1128 lines
35 KiB
1128 lines
35 KiB
![]() |
## ##
## WebAdverts (Display) ##
## by Darryl Burgdorf ##
## (e-mail burgdorf@awsd.com) ##
## ##
## version: 3.20 ##
## last modified: 09/08/02 ##
## copyright (c) 2002 ##
## ##
## latest version is available from ##
## http://awsd.com/scripts/ ##
## ##
use Fcntl;
BEGIN { @AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw (DB_File GDBM_File SDBM_File ODBM_File NDBM_File) }
if (eval "require DB_File") { @ISA = ('DB_File'); }
else { use AnyDBM_File; $NotUsingBestDBM=1; }
umask (0111);
$_ = $ADVadverts_dir; /^(.+)$/; $ADVadverts_dir = $1;
sub ADVsetup {
$ADVtime = time;
unless ($ADVUseLocking) {
if ($ADVlockerror) { return; }
if ((-M "$ADVadverts_dir/adlist.txt") > .5) {
if ($ADVRandomizeList) {
open (ADLIST, "$ADVadverts_dir/adlist.txt");
$adlist = @adlist = <ADLIST>;
close (ADLIST);
&ADVLockOpen (ADLIST, "adlist.txt");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
seek(ADLIST, 0, 0);
foreach $ad (@newadlist) {
print ADLIST "$ad";
truncate (ADLIST, tell(ADLIST));
&ADVLockClose (ADLIST, "adlist.txt");
opendir (FILES,"$ADVadverts_dir");
@files = readdir(FILES);
closedir (FILES);
foreach $file (@files) {
if (($file =~ /^dupcli/) || ($file =~ /^dupvie/)) {
unlink "$ADVadverts_dir/$file";
if ($ADVLogIP) {
if ($ADVResolveIPs) {
if (($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)
&& (!($ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'})
|| ($ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/))) {
@domainbytes = split(/\./,$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'});
$packaddr = pack("C4",@domainbytes);
$resolvedip = (gethostbyaddr($packaddr, 2))[0];
unless ($resolvedip =~
/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,6}|[0-9]{1,3})$/) {
$resolvedip = "";
if ($resolvedip) {
$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} = $resolvedip;
unless ($ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}) {
$DoNotLog = 0;
if ($ADVIgnoredIPs) {
@ignoredips = split(/ /,$ADVIgnoredIPs);
foreach $ignoredip (@ignoredips) {
if (($ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} =~ /$ignoredip/i)
|| ($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} =~ /$ignoredip/i)) {
$DoNotLog = 1;
$harvester_list = 'bullseye|cherrypicker|crescent|emailcollector|emailsiphon|emailwolf|extractor|microsoft url|mozilla/3.mozilla/2.01|newt|nicerspro|webbandit|brutus';
$download_list = 'da \d|dnload|download|fetch|flashget|ftp|getright|gozilla|jetcar|leach|leech';
$linkchecker_list = 'analyze|check|link|netmechanic|netmind|powermarks|redalert|tooter|validat|verif|walk';
$offline_list = 'avantgo|batch|copier|httrack|msiecrawler|msproxy|netattache|netscape-proxy|offline|spacebison|teleport|webcapture|webzip';
$spider_list = 'aport|archive|ask jeeves|behold|borg|bot|catch|crawl|digger|elitesys|enfish|esense|euroseek|ferret|grab|griffon|gulliver|harvest|htdig|hubat|hunt|infoseek|java|leia|lwp-|lwp:|mantraagent|mapper|mata hari|mercator|netants|perl|quest|reader|reaper|roamer|rover|scooter|search|slurp|snatch|spider|spinne|spyder|sweep|t-h-u-n-d-e-r-s-t-o-n-e|ultraseek|url|utopy|webcollage|webster pro|webwhacker|wfarc|wget|whatuseek';
if (($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m#$harvester_list#oi)
|| ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m#$download_list#oi)
|| ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m#$linkchecker_list#oi)
|| ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m#$offline_list#oi)
|| ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m#$spider_list#oi)) {
unless (($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m#robotics#oi) || ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m#hotjava#oi)) {
$DoNotLog = 1;
if ($ADVIFRAMEJSConflict) {
if ($ADVQuery =~ /iframe/) {
&ADVLockOpen (IFRAMETIME, "iframe.txt");
print IFRAMETIME " ";
&ADVLockClose (IFRAMETIME, "iframe.txt");
if ($ADVQuery =~ /jscript/) {
if ((-e "$ADVadverts_dir/iframe.txt")
&& ((stat("$ADVadverts_dir/iframe.txt"))[9]+30>$ADVtime)) {
if ((($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m#msie 3#oi)
|| ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m#msie 4#oi)
|| ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m#msie 5#oi)
|| ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ m#msie 6#oi))
&& ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} !~ m#aol#oi)) {
$DoNotLog = 1;
$AdvertChosen = 0;
($ADVmin,$ADVhour,$ADVmday,$ADVmon,$ADVyear) =
if ($ADVmin < 10) { $ADVmin = "0$ADVmin"; }
if ($ADVhour < 10) { $ADVhour = "0$ADVhour"; }
if ($ADVmday < 10) { $ADVmday = "0$ADVmday"; }
if ($ADVmon < 10) { $ADVmon = "0$ADVmon"; }
$ADVyear = $ADVyear+1900;
$TrimmedIP = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
$TrimmedIP =~ s/(\d*\.\d*\.\d*)\.\d*/$1/;
$ADVshown = 0;
$ADVWrapCounter = 0;
if ($ADVQuery =~ /(.*)&url=(.*)/i) {
$ADVQuery = $1;
$rawmodedest = $2;
if ($ADVQuery =~ /page=([^\s&;\?]*)/i) {
$displaypage = $1;
$NonSSI = 1;
if ($ADVQuery =~ /zone=([^\s&;\?]*)/i) {
$ADVadvertzone = $1;
$ADVfulladvertzone = $ADVadvertzone;
if ($ADVadvertzone =~ /\+/) {
@advertzones = split(/\+/,$ADVadvertzone);
$ADVadvertzonecount = @advertzones;
$ADVadvertzone = @advertzones[int(rand($ADVadvertzonecount))];
unless ($ADVadvertzone) { $ADVadvertzone = "unzoned"; }
if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ /page=[^\s&;\?]*/i) {
$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} = "dummy";
unless (defined $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}) {
$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} = "dummy";
$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ s/([^\?]*)\?.*/$1/;
$ADVCookieName = "$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} $displaypage $ADVfulladvertzone";
$ADVCookieName2 = "dummy $displaypage $ADVadvertzone";
%Cookie_Encode_Chars = (
%Cookie_Decode_Chars = (
'\+',' ','\%3A\%3A','::','\%26','&','\%3D','=',
if ($ADVQuery =~ /setdest=([^\s&;\?]*)/i) {
$SetDest = $1;
$SetDest =~ s/[^\w\.\-\']//g;
$SetDest =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
unless ($SetDest =~ /^[a-z,0-9]/) { $SetDest = "a".$SetDest; }
$SetDest = substr($SetDest,0,25);
if ($ADVQuery =~ /member=([^\s&;\?]*)/i) {
$ADVID = $1;
$ADVID =~ s/[^\w\.\-\']//g;
$ADVID =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
unless ($ADVID =~ /^[a-z,0-9]/) { $ADVID = "a".$ADVID; }
$ADVID = substr($ADVID,0,25);
$newsubdir = substr($ADVID,0,1);
$newsubdir .= "/$ADVID";
if ($ADVQuery =~ /banner=([^\s&;\?]*)/i) {
$displayad = $1;
$displayad =~ s/[^\w\.\-\']//g;
$displayad =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
unless ($displayad =~ /^[a-z,0-9]/) { $displayad = "a".$displayad; }
$displayad = substr($displayad,0,25);
unless ($ADVUseLocking) { &ADVMasterLockClose; }
unless ($NonSSI || $ADVNoPrint) {
if ($ENV{'PERLXS'} eq "PerlIS") { print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n"; }
print "Cache-Control: no-cache\n";
print "Pragma: no-cache\n";
if ($ADVQuery =~ /jscript/) {
print "Content-type: application/x-javascript\n\n";
else {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
if ($ADVRequireMember) {
if ($NonSSI || ($ADVQuery =~ /iframe/) || ($ADVQuery =~ /jscript/)) {
unless (($ADVID) && (-e "$ADVadverts_dir/$newsubdir/$ADVID.txt")) {
unless ($ADVUseLocking) { &ADVMasterLockClose; }
($ADVcountlines[0],$ADVcountlines[1],$ADVcountlines[2]) =
if (($ADVtime - $ADVcountlines[2]) > 250000000) {
$ADVcountlines[0] = 1;
$ADVcountlines[1] = "0";
$ADVcountlines[2] = time;
open (ADVLIST, "<$ADVadverts_dir/adlist.txt");
while (defined($ADVlist = <ADVLIST>)) {
push (@ADVcountlines,$ADVlist);
close (ADVLIST);
chomp (@ADVcountlines);
$ADVcount = $ADVcountlines[0];
@ADVcount = split(/\|/,$ADVcount);
foreach $ADVcount (@ADVcount) {
($ADVone,$ADVtwo) = split(/=/,$ADVcount);
unless ($ADVtwo) { $ADVtwo = "unzoned"; }
$zonecount{$ADVtwo} = $ADVone;
unless ($zonecount{$ADVadvertzone}) { $zonecount{$ADVadvertzone} = 1; }
$ADVexposures = $ADVcountlines[1];
($ADVexposures,@ADVcycles) = split(/\|/, $ADVexposures);
foreach $ADVcycles (@ADVcycles) {
($ADVone,$ADVtwo) = split(/=/,$ADVcycles);
unless ($ADVtwo) { $ADVtwo = "unzoned"; }
$cyclecount{$ADVtwo} = $ADVone;
unless ($cyclecount{$ADVadvertzone}) { $cyclecount{$ADVadvertzone} = 1; }
if ($ADVadvertzone =~ /showall-(.*)/i) {
$ADVadvertzone = $1; $ShowAllShown = 0; &ADVshowall;
