145 lines
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145 lines
5.3 KiB
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<h1><%~if $ID == 719 %>The Slowtwitch <%~endif%><%Name%></h1>
<%~if $ID == 719 %>
<img src="https://slowtwitch.com/images/slowtwitch_podcast.png" width="300px" class="img-responsive">
<%~if $ID == 719 %>
Hosted by Ryan & Eric The Slowtwitch Podcast is the latest addition to our coverage.
<br /><br />Guests or not each episode will be wide-ranging conversations while staying true to the ethos of Slowtwitch: fiercely independent and authentic.
<br /><br />Episodes will release weekly on Thursdays and be available on your favorite streaming services.
<br /><br />Find us on:
<a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-slowtwitch-podcast/id1691441710">Apple Podcasts</a>
<a href="https://open.spotify.com/episode/0XWxS1KdabSPhNj9vAhNVY?si=UZ9tYwdTR7ybKjzh0K2u-A">Spotify</a>
<a href="https://theslowtwitchpodcast.podbean.com/e/rough-draft-10/">PodBean</a>
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