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2024-06-17 22:24:05 +10:00
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<title><%cat_full_name%>: <%forum_name%>: Post detached<%if forum_id != $old_forum_id%> and moved<%endif%></title>
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<%~if forum_id != $old_forum_id%><%set content_header_title .= ' and moved'%><%endif%>
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The post '<a href="<%GForum::SEO::url(type => "post", id => $post_id)%>"><%post_subject%></a>', written by
<%set include_username_display = $post_username~%><%include include_username.html%>
has been detached from its thread and turned into a new, separate thread.
<%~if forum_id != $old_forum_id%>
The new thread was moved from the <a href="<%GForum::SEO::url(type => "category", id => $old_cat_id)%>"><%old_cat_full_name%></a>: <a href="<%GForum::SEO::url(type => "forum", id => $old_forum_id)%>"><%old_forum_name%></a> forum
to the <a href="<%GForum::SEO::url(type => "category", id => $cat_id)%>"><%cat_full_name%></a>: <a href="<%GForum::SEO::url(type => "forum", id => $forum_id)%>"><%forum_name%></a> forum.
You will be automatically redirected to <%old_cat_full_name%>: <%old_forum_name%> shortly.
<%~set url_anchor = ""%>
<%~unless current.user_id and not current.user_default_post_display%><%~set url_anchor = "#p$post_id"%><%endunless%>
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