elsif ($ADVadvertzone =~ /showall/i) {
$ADVadvertzone = "ShowAll"; $ShowAllShown = 0; &ADVshowall;
else { &ADVdisplayad; }
if (($AdvertChosen < 1) && $DefaultBanner) {
$ShowDefaultBanner = 1;
$ADVcountlines[0] = "";
foreach $key (keys %zonecount) {
$ADVcountlines[0] =
$ADVcountlines[1] = "$ADVexposures|";
foreach $key (keys %cyclecount) {
$ADVcountlines[1] =
$DBMList{'adcount.txt'} = "$ADVcountlines[0]\n$ADVcountlines[1]\n$ADVcountlines[2]";
&ADVLockClose (DBMLIST, "dbmlist.txt");
unless ($ADVUseLocking) { &ADVMasterLockClose; }
sub ADVlistreorder {
$randlocation = int(rand($adlist));
if ($adlist[$randlocation] eq "-") { &ADVlistreorder; return; }
push (@newadlist,$adlist[$randlocation]);
$adlist[$randlocation] = "-";
$adcounter ++;
if ($adcounter < $adlist) { &ADVlistreorder; }
sub ADVdisplayad {
if ($ShowDefaultBanner) {
$ADVdisplayad = $DefaultBanner;
elsif ($SetDest) {
$ADVdisplayad = $SetDest;
else {
if ($ADVWrapCounter > @ADVcountlines-3) {
$ADVdisplayad = $ADVcountlines[$zonecount{$ADVadvertzone}+2];
$ADVcycles = $cyclecount{$ADVadvertzone};
if ($zonecount{$ADVadvertzone} > @ADVcountlines-3) {
$zonecount{$ADVadvertzone} = 1;
if ($ADVID eq $ADVdisplayad) {
$ADVzone,$ADVraw,$ADVratio,$ADVclicksfrom) = split(/\t/,$DBMList{$ADVdisplayad});
($ADVmax,$ADVmaxtype) = split(/\|/, $ADVmax);
unless ($ADVmaxtype) { $ADVmaxtype = "E"; }
($ADVdisplayratio,$ADVdisplaycount) = split(/\|/, $ADVratio);
($ADVclicksfrom,$ADVclicksratio) = split(/\|/, $ADVclicksfrom);
if ($ADVmaxtype eq "N") { $ADVmax = 0; }
$ADVrealmax = $ADVmax;
if (($ADVmaxtype eq "N") && ($ADVdisplayratio < 1) && ($ADVclicksratio < 1)) {
$ADVrealmax = $ADVshown+1;
elsif (($ADVmaxtype eq "E") || ($ADVmaxtype eq "N")) {
if ($ADVdisplayratio > 0) {
$ADVrealmax += int($ADVdisplaycount/$ADVdisplayratio);
if ($ADVclicksratio > 0) {
$ADVrealmax += ($ADVclicksfrom*$ADVclicksratio);
unless ($ShowDefaultBanner || $SetDest) {
if ((($ADVadvertzone ne "unzoned") && ($ADVadvertzone ne "ShowAll")
&& (length($ADVzone) > 2) && ($ADVzone !~ /\s$ADVadvertzone\s/))
|| !($ADVimage || $ADVraw)
|| (($ADVraw eq "J") && !($ADVimage)
&& $ADVJSConflict && ($ADVQuery =~ /jscript/))
|| ($ADVweight < 1)
|| (((($ADVmaxtype eq "E") || ($ADVmaxtype eq "N"))
&& ($ADVrealmax <= $ADVshown))
&& ((($ADVdisplayratio < 1) && ($ADVclicksratio < 1))
|| ($ADVadvertzone ne "ShowAll")))
|| (($ADVmaxtype eq "C") && ($ADVrealmax <= $ADVvisits))
|| (($ADVmaxtype eq "D") && ($ADVrealmax <= $ADVtime))
|| ($ADVstart > $ADVtime)
|| ((($ADVcycles/$ADVweight) != int($ADVcycles/$ADVweight))
&& ($ADVadvertzone ne "ShowAll"))
|| (!($ADVimage) && $NonSSI)) {
if ($SetDest) {
if (!($ADVimage || $ADVraw)
|| (($ADVraw eq "J") && !($ADVimage)
&& $ADVJSConflict && ($ADVQuery =~ /jscript/))
|| ($ADVweight < 1)
|| (((($ADVmaxtype eq "E") || ($ADVmaxtype eq "N"))
&& ($ADVrealmax <= $ADVshown))
&& ((($ADVdisplayratio < 1) && ($ADVclicksratio < 1))
|| ($ADVadvertzone ne "ShowAll")))
|| (($ADVmaxtype eq "C") && ($ADVrealmax <= $ADVvisits))
|| (($ADVmaxtype eq "D") && ($ADVrealmax <= $ADVtime))
|| ($ADVstart > $ADVtime)) {
$SetDest = "";
$subdir = substr($ADVdisplayad,0,1);
$subdir .= "/$ADVdisplayad";
&ADVLockOpen (ADVDISPLAY, "$subdir/$ADVdisplayad.txt");
if ($ADVlockerror) {
&ADVLockClose (ADVDISPLAY, "$subdir/$ADVdisplayad.txt");
$SetDest = "";
unless ($ShowDefaultBanner) {
@ADVdisplaylines = <ADVDISPLAY>;
chomp (@ADVdisplaylines);
$ADVdisplayzone,$ADVclicksfrom) = @ADVdisplaylines;
($ADVmax,$ADVmaxtype) = split(/\|/, $ADVmax);
unless ($ADVmaxtype) { $ADVmaxtype = "E"; }
($ADVdisplayratio,$ADVdisplaycount) = split(/\|/, $ADVratio);
($ADVclicksfrom,$ADVclicksratio) = split(/\|/, $ADVclicksfrom);
if ($ADVmaxtype eq "N") { $ADVmax = 0; }
$ADVrealmax = $ADVmax;
if (($ADVmaxtype eq "N") && ($ADVdisplayratio < 1) && ($ADVclicksratio < 1)) {
$ADVrealmax = $ADVshown+1;
elsif (($ADVmaxtype eq "E") || ($ADVmaxtype eq "N")) {
if ($ADVdisplayratio > 0) {
$ADVrealmax += int($ADVdisplaycount/$ADVdisplayratio);
if ($ADVclicksratio > 0) {
$ADVrealmax += ($ADVclicksfrom*$ADVclicksratio);
($ADVtext,$ADVtexttype) = split(/\|/, $ADVtext);
unless ($ADVtexttype) { $ADVtexttype = "B"; }
if ($DupViewTime && !($DoNotLog)) {
