz$/i); } elsif ($zip_type == 2) { # create a .zip file $tar_file .= '.zip' if ($tar_file !~ /.zip$/i); } else { # create a .tar file $tar_file .= '.tar' if ($tar_file !~ /.tar$/i); } # Check required modules my $err_check = _tar_check($tar_file); return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1, status => $LANGUAGE{ERR_NO_GZIP} }) if ($err_check); # check permission on this directory $fullfile = "$to_path/$tar_file"; if (!$self->{cgi}->{confirm}) { if (-e $fullfile) { my $results; my $files = [$self->{in}->param('c_edit')]; foreach my $file (@$files) { push @$results, { name => $file }; } return $self->page('tar_confirm.html', { results => $results, file => $tar_file }); } } if ( $zip_type == 2 ) { my $error = $self->_zip_process($fullfile, [$self->{in}->param('c_edit')]); return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1, status => $error }) if ($error); } else { $self->_tar_process($fullfile); } $self->{cgi}->{cmd_do} = 'cmd_tar'; $self->history($fullfile) if ( $self->{cfg}->{multi} ); #save log info $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{MSG_TAR_CREATED}, $tar_file) }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{cmd_uncompress} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub cmd_uncompress { #-------------------------------------------------------- # Uncompress .tar or .gz file # my $self = shift; my $root_path = $self->{cfg}->{root_dir}; my $work_path = $self->{work_path}; my $input = $self->{cgi}->{txt_input}; my $fullfile = $self->_safe_file($self->{cgi}->{cmp_file}, {fullfile => 1, exist => 1}); my $selected = [$self->{in}->param('c_edit')]; my $untar_pg = $self->{cgi}->{uncomp_option}; return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_INVALID}, $self->{cgi}->{cmp_file}) }) if ($fullfile == -1); return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_NOT_EXISTS}, $self->{cgi}->{cmp_file}) }) unless ($fullfile->{exist}); # Check required modules my $error = _tar_check($fullfile->{file}); return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1, status => $error }) if ($error); my $cmp_file = $fullfile->{file}; return $self->cmd_tar($self->{cgi}->{cmp_file}, $LANGUAGE{ERR_UNCOMPRESS}) if ($#$selected == -1); # Check the directory is exists, permission my $fulldir = $self->_safe_dir($input, { exist => 1, write => 1 }); return $self->cmd_tar($self->{cgi}->{cmp_file}, sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_INVALID}, $input || $work_path)) if ($fulldir == -1); # not safe return $self->cmd_tar($self->{cgi}->{cmp_file}, sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_DIR_NOT_EXISTS}, $input || $work_path || 'Root')) if (ref $fulldir eq 'HASH' and !$fulldir->{exist}); return $self->cmd_tar($self->{cgi}->{cmp_file}, sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_DIR_PEM} , $input || $work_path || 'Root')) if (ref $fulldir eq 'HASH' and !$fulldir->{write}); # Get file size my $full_path = (ref $fulldir eq 'HASH') ? $fulldir->{fulldir} : $fulldir; my $total_size = _tar_size($cmp_file); # Check free space and writeable if ($self->{cfg}->{allowed_space} > 0) { my $disk_space = $self->_checkspace($full_path); my $free_space = $disk_space->{free_space}; return $self->cmd_tar($self->{cgi}->{cmp_file}, sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_DISK_SPACE}, $free_space)) if ($total_size > $free_space * 1024); } my $filename = $cmp_file; $filename =~ s/$full_path\///; $self->page('progress_bar.html', { bar_name => "Un-tarring:", msg => sprintf($LANGUAGE{MSG_READING}, $filename) }); my ($last_width, $max_width, $copied) = (-1, 500, 0); if ($filename =~ /.zip$/i) { my $zip = Archive::Zip->new($cmp_file) or return $self->cmd_tar($self->{cgi}->{cmp_file}, $!); foreach ($zip->members) { my $name = $_->fileName; my $found = $untar_pg ? 