<%~-- This page is included almost everywhere in the templates to display a username. Things like linking, group highlighting, buddy highlighting, etc. are handled here, in one central place, instead of being duplicated all over the place. The general usage is, instead of something like: ... <%user_username%> ... you do: ... <%include include_username.html%> ... This will take care of special classes for buddies, administrators, disabled users, groups, moderators, etc., as well as In many cases it is necessary to display something other than user_username -- for example, for posts and messages -- in which case you can set the include_username_display variable to the username to display (it will be cleared after being used). This also handles the case where include_username_display is set, but user_id isn't set, as an indication of a deleted user, in which case you get a ... Also note that this include will produce *no* whitespace around the or tag returned, so whatever whitespace padding you put or don't put around the include will be the only whitespace present. Some notable exceptions to the ability to use this include exist where only a username is stored -- the last poster data for forums and threads is a good example of this. --~%> <%~if not user_id and include_username_display~%> <%include_username_display%><%set include_username_display = ''%> <%~else%> <%~set escaped_username = escape_url unescape_html $user_username%> " title=" <%~if current.user_status == $ADMINISTRATOR and not user_enabled%>User Disabled — <%endif%> <%~if user_status == $ADMINISTRATOR%>Administrator — <%elsif forum_id and moderator.$user_id%>Moderator — <%endif%> <%~if not user_status%>Guest — <%elsif current.user_id and current.buddy.$user_id%>Buddy — <%endif~%> View <%user_username%>'s profile" class="username <%~loop groups%> gr-<%loop_value.group_id%><%endloop%> <%~if current.user_id and current.user_id == $user_id%> self<%endif%> <%~if current.user_id and current.buddy.$user_username%> buddy<%endif%> <%~if forum_id and moderator.$user_id%> moderator<%endif%> <%~if user_status == $ADMINISTRATOR%> administrator<%endif%> <%~if user_status == $ANONYMOUS%> anonymous<%endif%> <%~if current.user_status == $ADMINISTRATOR and not user_enabled%> disabled<%endif~%> "> <%~if include_username_display%><%include_username_display%><%set include_username_display = ''%> <%~else%><%user_username%> <%~endif~%> <%~endif~%>