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2024-06-17 22:42:14 +10:00
if (!$_POST){ header('Location: https://slowtwitch.com/calendar/'); }
$courseinfo = substr($_POST[courseinfo], 0, 4096);
$moreinfo = substr($_POST[moreinfo], 0, 4096);
$directions = substr($_POST[directions], 0, 4096);
$subject = "Add a race please";
$message = "
Here is the race information.
Name: $_POST[name]
Date: $_POST[date]
Length: $_POST[length]
Time: $_POST[time]
Location: $_POST[location]
Address: $_POST[address]
Phone: $_POST[phone]
Email: $_POST[email]
Fees: $_POST[fees]
Course Info: $courseinfo
More Info: $moreinfo
Directions: $directions
Registration link: $_POST[register]
Website: $_POST[website]
Add the race quickly.";
mail("leeallenschmidt@gmail.com",$subject,$message, "FROM: $site_name <$site_email>");
//Insert into database
$pass = 'abc123';
$errmsg = NULL;
//if(strcmp($_POST[password], $pass) == 0){ //Password is good
//Check for blank fields
if ((!$_POST[name])) $errmsg = $errmsg.'Race name, ';
if ($_POST[month]==0) $errmsg = $errmsg.'Race month, ';
if ($_POST[day]==0) $errmsg = $errmsg.'Race day, ';
if ($_POST[type]==0) $errmsg = $errmsg.'Race type, ';
if (!$_POST[indivfee]) $errmsg = $errmsg.'Individual entry fee, ';
if (!$_POST[swim]) $errmsg = $errmsg.'1st event distance, ';
if (!$_POST[bike]) $errmsg = $errmsg.'2nd event distance, ';
//if (!$_POST[run]) $errmsg = $errmsg.'3rd event distance, ';
if (!$_POST[state]) $errmsg = $errmsg.'State, ';
if (!$_POST[city]) $errmsg = $errmsg.'City, ';
if (!$_POST[address]) $errmsg = $errmsg.'Address, ';
if (!$_POST[phone]) $errmsg = $errmsg.'Phone, ';
if (!$_POST[email]) $errmsg = $errmsg.'Email, ';
if (strlen($_POST[courseinfo]) < 4) $errmsg = $errmsg.'Course info, ';
if (strlen($_POST[moreinfo]) < 4) $errmsg = $errmsg.'More info, ';
if (strlen($_POST[directions]) < 4) $errmsg = $errmsg.'Directions, ';
if (!$_POST[website]) $errmsg = $errmsg.'Website, ';
if (isset($errmsg)) {
$errmsg = 'The following fields cannot be left blank: '.$errmsg;
$errmsg = rtrim($errmsg, ', ');
if (!is_numeric($_POST[swim])) $errmsg = $errmsg.'1st event distance must be a number ONLY, ';
if (!is_numeric($_POST[bike])) $errmsg = $errmsg.'2nd event distance must be a number ONLY, ';
if ($_POST[run] != "" && !is_numeric($_POST[run])) $errmsg = $errmsg.'3rd event distance must be a number ONLY, ';
if( preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\. ]/', $_POST[name]) ) {
// Contains invalid characters.
$spacer = "";
if ($errmsg) { $spacer = "<br />"; }
$errmsg = $errmsg.$spacer."Please use only letters and numbers in the name";
//Check for duplicate entry
$sql_Races = "SELECT uid, name, type FROM gforum_Triathlons WHERE valid = 1";
$results_Races = mysql_query($sql_Races) or die(mysql_error());
$arr_Races = array("");
$arr_Duplicates = array("");
$i = 0;
while($row_races = mysql_fetch_array($results_Races)) {
// build an array that we can loop through. We will need to then duplicate this
$arr_Races[$i] = $row_races;
$spacer = "";
if ($errmsg) { $spacer = "<br />"; }
$dupmsg = NULL;
foreach ($arr_Races AS $race) {
if ($dupmsg) { $spacer = "<br />"; }
similar_text($race['name'], $_POST['name'], $percent);
if ($percent >= 75 && $race['type'] == $_POST['type']) {
// DEBUG: which USERUID are we processing
$dupmsg = $dupmsg.$spacer."POTENTIAL DUPLICATE: <a href=\"https://slowtwitch.com/calendar/individual.php?uid=".$race[uid]."\" target=\"_blank\">".$race[uid].". ".$race[name]." (".round($percent,0)."%)</a> Please check this race first and update it instead of adding a new one.";
//end check for duplicate entry
$name = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[name]));
$nametag = strtolower(str_replace(" ","", $name));
if(strlen($nametag) > 12){ //Shorten it
$nametag = substr($nametag, 0, 12);
$picname1 = $_POST[picname1]; }else{ $picname1 = ""; }
$picname2 = $_POST[picname2]; }else{ $picname2 = ""; }
$picname3 = $_POST[picname3]; }else{ $picname3 = ""; }
$state = $_POST[state];
$statetag = strtolower(str_replace(" ","", $state));
$type = $_POST[type];