$DupView = "$TrimmedIP $ADVdisplayad";
&ADVLockOpen (DUPVIEWS, "dupviews.txt");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
if ($ADVDBMType==1) {
tie (%DupViews,'AnyDBM_File',"$ADVadverts_dir/dupviews",O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0666,$DB_HASH)
|| &ADVDupError;
elsif ($ADVDBMType==2) {
|| &ADVDupError;
else {
tie (%DupViews,'AnyDBM_File',"$ADVadverts_dir/dupviews",O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0666)
|| &ADVDupError;
unless ($ADVduperror) {
if (($ADVtime-$DupViews{$DupView}) > ($DupViewTime * 60)) {
$DupViews{$DupView} = $ADVtime;
else { $DoNotLog = 1; }
if ($ADVDBMType==2) { dbmclose (%DupViews); }
else { untie %DupViews; }
&ADVLockClose (DUPVIEWS, "dupviews.txt");
if ($ClickViewTime && !($DoNotLog)) {
$ClickView = "$TrimmedIP $ADVdisplayad";
&ADVLockOpen (CLICKVIEWS, "dupclicks.txt");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
if ($ADVDBMType==1) {
tie (%ClickViews,'AnyDBM_File',"$ADVadverts_dir/dupclicks",O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0666,$DB_HASH)
|| &ADVDupError;
elsif ($ADVDBMType==2) {
|| &ADVDupError;
else {
tie (%ClickViews,'AnyDBM_File',"$ADVadverts_dir/dupclicks",O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0666)
|| &ADVDupError;
unless ($ADVduperror) {
unless (($ADVtime-$ClickViews{$ClickView}) > ($ClickViewTime * 60)) {
$DoNotLog = 1;
if ($ADVDBMType==2) { dbmclose (%ClickViews); }
else { untie %ClickViews; }
&ADVLockClose (CLICKVIEWS, "dupclicks.txt");
unless ($DoNotLog) {
if ($ADVLogIP) {
&ADVLockOpen (IPLOG,"$subdir/$ADVdisplayad.$ADVmon$ADVmday.log","a");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
print IPLOG "$ADVhour:$ADVmin E $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}\n";
&ADVLockClose (IPLOG,"$subdir/$ADVdisplayad.$ADVmon$ADVmday.log");
@ADVimage = split(/\|/,$ADVimage);
$imagecount = @ADVimage;
$ADVdisplayimage = @ADVimage[int(rand($imagecount))];
$ADVdisplayimage =~ s/<RAND>/$ADVtime/g;
if ($NonSSI) {
if ($ENV{'PERLXS'} eq "PerlIS") { print "HTTP/1.0 302 Moved\n"; }
else { print "Status: 302 Moved\n"; }
if ($ADVUseCookies) {
$ADVCookieValue = "$ADVdisplayad $ADVtime";
foreach $char ('\%','\+','\;','\,','\=','\&','\:\:','\s') {
$ADVCookieName =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Encode_Chars{$char}/g;
$ADVCookieValue =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Encode_Chars{$char}/g;
print "Set-Cookie: $ADVCookieName=$ADVCookieValue\n";
else {
&ADVLockOpen (NONSSILOG,"nonssi.log","a");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
print NONSSILOG "$ADVtime $TrimmedIP ";
print NONSSILOG "$ADVCookieName | $ADVdisplayad\n";
&ADVLockClose (NONSSILOG,"nonssi.log");
print "Cache-Control: no-cache\n";
print "Pragma: no-cache\n";
print "Expires: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 11:59:59 GMT\n";
print "Location: $ADVdisplayimage";
if ($GraphicTimestamp) { print "?$ADVtime"; }
print "\n\n";
elsif ($ADVraw
&& !(($ADVraw =~ /<SCRIPT/) && $ADVJSConflict && ($ADVQuery =~ /jscript/))) {
$ADVrealraw = $ADVraw;
$ADVrealraw =~ s/<NLB>/\n/g;
$ADVrealraw =~ s/<RAND>/$ADVtime/g;
$raw_display_cgi = $ADVdisplay_cgi."?";
if ($ADVID) { $raw_display_cgi .= "member=$ADVID;"; }
unless ($ADVadvertzone eq "unzoned") { $raw_display_cgi .= "zone=$ADVadvertzone;"; }
if ($SetDest) { $raw_display_cgi .= "setdest=$SetDest;"; }
$raw_display_cgi .= "banner=$ADVdisplayad&url=";
$ADVrealraw =~ s/<URL>/$raw_display_cgi/g;
if ($ADVQuery =~ /jscript/) {
$ADVrealraw = &ADVJSoutput($ADVrealraw);
if ($ADVQuery =~ /iframe/) {
print "<HTML>\n";
if ($ADVIFRAMErefreshrate > 0) {
$RefreshQuery = $ADVQuery;
$RefreshQuery =~ s/;/&/g;
print "<HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"$ADVIFRAMErefreshrate; url=$ADVdisplay_cgi?$RefreshQuery\"></HEAD>\n";
print "<BODY $ADVIFRAMEbodyspec>\n";
print "$ADVrealraw";
if ($ADVQuery =~ /iframe/) {
print "\n</BODY></HTML>\n";
else {
unless ($ADVborder) { $ADVborder="0"; }
if ($ADVurl) {
$DestTag = "<A HREF=\"$ADVdisplay_cgi?banner=$ADVdisplayad;";
$DestTag .= "time=$ADVtime";
if ($ADVID) { $DestTag .= ";member=$ADVID"; }
unless ($ADVadvertzone eq "unzoned") { $DestTag .= ";zone=$ADVadvertzone"; }