0 : 1; if ($untar_pg) { foreach my $f (@$selected) { if ($f eq $name) { $found = 1; last; } } } $copied += $_->uncompressedSize; if ($found) { $zip->extractMember($name, "$full_path/$name"); } my $percent = 1 - ($total_size - $copied) / $total_size; my $img_width= int($max_width * $percent); my $wpercent = sprintf '%.f%%', 100 * $percent; if ($img_width != $last_width) { $self->page('copy_status.html', { msg => "$name file...".(( $found ) ? 'ok' : 'skip'), pxs => $img_width, percent => $wpercent }); $last_width = $img_width; } } } else { # Make sure tar file goes out of scope before loading directory. require GT::Tar; my $tar = GT::Tar->open ($cmp_file); my $files = $tar->files; foreach (@$files) { my $name = $_->{name}; my $found = $untar_pg ? 0 : 1; if ($untar_pg) { foreach my $f (@$selected) { if ($f eq $_->{name}) { $found = 1; last; } } } $copied += $_->{size}; if ($found) { $_->{name} = "$full_path/$name"; $_->write(); } my $percent = 1 - ($total_size - $copied) / $total_size; my $img_width= int($max_width * $percent); my $wpercent = sprintf '%.f%%', 100 * $percent; if ($img_width != $last_width) { $self->page('copy_status.html', { msg => "$name file...".(( $found ) ? 'ok' : 'skip'), pxs => $img_width, percent => $wpercent }); $last_width = $img_width; } } } $self->history("cmd_untar|$filename|$full_path") if ($self->{cfg}->{multi}); #save log info $self->{cgi}->{cmd_do} = 'cmd_tar'; $filename =~ s,$root_path/,,; $self->cmd_main_display({reload => 1, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{MSG_UNCOMPRESS}, $filename)}); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{cmd_show_passwd} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub cmd_show_passwd { my ($self, $msg) = @_; $self->cmd_main_display({ msg => $msg, show_passwd => 1 }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{cmd_passwd} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub cmd_passwd { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Save username and password # my $self = shift; my $pass_path = $self->{in}->cookie('def_passwd_dir'); my $work_path = $self->{work_path} || ''; my $url_opts = $self->{url_opts} || ''; my $htpasswd; if ($pass_path) { # create .htaccess and .htpasswd in Password directory my $file_name = $self->_safe_dir(); $file_name =~ s/[\/ \:]/\_/g; $htpasswd = "$pass_path/.htpass$file_name"; if (!-e $htpasswd) { open (FILE, "> $htpasswd"); close FILE; } } else { my $fpasswd = $self->_safe_file(".htpasswd", { fullfile => 1, exist => 1, size => 1}); $htpasswd = $fpasswd->{file}; if (!$fpasswd->{exist}) { open (FILE, "> $htpasswd"); close FILE; } } my $faccess = $self->_safe_file(".htaccess", { fullfile => 1, exist => 1, size => 1}); my $htaccess = $faccess->{file}; if (!$faccess->{exist}) { open (FILE, "> $htaccess"); close FILE; } unless (-w $htaccess and -w $htpasswd) { #check writeable print $self->{in}->header; print sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_PERM},$htaccess,$htpasswd),'; seek FILE, 0, 2; last if ($cnt++ > 60); # Only run for one min max. } } print "
!; print $self->_environment(); } END_OF_SUB sub history { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Save the history # my ($self,$content) = @_; return if (!$content); my $priv_path = $self->{cfg}->{priv_path}; my $db_name = 'fileman_history.db'; $content = $self->{cfg}->{username} . '|' . $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} . '|' . time . "|$content\n"; open (DATA,">>$priv_path/$db_name") or die sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_OPEN_FILE}, $db_name, $!); flock(DATA, 2); print DATA $content; close DATA; } sub _environment { # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return HTML formatted environment for error messages. # my $self = shift; my $info = '
