<%include include_common_head.html%> <%~if this_do eq user_search%> <%~set url_header = GForum::SEO::url(params => "do=user_list")%> <%~set content_header_breadcrumb = "Member Directory"%> <%~set content_header_title = 'Search Results'%> <%~else%> <%~set content_header_title = 'Member Directory'%> <%~endif%> <%~set hidden_sort = ''%><%set hidden_page = ''%> <%~if in.sb%><%set hidden_sort .= ";sb=$sb"%><%endif%> <%~if in.so%><%set hidden_sort .= ";so=$so"%><%endif%> <%~if in.mh%><%set hidden_page .= ";mh=$mh"%><%endif%> <%~set mh = $in.mh%> <%~set mh ||= $current.user_default_mh_user%> <%~set mh ||= $config.default_mh_user%>
<%include include_header.html%>
<%~init array breadcrumbs%><%init hash breadcrumbs.0%> <%~set breadcrumbs.0.name = $content_header_title%> <%include include_breadcrumb.html%>
<%-- start content--%> <%include include_content_header.html%>

<%~if this_do eq user_search%> Your search returned <%num_page_items%> result<%if num_page_items != 1%>s<%endif%>. <%~elsif this_do eq user_list and first%> <%num_page_items%> user<%if num_page_items != 1%>s<%endif%> found starting with <%if first eq NUM%>0 - 9<%elsif first eq OTHER%>Other<%else%>'<%first%>'<%endif%>. <%~else%> There are <%registered_users%> registered users. <%~endif%>

<%~if this_do eq user_list%> <%~set base_url = GForum::SEO::url(params => "do=user_list;sb=user_username;so=")%> <%~if so%> <%~set base_url .= $so%> <%~else%> <%~set base_url .= 'ASC'%> <%~endif%>
<%if first eq NUM%>0-9<%elsif has_num%>0-9<%else%>0-9<%endif%> <%if first eq A%>A<%elsif has_a%>A<%else%>A<%endif%> <%if first eq B%>B<%elsif has_b%>B<%else%>B<%endif%> <%if first eq C%>C<%elsif has_c%>C<%else%>C<%endif%> <%if first eq D%>D<%elsif has_d%>D<%else%>D<%endif%> <%if first eq E%>E<%elsif has_e%>E<%else%>E<%endif%> <%if first eq F%>F<%elsif has_f%>F<%else%>F<%endif%> <%if first eq G%>G<%elsif has_g%>G<%else%>G<%endif%> <%if first eq H%>H<%elsif has_h%>H<%else%>H<%endif%> <%if first eq I%>I<%elsif has_i%>I<%else%>I<%endif%> <%if first eq J%>J<%elsif has_j%>J<%else%>J<%endif%> <%if first eq K%>K<%elsif has_k%>K<%else%>K<%endif%> <%if first eq L%>L<%elsif has_l%>L<%else%>L<%endif%> <%if first eq M%>M<%elsif has_m%>M<%else%>M<%endif%> <%if first eq N%>N<%elsif has_n%>N<%else%>N<%endif%> <%if first eq O%>O<%elsif has_o%>O<%else%>O<%endif%> <%if first eq P%>P<%elsif has_p%>P<%else%>P<%endif%> <%if first eq Q%>Q<%elsif has_q%>Q<%else%>Q<%endif%> <%if first eq R%>R<%elsif has_r%>R<%else%>R<%endif%> <%if first eq S%>S<%elsif has_s%>S<%else%>S<%endif%> <%if first eq T%>T<%elsif has_t%>T<%else%>T<%endif%> <%if first eq U%>U<%elsif has_u%>U<%else%>U<%endif%> <%if first eq V%>V<%elsif has_v%>V<%else%>V<%endif%> <%if first eq W%>W<%elsif has_w%>W<%else%>W<%endif%> <%if first eq X%>X<%elsif has_x%>X<%else%>X<%endif%> <%if first eq Y%>Y<%elsif has_y%>Y<%else%>Y<%endif%> <%if first eq Z%>Z<%elsif has_z%>Z<%else%>Z<%endif%> <%if first eq OTHER%>Other<%elsif has_other%>Other<%endif%> <%if not first%>All<%else%>All<%endif%>
<%~if sb eq user_username and so ieq asc%><%set url_so = 'desc'%><%else%><%set url_so = 'asc'%><%endif%> <%~if first%><%set first = escape_url first%><%set first = ";first=$first"%><%else%><%set first = ""%><%endif%> Username <%~if sb eq user_username%> <%endif~%>
<%~if sb eq user_posts and so ieq asc%><%set url_so = 'desc'%><%else%><%set url_so = 'asc'%><%endif%> <%~if first%><%set first = escape_url first%><%set first = ";first=$first"%><%else%><%set first = ""%><%endif%> <%~%> Posts <%~if sb eq user_posts%> <%endif~%>
<%~if sb eq user_last_seen and so ieq asc%><%set url_so = 'desc'%><%else%><%set url_so = 'asc'%><%endif%> <%~if first%><%set first = escape_url first%><%set first = ";first=$first"%><%else%><%set first = ""%><%endif%> <%~%> Last seen <%~if sb eq user_last_seen%> <%endif~%>
<%~loop users%>
<%~if current.user_status == $ADMINISTRATOR%> <%include include_username.html%> <%if user_status == $ADMINISTRATOR%><%-- Admin users cannot disable/enable other admin users --~%> — Disable <%elsif user_enabled~%> — Disable <%else~%> — Enable <%endif%> <%~else%> <%include include_username.html%> <%~endif%> — ">Message
<%~if user_invisible and current.user_status < $ADMINISTRATOR%>No <%~elsif user_online%>Yes <%~else%>No <%~endif~%>
<%~set url_user_username = escape_url unescape_html $user_username%>
<%if user_posts%><%user_posts%><%else%>0<%endif%>
<%~if user_invisible and current.user_status < $ADMINISTRATOR~%> <%~else~%> <%if user_invisible%><%endif~%> <%~endif~%>
<%if num_page_items > $mh%>

<%include include_paging.html%>
<%-- end content --%>
<%include include_footer.html%>
<%~include include_global_js.html%> <%~if current.user_status == $ADMINISTRATOR%> <%~endif%>