if ($SetDest) { $DestTag .= ";setdest=$SetDest"; }
$DestTag .= "\"";
if ($ADVtarget eq "_top") { $DestTag .= " TARGET=\"$ADVtarget\""; }
elsif ($ADVtarget) { $DestTag .= " $ADVtarget"; }
$DestTag .= ">";
$JSad = "";
if ($ADVtext && ($ADVtexttype eq "T")
&& ($ADVadvertzone ne "ShowAll")) {
$JSad .= "<SMALL>";
if ($ADVurl) { $JSad .= "$DestTag"; }
$JSad .= "$ADVtext";
if ($ADVurl) { $JSad .= "</A>"; }
$JSad .= "</SMALL><BR>";
if ($ADVurl) { $JSad .= "$DestTag"; }
$JSad .= "<IMG SRC=\"$ADVdisplayimage";
if ($GraphicTimestamp) { $JSad .= "?$ADVtime"; }
$JSad .= "\"";
if ($ADVheight && $ADVwidth) {
$JSad .= " HEIGHT=$ADVheight WIDTH=$ADVwidth";
$JSad .= " ALT=\"$ADValt\"";
$JSad .= " BORDER=$ADVborder>";
if ($ADVurl) { $JSad .= "</A>"; }
if ($ADVtext && ($ADVtexttype eq "B")
&& ($ADVadvertzone ne "ShowAll")) {
$JSad .= "<BR><SMALL>";
if ($ADVurl) { $JSad .= "$DestTag"; }
$JSad .= "$ADVtext";
if ($ADVurl) { $JSad .= "</A>"; }
$JSad .= "</SMALL>";
if ($ADVQuery =~ /jscript/) {
$JSad = &ADVJSoutput($JSad);
if ($ADVQuery =~ /iframe/) {
print "<HTML>\n";
if ($ADVIFRAMErefreshrate > 0) {
$RefreshQuery = $ADVQuery;
$RefreshQuery =~ s/;/&/g;
print "<HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"$ADVIFRAMErefreshrate; url=$ADVdisplay_cgi?$RefreshQuery\"></HEAD>\n";
print "<BODY $ADVIFRAMEbodyspec>\n";
print "$JSad";
if ($ADVQuery =~ /iframe/) {
print "\n</BODY></HTML>\n";
$ShowAllShown = 0;
&ADVLockOpen (DBMLIST, "dbmlist.txt");
if ($ADVlockerror) {
&ADVLockClose (DBMLIST, "dbmlist.txt");
unless ($ADVUseLocking) { &ADVMasterLockClose; }
else {
if ($ADVdbmerror) {
unless ($ADVUseLocking) { &ADVMasterLockClose; }
unless ($DoNotLog) {
$ADVshown += 1;
if ($ADVmax || $ADVratio) {
seek(ADVDISPLAY, 0, 0);
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVmax|$ADVmaxtype\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVshown\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVvisits\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVurl\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVimage\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVheight\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVwidth\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADValt\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVnada1\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVtext|$ADVtexttype\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVstart\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVweight\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVzone\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVborder\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVtarget\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVraw\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVratio\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVnada2\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVnada3\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVdisplayzone\n";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVclicksfrom|$ADVclicksratio\n";
if ($LogByZone) {
$ADVlogzonecatch = 0;
$ADVlogzone = "$ADVadvertzone $ADVID";
unless ($ADVID) { $ADVlogzone .= "none"; }
$ADVlogzone .= " E";
if (@ADVdisplaylines > 21) {
foreach $key (21..(@ADVdisplaylines-1)) {
if (!($DoNotLog)
&& ($ADVdisplaylines[$key] =~ /^$ADVlogzone (\d*)/)) {
$count = $1;
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVlogzone $count\n";
$ADVlogzonecatch = 1;
else {
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVdisplaylines[$key]\n";
unless ($ADVlogzonecatch || $DoNotLog) {
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVlogzone 1\n";
truncate (ADVDISPLAY, tell(ADVDISPLAY));
if ($ADVimage) { $ADVimage = "X"; }
if ($ADVraw =~ /<SCRIPT/) { $ADVraw = "J"; }
elsif ($ADVraw) { $ADVraw = "X"; }
$DBMList{$ADVdisplayad} = "$ADVmax|$ADVmaxtype\t$ADVshown\t$ADVvisits\t$ADVimage\t$ADVstart\t$ADVweight\t";
$DBMList{$ADVdisplayad} .= "$ADVzone\t$ADVraw\t$ADVratio\t$ADVclicksfrom|$ADVclicksratio";
&ADVLockClose (ADVDISPLAY, "$subdir/$ADVdisplayad.txt");
unless ($DoNotLog) {
if (($ADVID) && (-e "$ADVadverts_dir/$newsubdir/$ADVID.txt")) {
