<%~set search_widget = 1%> <%cat_full_name%>: <%forum_name%>: Thread moved $old_forum_id, param_type => "query")%>" /> <%include include_common_head.html%>
<%include include_header.html%>
<%~set content_header_title = 'Thread Moved'%> <%~set btn_new = 1%> <%~init array breadcrumbs%><%init hash breadcrumbs.0%><%init hash breadcrumbs.1%> <%~set breadcrumbs.0.name = $forum_name%> <%~set breadcrumbs.0.url = GForum::SEO::url(params => "forum=$forum_id")%> <%~set breadcrumbs.1.name = $content_header_title%> <%include include_breadcrumb.html%>
<%-- start content--%> <%include include_content_header.html%>

The thread ' $post_id)%>"><%post_subject%>', written by <%if user_id_fk%> <%~if user_status%> <%~set escaped_username = escape_url unescape_html $user_username%> "><%nbsp post_username%> <%~else%> "><%nbsp post_username%> <%~endif%> <%else%> <%nbsp post_username%> <%endif%> has been moved from the <%GForum::Category::full_name_linked($old_cat_id, ': ')%>: $old_forum_id)%>"><%old_forum_name%> forum to the <%GForum::Category::full_name_linked($cat_id, ': ', '', '', "${config.gforum_cgi}?$hidden_url")%>: $forum_id)%>"><%forum_name%> forum. You will be automatically redirected to <%old_cat_full_name%>: <%old_forum_name%> shortly.

<%~set url_anchor = ""%> <%~unless current.user_id and not current.user_default_post_display%><%set url_anchor = "p$post_id"%><%endunless%> $post_id, anchor => $url_anchor)%>">Click here to view the thread or choose the forum you wish to visit:

<%-- end content --%>
<%-- end contentwrapper --%>
<%-- end main --%> <%include include_footer.html%>
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