'; # Print GT::SQL error if it exists. $info .= "System Information\n======================================\n"; $info .= "Perl Version: $]\n"; $info .= "FileMan Version: $self->{cfg}->{version}" if ($self->{cfg}->{version}); $info .= "\n"; my $cmds = $self->{commands}; foreach (keys %$cmds) { $info .= $_."\t:"; $info .= ($cmds->{$_})?('enabled'):('disabled'); $info .= "\n"; } $info .= "Persistant Env: mod_perl (" . (MOD_PERL ? 1 : 0) . ") SpeedyCGI (" . (SPEEDY ? 1 : 0) . ")\n"; $info .= "Mod Perl Version: " . MOD_PERL . "\n" if MOD_PERL; $info .= "\@INC = \n\t" . join ("\n\t", @INC) . "\n"; $info .= "\$\@: $@\n" if ($@); $info .= "\n"; # CGI Parameters and Cookies. if (ref $self->{in} eq 'GT::CGI') { if ($self->{in}->param) { $info .= "CGI INPUT\n======================================\n"; foreach (sort $self->{in}->param) { $info .= "$_ => " . $self->{in}->param($_) . "\n"; } $info .= "\n\n"; } if ($self->{in}->cookie) { $info .= "CGI Cookies\n======================================\n"; foreach (sort $self->{in}->cookie) { $info .= "$_ => " . $self->{in}->cookie($_) . "\n"; } $info .= "\n\n"; } } # Environement info. $info .= "ENVIRONMENT\n======================================\n"; foreach (sort keys %ENV) { $info .= "$_ => $ENV{$_}\n"; } $info .= ""; return $info; } sub _zip_information { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Show the information about a zip file # my ($self, $filename, $status) = @_; my $fullfile = $self->_safe_file($filename, { fullfile => 1, exist => 1, size => 1 }); my $zip = new Archive::Zip($fullfile->{file}) or return $self->cmd_main_display({reload => 0, status => $!}); my $cmp_file = $fullfile->{file}; my $stat = [stat($cmp_file)]; my $hits = $zip->members + 1; my $pg = $self->{cgi}->{pg} || 1; my $mh = $self->{in}->cookie('def_files_page') || 25; my $start= ($pg == 1) ? 1 : (($pg - 1) * $mh + 1); my @results; my $total_size = $fullfile->{size}; my $skip = 0; if ( $hits > 0 ) { foreach ( $zip->members ) { $skip++; next if ($skip < $start); my $s = $_->compressedSize; my $icon = _get_icon($_->fileName); push @results, { icon => "{icon} )."' width=14 height=16>", name => $_->fileName, size => ( $s ) ? _print_filesize($s) : '', date => _get_date($_->lastModTime), chmod => _print_permissions($_->unixFileAttributes), uid => '', type => '', nsize => ( $s ) ? _print_filesize($s) : '' }; last if ( $#results + 1 >= $mh ); } } # Creates the speed bar my $speed_bar; if ( $hits > ($self->{in}->cookie('def_files_page') || 25) ) { $speed_bar = $self->speed_bar($hits, "$self->{http_ref}?cmd_do=cmd_edit&work_path=$self->{work_path}&c_edit=$filename;$self->{url_opts}", 1); } if (!$status) { $status = sprintf($LANGUAGE{MSG_FILE_EDITING},'The content of ', $filename, -s $cmp_file, $filename); } $self->page('tar_information.html', { results => \@results, count => $#results + 1, cmp_file => $filename, user => eval { getpwuid(@$stat[4]); } || '', total_size => $total_size, total_space => $total_size, num_objects => ($#results >= 0 ) ? $#results + 1 : 0, status => $status, speed_bar => $speed_bar }); } sub _tar_information { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Show information about a tar file # my ($self, $filename, $status) = @_; my $fullfile = $self->_safe_file($filename, {fullfile => 1, exist => 1, size => 1}); return $self->cmd_main_display({reload => 0, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_INVALID}, $filename)}) if ($fullfile == -1); return $self->cmd_main_display({reload => 0, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_NOT_EXISTS}, $filename)}) if (!