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<title><%cat_full_name%>: Profile</title>
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<%~set content_header_title = 'Profile Settings'%>
<%~init array breadcrumbs%><%init hash breadcrumbs.0%>
<%~set breadcrumbs.0.name = 'Profile Settings'%>
<%~if changes_saved%><%set success = 'The changes to your profile have been saved successfully.'%><%endif%>
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<div class="profile dtable">
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<div class="user-widget">
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<span class="sprite-user-profile"></span>
<a href="<%GForum::SEO::url(params => "username=$current_user_username")%>" title="My Profile.">View</a>
<h3>View My Profile</h3>
<p>View your user profile here. Make changes to your saved bike fit coordinates, update your personal race calendar, edit your profile photo album, and see how your profile looks to others.</p>
<div class="botbox"></div>
<div class="dcell">
<div class="user-widget">
<div class="edit-lnk">
<span class="sprite-user-profile-settings" style="background-position: -431px -362px"></span>
<a href="<%GForum::SEO::url(params => "do=user_profile_basic")%>" title="Change your avatar, e-mail, signature and personal info settings.">Edit</a>
<h3>Profile Settings</h3>
<p>From here you can change your username, password, email addresses, user icon, signature, and cookie settings.</p>
<div class="botbox"></div>
<div class="drow">
<div class="dcell">
<div class="user-widget">
<div class="edit-lnk">
<span class="sprite-display-settings"></span>
<a href="<%GForum::SEO::url(params => "do=user_profile_display")%>" title="Set preferences for how posts and private messages will be displayed, as well as your timezone.">Edit</a>
<h3>Display Settings</h3>
<p>Change all your default display settings here, including text area sizes and post styles.</p>
<div class="botbox"></div>
<div class="dcell">
<div class="user-widget">
<div class="edit-lnk">
<span class="sprite-subscriptions"></span>
<a href="<%GForum::SEO::url(params => "do=user_profile_notifications&action=email")%>" title="Manage the forums and threads you've chosen to subscribe to and set notification options for your own posts and messages.">Edit</a>
<p>If you subscribe to any of the forums listed here, you will receive daily email notifications of all the posts made in the last day.</p>
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<span class="sprite-watched-threads"></span>
<a href="<%GForum::SEO::url(params => "do=user_profile_notifications&action=threads")%>" title="Watched threads">Edit</a>
<h3>Watched Threads</h3>
<p>If you have watched any threads, and no longer wish to receive updates when threads are updated, come to this page to stop watching any or all of your watched threads.</p>
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