&ADVLockOpen (ADVDISPLAY, "$newsubdir/$ADVID.txt");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
@ADVdisplaylines = <ADVDISPLAY>;
chomp ($ADVdisplaylines[16]);
($ADVratio,$ADVdisplaycount) = split(/\|/, $ADVdisplaylines[16]);
unless (@ADVdisplaylines < 1) {
seek(ADVDISPLAY, 0, 0);
foreach $key (0..15) {
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVdisplaylines[$key]";
$newratio = "$ADVratio|$ADVdisplaycount";
print ADVDISPLAY "$newratio\n";
foreach $key (17..(@ADVdisplaylines-1)) {
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVdisplaylines[$key]";
truncate (ADVDISPLAY, tell(ADVDISPLAY));
$ADVzone,$ADVraw,$ADVratio,$ADVclicksfrom) = split(/\t/,$DBMList{$ADVID});
$DBMList{$ADVID} = "$ADVmax\t$ADVshown\t$ADVvisits\t$ADVimage\t$ADVstart\t$ADVweight\t";
$DBMList{$ADVID} .= "$ADVzone\t$ADVraw\t$newratio\t$ADVclicksfrom";
&ADVLockClose (ADVDISPLAY, "$newsubdir/$ADVID.txt");
$ADVacc = 0;
&ADVLockOpen (DAILYLOG,"$newsubdir/$ADVID.log");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
$ADVaccess = "$ADVmday $ADVmon $ADVyear S";
$ADVlocation = tell DAILYLOG;
while (defined($ADVline = <DAILYLOG>)) {
chomp ($ADVline);
if (($ADVacc,$ADVlogstring) = ($ADVline =~
/^(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d) (\d\d \d\d \d\d\d\d S)$/)) {
if ($ADVaccess eq $ADVlogstring) {
last if ($ADVaccess eq $ADVlogstring);
$ADVlocation = tell DAILYLOG;
$ADVacc = 0;
seek (DAILYLOG, $ADVlocation, 0);
$ADVlongacc = sprintf("%010.10d",$ADVacc);
print DAILYLOG "$ADVlongacc $ADVaccess\n";
&ADVLockClose (DAILYLOG, "$newsubdir/$ADVID.log");
$ADVacc = 0;
&ADVLockOpen (DAILYLOG,"$subdir/$ADVdisplayad.log");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
$ADVaccess = "$ADVmday $ADVmon $ADVyear E";
$ADVlocation = tell DAILYLOG;
while (defined($ADVline = <DAILYLOG>)) {
chomp ($ADVline);
if (($ADVacc,$ADVlogstring) = ($ADVline =~
/^(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d) (\d\d \d\d \d\d\d\d E)$/)) {
if ($ADVaccess eq $ADVlogstring) {
last if ($ADVaccess eq $ADVlogstring);
$ADVlocation = tell DAILYLOG;
$ADVacc = 0;
seek (DAILYLOG, $ADVlocation, 0);
$ADVlongacc = sprintf("%010.10d",$ADVacc);
print DAILYLOG "$ADVlongacc $ADVaccess\n";
&ADVLockClose (DAILYLOG, "$subdir/$ADVdisplayad.log");
sub ADVJSoutput {
$_[0] =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
$_[0] =~ s/\r//g;
$_[0] =~ s/\n/\")\;\ndocument.write(\" /g;
$_[0] = "document.write(\"$_[0]\");document.close();";
return $_[0];
sub ADVshowall {
$ADVshown = 0;
unless ($ShowAllShown) {
$ShowAllShown = 1;
print "\n<P>";
unless ((@ADVcountlines < 4)
|| ($ADVWrapCounter > @ADVcountlines-3)) {
sub ADVgotoad {
$timestamp = 0;
if ($NonSSI) {
$displayad = "";
if ($ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'}) {
foreach (split(/; /,$ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'})) {
($ADVcookie,$ADVvalue) = split(/=/);
foreach $char ('\+','\%3A\%3A','\%26','\%3D','\%2C','\%3B','\%2B','\%25') {
$ADVcookie =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Decode_Chars{$char}/g;
$ADVvalue =~ s/$char/$Cookie_Decode_Chars{$char}/g;
if (($ADVCookieName eq $ADVcookie)
|| ($ADVCookieName2 eq $ADVcookie)) {
($displayad,$timestamp) = split(/ /,$ADVvalue);
unless ($displayad) {
$logcheck = "$TrimmedIP $ADVCookieName";
$logcheck2 = "$TrimmedIP $ADVCookieName2";
&ADVLockOpen (NONSSILOG,"nonssi.log");
if ($ADVlockerror) {
if ($SetDest) {
$displayad = $SetDest;
else {
&ADVLockClose (NONSSILOG,"nonssi.log");
else {
undef (@nonssi);
while (defined($nonssiline = <NONSSILOG>)) {
chomp ($nonssiline);
$timestamp = int($nonssiline);
unless (($ADVtime-$timestamp) > 3600) {
push (@nonssi,$nonssiline);
if (($nonssiline =~ /^\d* $logcheck \| (.*)$/)
|| ($nonssiline =~ /^\d* $logcheck2 \| (.*)$/)) {
$displayad = $1;
seek(NONSSILOG, 0, 0);
foreach $nonssiline (@nonssi) {
print NONSSILOG "$nonssiline\n";
truncate (NONSSILOG, tell(NONSSILOG));
&ADVLockClose (NONSSILOG, "nonssi.log");
unless ($displayad) {
if ($SetDest) {
$displayad = $SetDest;
else {
elsif ($ADVQuery =~ /time=([^\s&;\?]*)/i) { $timestamp = $1; }
$subdir = substr($displayad,0,1);
$subdir .= "/$displayad";
unless (-e "$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir/$displayad.txt") {