$bike_surface = $_POST[bike_surface];
$indivfee = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[indivfee]));
$teamfee = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[teamfee]));
if ($_POST[registration] != "") { $registration = $_POST[registration]; } else { $registration = 0; }
$swim = $_POST[swim];
$oneunit = $_POST[oneunit];
$twounit = $_POST[twounit];
$threeunit = $_POST[threeunit];
$onetype = $_POST[onetype];
$twotype = $_POST[twotype];
$threetype = $_POST[threetype];
$bike = $_POST[bike];
if ($_POST[run] != "") { $run = $_POST[run]; } else { $run = 0; }
if ($_POST[draft_legal] != "") { $draft_legal = $_POST[draft_legal]; } else { $draft_legal = 0; }
if ($_POST[kids_race] != "") { $kids_race = $_POST[kids_race]; } else { $kids_race = 0; }
$city = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[city]));
$address = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[address]));
$phone = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[phone]));
$email = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[email]));
$courseinfo = nl2br(substr(mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[courseinfo])), 0, 4096));
$moreinfo = nl2br(substr(mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[moreinfo])), 0, 4096));
$directions = nl2br(substr(mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[directions])), 0, 4096));
$register = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[register]));
$website = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[website]));
$results = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[results]));
$sixresults = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[sixresults]));
$hour = $_POST[hour];
if($_POST[daypart] == 1){ $hour = $hour + 12; }
$minute = $_POST[minute];
$year = $_POST[year];
$month = $_POST[month];
$day = $_POST[day];
$date = "$year-$month-$day $hour:$minute:00";
$submitted_by = $_POST[submitted_by];
$one_points = 0;
$two_points = 0;
$three_points = 0;
$arrSwimPoints = array(1 => 17.6, 2 => 0.011, 3 => 0.01, 4 => 11);
$arrBikePoints = array(1 => 1, 2 => 0.00062, 3 => 0.00057, 4=> .62);
$arrRunPoints = array(1 => 4, 2 => 0.0025, 3 => 0.0023, 4 => 2.5);
$arrPaddlePoints = array(1 => 2.6667, 2 => 0.00167, 3 => 0.00153, 4 => 1.6667);
$arrSkiPoints = array(1 => 2.75, 2 => 0.00172, 3 => 0.00158, 4 => 1.72);
$arrMtbPoints = array(1 => 2, 2 => 0.00124, 3 => 0.00114, 4=> 1.24);
$arrPoints = array(1 => $arrSwimPoints, 2=> $arrBikePoints, 3 => $arrRunPoints, 4 => $arrPaddlePoints, 5 => $arrSkiPoints);
$one_points = $swim*$arrPoints[$onetype][$oneunit];
$two_points = $bike*$arrPoints[$twotype][$twounit];
$three_points = $run*$arrPoints[$threetype][$threeunit];
$points = $one_points + $two_points + three_points;
if ($points < 40) { $pointclass = 1;
} elseif ($points >= 40 AND $points < 100) { $pointclass = 2;
} elseif ($points >= 100 AND $points < 180) { $pointclass = 3;
} else { $pointclass = 4; }
if($_POST[confirm1] == 1){
$sql = "INSERT INTO gforum_Triathlons (onetype, twotype, threetype, oneunit, twounit, threeunit, racetags, pic1, pic2, pic3, valid, name, nametag, date, type, indivfee, teamfee, swim, bike, bike_surface, draft_legal, kids_race, run, state, statetag, city, address, phone, email, courseinfo, moreinfo, directions, register, website, results, sixresults, submitted_by, one_points, two_points, three_points, points, pointclass, registration) VALUES ('$onetype', '$twotype', '$threetype', '$oneunit', '$twounit', '$threeunit', '0', '$picname1', '$picname2', '$picname3', 0, '$name', '$nametag', '$date', $type, '$indivfee', '$teamfee', '$swim', '$bike', $bike_surface, $draft_legal, $kids_race, '$run', '$state', '$statetag', '$city', '$address', '$phone', '$email', '$courseinfo', '$moreinfo', '$directions', '$register', '$website', '$results', '$sixresults', '$submitted_by', $one_points, $two_points, $three_points, $points, $pointclass, $registration)";
//echo("race entered!");
mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
} else {
//echo("race NOT entered.");
$confirm = 1;
// $errmsg = 'Incorrect key.';