$fullfile->{exist}); my $cmp_file = $fullfile->{file}; my $stat = [stat($cmp_file)]; if ($cmp_file =~ m,([^/]*[\.tar\.gz]$),) { my ($files, @results); my $pg = $self->{cgi}->{pg} || 1; my $mh = $self->{in}->cookie('def_files_page') || 25; my $start= ($pg == 1) ? 1 : (($pg - 1) * $mh + 1); require GT::Tar; my $tar = GT::Tar->open ($cmp_file) or return $self->cmd_main_display({reload => 1, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_FILE_OPEN},$!)}); $files = $tar->files; my $total_size = 0; my $skip = 0; foreach my $file (@$files) { # get uncompressedsize $total_size += $file->{size} if ( $file->{size} ); } foreach my $file (@$files) { $skip++; next if ($skip < $start); my $spec = _get_icon($file->{name}); push @results, { icon => "", name => $file->{name}, size => ($file->{type} eq '5')? '': _print_filesize($file->{size}), date => _get_date($file->{mtime}), chmod => _print_permissions($file->{mode}), uid => eval { getpwuid($file->{uid}); } || '', type => $file->{type}, nsize => ($file->{type} eq '5')? '': $file->{size} }; last if ( $#results + 1 >= $mh ); } my $root_path = $self->{cfg}->{root_dir}; my $url_opts = $self->{url_opts} || ''; my $work_path = $self->{work_path} || ''; my $full_path = $root_path.(($work_path)?'/':'').$work_path; # Creates the speed bar my $speed_bar; if ( $#$files + 1 > ($self->{in}->cookie('def_files_page') || 25) ) { $speed_bar = $self->speed_bar($#$files, "$self->{http_ref}?cmd_do=cmd_edit&work_path=$self->{work_path}&c_edit=$filename;$self->{url_opts}", 1); } if (!$status) { $status = sprintf($LANGUAGE{MSG_FILE_EDITING},'The content of ', $filename,-s $cmp_file, $filename); } $self->page('tar_information.html', { results => \@results, count => $#$files+1, cmp_file => $filename, user => eval { getpwuid(@$stat[4]); } || '', total_size => $total_size, total_space => $total_size, num_objects => ($#results >=0)? $#results + 1:0, status => $status, speed_bar => $speed_bar }); } } sub _tar_check { my $file = shift; if ($file =~ /.zip$/i) { return $LANGUAGE{ERR_NO_AZIP} unless $GT::FileMan::HAVE_AZIP; } elsif ($file =~ /.gz$/i) { return $LANGUAGE{ERR_NO_GZIP} unless $GT::FileMan::HAVE_GZIP; } return; } sub _tar_size { my $file = shift; my $size = 0; if ($file =~ /.zip$/i) { my $zip = Archive::Zip->new($file) or return; foreach ( $zip->members ) { $size += $_->uncompressedSize; } } else { require GT::Tar; my $tar = GT::Tar->open($file); my $files = $tar->files; foreach (@$files) { $size += $_->{size}; } } return $size; } sub _checkspace { # ----------------------------------------------------- # Check for allowed disk space to determine whether we can allow # editing or uploads. # my $self = shift; my $directory = shift || $self->{cfg}->{root_dir}; return if (!$self->{cfg}->{allowed_space}); my ($used_space, $free_space, $allowed_space, $usage) = (0, 0, 0); find($directory, sub {$used_space += -s shift}); # Size in kb $allowed_space = $self->{cfg}->{allowed_space}/1024; $used_space /= 1024; $free_space = $allowed_space - $used_space; $usage = $used_space / $allowed_space * 100 if ($allowed_space > 0); return { free_space => int($free_space), allowed_space => int($allowed_space), used_space => int($used_space), usage => int($usage) }; } sub _file_info { #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Show file information # my ($self,$fullfile) = @_; my $hash; my $url_opts = $self->{url_opts} || ''; my $url = "$self->{http_ref}?fdo=cmd_main_display&$url_opts"; my $html_url = $self->{cfg}->{html_root_url}; my $name = $fullfile; my $work_path = $self->{work_path} || ''; my $full_path = $self->{cfg}->{root_dir}.'/'.$work_path.(($work_path)?'