if ((-M "$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir/$displayad.log") > .5) {
$DoNotLog = 1;
if (($DupClickTime || $ClickViewTime) && !($DoNotLog)) {
$DupClick = "$TrimmedIP $displayad";
&ADVLockOpen (DUPCLICKS, "dupclicks.txt");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
if ($ADVDBMType==1) {
tie (%DupClicks,'AnyDBM_File',"$ADVadverts_dir/dupclicks",O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0666,$DB_HASH)
|| &ADVDupError;
elsif ($ADVDBMType==2) {
|| &ADVDupError;
else {
tie (%DupClicks,'AnyDBM_File',"$ADVadverts_dir/dupclicks",O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0666)
|| &ADVDupError;
unless ($ADVduperror) {
if (($ADVtime-$DupClicks{$DupClick}) > ($DupClickTime * 60)) {
$DupClicks{$DupClick} = $ADVtime;
else { $DoNotLog = 1; }
if ($ADVDBMType==2) { dbmclose (%DupClicks); }
else { untie %DupClicks; }
&ADVLockClose (DUPCLICKS, "dupclicks.txt");
&ADVLockOpen (ADVDISPLAY, "$subdir/$displayad.txt");
if ($ADVlockerror) {
&ADVLockClose (ADVDISPLAY,"$subdir/$displayad.txt");
@ADVdisplaylines = <ADVDISPLAY>;
chomp (@ADVdisplaylines);
unless ($DoNotLog) { $ADVdisplaylines[2] += 1; }
unless (@ADVdisplaylines < 1) {
seek(ADVDISPLAY, 0, 0);
foreach $key (0..20) {
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVdisplaylines[$key]\n";
if ($LogByZone) {
$ADVlogzone = "$ADVadvertzone $ADVID";
unless ($ADVID) { $ADVlogzone .= "none"; }
$ADVlogzone .= " C";
if (@ADVdisplaylines > 21) {
foreach $key (21..(@ADVdisplaylines-1)) {
if (!($DoNotLog)
&& ($ADVdisplaylines[$key] =~ /^$ADVlogzone (\d*)/)) {
$count = $1;
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVlogzone $count\n";
$ADVlogzonecatch = 1;
else {
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVdisplaylines[$key]\n";
unless ($ADVlogzonecatch || $DoNotLog) {
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVlogzone 1\n";
truncate (ADVDISPLAY, tell(ADVDISPLAY));
&ADVLockClose (ADVDISPLAY, "$subdir/$displayad.txt");
$ADVacc = 0;
unless ($DoNotLog) {
if ($ADVLogIP) {
&ADVLockOpen (IPLOG,"$subdir/$displayad.$ADVmon$ADVmday.log","a");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
print IPLOG "$ADVhour:$ADVmin C $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}\n";
&ADVLockClose (IPLOG, "$subdir/$displayad.$ADVmon$ADVmday.log");
&ADVLockOpen (DBMLIST, "dbmlist.txt");
if ($ADVlockerror) {
&ADVLockClose (DBMLIST, "dbmlist.txt");
$ADVdbmerror = 1;
else { &ADVDBMOpen; }
unless ($ADVdbmerror) {
$ADVzone,$ADVraw,$ADVratio,$ADVclicksfrom) = split(/\t/,$DBMList{$displayad});
$DBMList{$displayad} = "$ADVmax\t$ADVshown\t$ADVdisplaylines[2]\t$ADVimage\t$ADVstart\t$ADVweight\t";
$DBMList{$displayad} .= "$ADVzone\t$ADVraw\t$ADVratio\t$ADVclicksfrom";
if (($ADVID) && (-e "$ADVadverts_dir/$newsubdir/$ADVID.txt")) {
&ADVLockOpen (ADVDISPLAY, "$newsubdir/$ADVID.txt");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
@ADVIDdisplaylines = <ADVDISPLAY>;
unless (@ADVIDdisplaylines < 1) {
chomp ($ADVIDdisplaylines[20]);
($ADVIDclicksfrom,$ADVIDclicksratio) = split(/\|/, $ADVIDdisplaylines[20]);
seek(ADVDISPLAY, 0, 0);
foreach $key (0..19) {
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVIDdisplaylines[$key]";
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVIDclicksfrom|$ADVIDclicksratio\n";
if (@ADVdisplaylines > 21) {
foreach $key (21..(@ADVdisplaylines-1)) {
print ADVDISPLAY "$ADVIDdisplaylines[$key]";
truncate (ADVDISPLAY, tell(ADVDISPLAY));
unless ($ADVdbmerror) {
$ADVzone,$ADVraw,$ADVratio,$ADVclicksfrom) = split(/\t/,$DBMList{$ADVID});
$DBMList{$ADVID} = "$ADVmax\t$ADVshown\t$ADVvisits\t$ADVimage\t$ADVstart\t$ADVweight\t";
$DBMList{$ADVID} .= "$ADVzone\t$ADVraw\t$ADVratio\t$ADVIDclicksfrom|$ADVIDclicksratio";
&ADVLockClose (ADVDISPLAY, "$newsubdir/$ADVID.txt");
$ADVacc = 0;
&ADVLockOpen (DAILYLOG,"$newsubdir/$ADVID.log");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
$ADVaccess = "$ADVmday $ADVmon $ADVyear X";
$ADVlocation = tell DAILYLOG;
while (defined($ADVline = <DAILYLOG>)) {
chomp ($ADVline);
if (($ADVacc,$ADVlogstring) = ($ADVline =~
/^(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d) (\d\d \d\d \d\d\d\d X)$/)) {
if ($ADVaccess eq $ADVlogstring) {