/':''); my $stat = [stat($fullfile)]; $name =~ s/$full_path//; $hash->{value} = $fullfile; if (-d _) { $hash->{name} = $name; $hash->{icon} = ""; $hash->{type} = 'Folder'; $hash->{isdir}= '1'; $hash->{size} = 0; } else { my $spec = _get_icon($fullfile); $hash->{name} = $name; $hash->{icon} = "{icon}."' width=14 height=16>"; $hash->{type} = $spec->{type}; $hash->{isdir} = '0'; $hash->{size} = @$stat[7]; $hash->{nsize} = @$stat[7]; } $hash->{date} = @$stat[9]; $hash->{perm} = @$stat[2]; my $user = eval { getpwuid(@$stat[4]); } || ''; $hash->{user} = $user; return $hash; } sub speed_bar { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create a speed bar # my($self, $rows, $url, $off) = @_; return if ($self->{cgi}->{pg} eq 'all'); # display all my $work_path = $self->{work_path} || ''; my $sb = $self->{cgi}->{sb} || ''; my $sd = $self->{cgi}->{sd} || ''; my $url_opts = $self->{url_opts} || ''; $url ||= "$self->{http_ref}?fdo=cmd_main_display&work_path=$work_path&sb=$sb&sd=$sd&$url_opts"; my $cur_pg = $self->{cgi}->{pg} || '1'; my $pg = ($cur_pg eq 'all')? 1 : $cur_pg; my $rows_pg = $self->{in}->cookie('def_files_page') || 25; my $scre_pg = $self->{in}->cookie('def_pages_screen') || 10; my $pages = int($rows / $rows_pg) + (($rows % $rows_pg > 0) ? 1 : 0); my $next = ""; my $next_grey = ""; my $prev = ""; my $prev_grey = ""; my $first = ""; my $first_grey= ""; my $last = ""; my $last_grey = ""; my ($speed_bar, $pg_step, $start, $jj); if ( $scre_pg > 0 ) { $pg_step = ($pg % $scre_pg > 0) ? int($pg / $scre_pg) + 1 : ($pg / $scre_pg); } $start = 1; if ($pages > $scre_pg) { $start = ($pg == $pages) ? ($pg - $scre_pg) + 1 : (($pg_step - 1) * $scre_pg)+1; $start = ($pages - $start + 1 < $scre_pg) ? $start - ($scre_pg - ($pages - $start + 1)) : $start; } $speed_bar = ($pg > 1) ? "$first $prev " : "$first_grey $prev_grey "; $speed_bar .= ($pg > $scre_pg)? '...' : ''; for my $ii ( $start .. $pages) { $jj++; if ($cur_pg eq 'all') { $speed_bar .= "$ii " } else { $speed_bar .= ($cur_pg == $ii)? "$ii " : "$ii "; } if ($jj == $scre_pg) { $speed_bar .= ( ($pg_step * $scre_pg) < $pages) ? "..." : ""; last; } } $speed_bar .= ($pg < $pages) ? "$next $last" : "$next_grey $last_grey"; $speed_bar .= ($cur_pg eq 'all') ? " All " : " All " if ( !$off ); return $speed_bar; } sub qsort { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my ($self,$list_file,$orderby,$sortdown) = @_; my $sorted; @$sorted = sort { my $da = lc $a->{$orderby}; #lower case my $db = lc $b->{$orderby}; my $res; if ($orderby eq 'size' or $orderby eq 'date') { $res = $db <=> $da; } else { $res = $db cmp $da; } if ($res == 0 and $orderby ne 'name') { lc $b->{name} cmp lc $a->{name}; } else { $res; } } @$list_file; ($sortdown) and @$sorted = reverse @$sorted; return $sorted; } sub _zip_process { #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a .zip file # my ($self, $to, $files) = @_; my $from = $self->_safe_dir(); if ($self->{cgi}->{cancel}) { #canceled create tar file $self->{cgi}->{cmd_do} = 'cmd_tar'; return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1, status => $LANGUAGE{MSG_TAR_CANCEL}}); } my $history = 'cmd_tar|'; require Archive::Zip::Tree; my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); my $member; foreach my $file (@$files) { if ( -f "$from/$file" ) { $member = $zip->addFile("$from/$file", $file) or warn "$!"; } elsif ( -d "$from/$file" ) { $member = $zip->addTree("$from/$file", $file) or warn "$!"; } } return $zip->writeToFileNamed($to) ? "$!" : 0; } sub _tar_process { #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Create tar file # my ($self, $to) = @_; my $from = $self->_safe_dir(); if ($self->{cgi}->{cancel}) { #canceled create tar file $self->{cgi}->{cmd_do} = 'cmd_tar'; return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1, status => $LANGUAGE{MSG_TAR_CANCEL}}); } my $input = $self->{cgi}->{txt_input}; my $files = [$self->{in}->param('c_edit')]; my $history = 'cmd_tar|'; # Make sure tar file goes out of scope and cleans up temp files { my $tar; require GT::Tar; $tar = new GT::Tar($to) or return $self->cmd_main_display({ reload => 1, status => sprintf($LANGUAGE{ERR_TAR},$GT::Tar::error)}); foreach my $file (@$files) { my $fulldir = $self->_safe_dir($file); next if ($fulldir == 1); $tar->add_file($fulldir->{fulldir}); } my $items = $tar->files; foreach my $fl (@$items) { $fl->{name} =~ s/$from\///; } $tar->write("$to"); $history .