last if ($ADVaccess eq $ADVlogstring);
$ADVlocation = tell DAILYLOG;
$ADVacc = 0;
seek (DAILYLOG, $ADVlocation, 0);
$ADVlongacc = sprintf("%010.10d",$ADVacc);
print DAILYLOG "$ADVlongacc $ADVaccess\n";
&ADVLockClose (DAILYLOG, "$newsubdir/$ADVID.log");
&ADVLockClose (DBMLIST, "dbmlist.txt");
&ADVLockOpen (DAILYLOG,"$subdir/$displayad.log");
unless ($ADVlockerror) {
$ADVaccess = "$ADVmday $ADVmon $ADVyear C";
$ADVlocation = tell DAILYLOG;
while (defined($ADVline = <DAILYLOG>)) {
chomp ($ADVline);
if (($ADVacc,$ADVlogstring) = ($ADVline =~
/^(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d) (\d\d \d\d \d\d\d\d C)$/)) {
if ($ADVaccess eq $ADVlogstring) {
last if ($ADVaccess eq $ADVlogstring);
$ADVlocation = tell DAILYLOG;
$ADVacc = 0;
seek (DAILYLOG, $ADVlocation, 0);
$ADVlongacc = sprintf("%010.10d",$ADVacc);
print DAILYLOG "$ADVlongacc $ADVaccess\n";
&ADVLockClose (DAILYLOG, "$subdir/$displayad.log");
if ($ENV{'PERLXS'} eq "PerlIS") { print "HTTP/1.0 302 Moved\n"; }
else { print "Status: 302 Moved\n"; }
if ($rawmodedest) {
print "Location: $rawmodedest\n\n";
else {
$ADVdisplaylines[3] =~ s/<RAND>/$timestamp/g;
print "Location: $ADVdisplaylines[3]\n\n";
sub ADVBadRef {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<HTML>";
print "<HEAD><TITLE>WebAdverts Error!</TITLE></HEAD>\n";
print "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\" TEXT=\"#000000\">\n";
print "<HR><H1 ALIGN=CENTER>Invalid Destination</H1><HR>\n";
print "<P>Sorry, but the server encountered an error ";
print "while trying to redirect you to the destination ";
print "of the banner on which you clicked! ";
print "The most likely cause of the problem ";
print "is that you attempted to click on a banner ";
print "before the graphic image loaded. ";
print "Another possibility is that you attempted to click ";
print "on an old banner which was reloaded ";
print "from your browser's cache.</P>\n";
print "<HR></BODY></HTML>\n";
sub ADVLockOpen {
$ADVlockerror = 0;
local(*FILE,$lockfilename,$append) = @_;
$_ = $lockfilename; /^(.+)$/; $lockfilename = $1;
if ($append eq "x") {
unless (-d "$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir") {
mkdir ("$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir",0777);
chmod 0777,"$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir";
unless (-e "$ADVadverts_dir/$lockfilename") {
open (FILE,">$ADVadverts_dir/$lockfilename");
print FILE "\n";
close (FILE);
if ($append eq "a") {
open (FILE,">>$ADVadverts_dir/$lockfilename") || &ADVError($lockfilename);
else {
open (FILE,"+<$ADVadverts_dir/$lockfilename") || &ADVError($lockfilename);
if ($ADVUseLocking) {
local($TrysLeft) = 250;
while ($TrysLeft--) {
(flock(FILE,6)) || next;
unless ($TrysLeft >= 0) {
sub ADVLockClose {
local(*FILE,$lockfilename) = @_;
close (FILE);
sub ADVMasterLockOpen {
$ADVlockerror = 0;
local($TrysLeft) = 250;
if ((-e "$ADVadverts_dir/masterlockfile.lok")
&& ((stat("$ADVadverts_dir/masterlockfile.lok"))[9]+15<$ADVtime)) {
unlink ("$ADVadverts_dir/masterlockfile.lok");
while ($TrysLeft--) {
if (-e "$ADVadverts_dir/masterlockfile.lok") {
else {
open (MASTERLOCKFILE,">$ADVadverts_dir/masterlockfile.lok");
unless ($TrysLeft >= 0) {
$ADVUseLocking = 1;
sub ADVMasterLockClose {
unlink ("$ADVadverts_dir/masterlockfile.lok");
sub ADVError {
local($lockfilename) = @_;
if ($AdminRun && ($lockfilename ne "dbmlist.txt")) { &Error_File($lockfilename); }
else { $ADVlockerror = 1; }
sub ADVDBMOpen {
if ($ADVDBMType==1) {
tie (%DBMList,'AnyDBM_File',"$ADVadverts_dir/dbmlist",O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0666,$DB_HASH)
|| &ADVDBMError;
elsif ($ADVDBMType==2) {
|| &ADVDBMError;
else {
tie (%DBMList,'AnyDBM_File',"$ADVadverts_dir/dbmlist",O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0666)
|| &ADVDBMError;
sub ADVDBMOpenReadOnly {
if ($ADVDBMType==1) {
tie (%DBMList,'AnyDBM_File',"$ADVadverts_dir/dbmlist",O_RDONLY,0666,$DB_HASH);
elsif ($ADVDBMType==2) {
else {
tie (%DBMList,'AnyDBM_File',"$ADVadverts_dir/dbmlist",O_RDONLY,0666);
sub ADVDBMClose {
if ($ADVDBMType==2) { dbmclose (%DBMList); }
else { untie %DBMList; }
sub ADVDupError {
$ADVduperror = 1;
sub ADVDBMError {
$ADVdbmerror = 1;