= "|$to"; } } sub _safe_file { #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check a file make sure it safe # my ($self, $file, $options) = @_; my $root = $self->{cfg}->{root_dir}; return { file => $root } if ($file eq '/'); return -1 if ($self->{cfg}->{filename_check} and $file !~ m,^([-\w/. ]+)$,); return -1 if ($file =~ /$GT::FileMan::UNSAFE_PATH/); # Check if proper work_path (/ stands for root dir, otherwise use current dir) my $path_to_file = ($file =~ m,^/,) ? $file : "$self->{work_path}/$file"; $path_to_file =~ s,^/,,; my $fullfile = $root.'/'.$path_to_file; my ($e, $w, $t, $s, $f); foreach my $key (keys % $options) { if ($options->{$key} == 1) { ($key eq 'exist') and $e = -e $fullfile; ($key eq 'write') and $w = -w $fullfile; ($key eq 'text') and $t = -T $fullfile; ($key eq 'size') and $s = -s $fullfile; ($key eq 'isfile') and $f = -f $fullfile; } } return { file => ($options->{fullfile} == 1) ? $fullfile : $file, exist => $e, write => $w, text => $t, size => $s, isfile => $f, }; } sub _view_file { #------------------------------------------------------ # print the content of a file # my ($self,$filename) = @_; my $file = $self->_safe_file($filename,{ fullfile => 1, size => 1}); ($file == -1) and return; # not safe # Load content-type of a image file. my $fullfile = $file->{file}; my $file_size = $file->{size}; my $content_type = _load_mime($fullfile); my ($ext) = $fullfile =~ /\.([^.]+)$/; if(open(DATA, $fullfile)) { $self->{in}->reset_env(); if ((($content_type =~ m/text/) or -T $fullfile) and (uc($ext) ne 'PDF')) { my $url_opts = $self->{url_opts} || ''; my $work_path = $self->{work_path} || ''; print $self->{in}->header; print qq!
' if (not $content_type =~ m/htm/); } else { print $self->{in}->header({ '-force' => 1, '-type' => $content_type, '-Content-Disposition' => \"filename=$filename", '-Content-Length' => $file_size, }); } ($self->{cfg}->{winnt}) and binmode STDOUT; binmode DATA; my $buffer; print $buffer while (read(DATA, $buffer , $READ_SIZE)); close(DATA); } } sub _safe_dir { #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check a directory make sure it safe # my ($self, $dir, $options) = @_; my $root = $self->{cfg}->{root_dir}; my $work = $self->{work_path}; my $fulldir; unless ($dir) { return ($work) ? "$root/$work" : $root; } elsif ($dir eq '/') { return $root; } return -1 if ($self->{cfg}->{filename_check} and $dir !~ m,^([-\w/. ]+)$,); return -1 if ($dir =~ /$GT::FileMan::UNSAFE_PATH/); ($dir =~ m,^/,) ? ($fulldir = $root . $dir) : ($fulldir = $root. ($work ? '/' : '') . $work . '/' . $dir); my ($e, $d, $w); foreach my $key (keys % $options) { if ($options->{$key} == 1) { $e = -e $fulldir if ($key eq 'exist'); $d = -d $fulldir if ($key eq 'isdir'); $w = -w $fulldir if ($key eq 'write'); } } return { fulldir => $fulldir, exist => $e, isdir => $d, write => $w }; } sub _command_show { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Show path when execute cd command # my ($working_dir, $cmd) = @_; if ($cmd =~ m/^\s*cd\s*\.\./) { # cd .. my $tmp; my $parts = [split(/\//, $working_dir)]; return '/' if ($#$parts == 1 or $working_dir eq '/'); foreach my $ii( 0 .. $#$parts) { $tmp .= '/'.@$parts[$ii] if ($ii < $#$parts and @$parts[$ii]); } return $tmp; } return $working_dir if ($cmd =~ m/^\s*cd\s*\./); # cd. my $path = $cmd; $path =~ s/\s*cd\s*//; return '/' if ($path =~ m,^(/+)$,); return ($path =~ m/^\//)? $path : $working_dir.(($working_dir and $working_dir ne '/')? '/' : '').$path; } sub _get_icon { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get the associated icon based on a files extension # my ($file) = shift; my ($ext) = $file =~ /\.([^.]+)$/; return {icon => 'unknown.gif', type => 'unknown File'} if (!$ext); foreach (keys %{$ICONS}) { next if (/folder/); next if (/unknown/); next if (/parent/); ($_ =~ /\b\Q$ext\E\b/i) and return { icon => $ICONS->{$_}[0],type => $ICONS->{$_}[1]}; } return {icon => 'unknown.gif', type => "$ext File"}; } sub _get_date { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $time = shift; $time or ($time = time); my @months = qw!Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec!; my ($min, $hr, $day, $mon, $yr) = (localtime($time))[1,2,3,4,5]; $yr = $yr + 1900; ($min < 10) and ($min = "0$min"); ($hr < 10) and ($hr = "0$hr"); ($day < 10) and ($day = "0$day"); return "$day-$months[$mon]-$yr $hr:$min"; } sub _print_filesize { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Prints out the file size. # my $size = shift; my $formatted_size = 0; $formatted_size = int($size / 1000) if ($size); return $formatted_size == 0 ? "$size bytes" : $formatted_size." kb"; } sub _print_permissions { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Takes permissions in octal and prints out in ls -al format. # my $octal = shift; my $string = sprintf "%lo", ($octal & 07777); my $result = ''; foreach (split(//, $string)) { if ($_ == 7) { $result .= "rwx "; } elsif ($_ == 6) { $result .= "rw- "; } elsif ($_ == 5) { $result .= "r-x "; } elsif ($_ == 4) { $result .= "r-- "; } elsif ($_ == 3) { $result .= "-wx "; } elsif ($_ == 2) { $result .= "-w- "; } elsif ($_ == 1) { $result .= "--x "; } elsif ($_ == 0) { $result .= "--- "; } else { $result .= "unkown '$_'!"; } } return $result; } sub _load_mime { # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load the config file into a hash. # my $file = shift; require GT::MIMETypes; my $guess = GT::MIMETypes->guess_type($file); if (! $guess) { if (-e $file) { $guess = -T _ ? 'text/plain' : 'application/octet-stream'; } else { $guess = 'application/octet-stream'; } } return $guess; } sub _init_chmod { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # set chmod # my($from,$to) = @_; $from =~ m,^([/\w.-]+)$,; $from = $1; $to =~ m,^([/\w.-]+)$,; $to = $1; my $stat = [stat($from)]; chmod(@$stat[2],$to); } sub _create_htaccess { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Creates the htaccess file. # my ($htaccess, $htpasswd) = @_; my $raq = $ENV{GT_COBALT_RAQ} ? "AuthPAM_Enabled off\n" : ''; open (HTAC, "> $htaccess") or die "Unable to open: $htaccess ($!)"; print HTAC <$to") or return 0; open(SOURCE, "<$from") or return 0; binmode SOURCE; binmode TARGET; my $buffer; while (read SOURCE, $buffer, $READ_SIZE) { if ($repl) { ($cs)? ($buffer =~ s,$repl,$with,g) : ($buffer =~ s,$repl,$with,ig); } print TARGET $buffer; } close SOURCE; close TARGET; _init_chmod($from,$to); return 1; } sub _valid_name_check { # --------------------------------------------------- # Checks to see if the input database/table name is a # valid one. The function checks the following: # 1. if a name is entered at all; # 2. if there are spaces in the name; # 3. if the name is consisted of valid characters; and # 4. if the name is consisted of only numbers. my ($self, $name) = @_; my ($output); $name =~ s/^\s+//; $name =~ s/\s+$//; if (!$name) { $output = "Please provide a valid name."; } elsif ($self->{cfg}->{filename_check} and $name =~ /\s/) { $output = "Spaces are not allowed in name."; } return $output; } 1;