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1345 lines
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# ==================================================================
# Gossamer List - enhanced mailing list management system
# Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/
# Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/
# CVS Info :
# Revision : $Id: Admin.pm,v 1.59 2004/10/14 22:57:54 bao Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please
# see LICENSE file for full details.
# ==================================================================
package GList::Admin;
use strict;
use GList qw/:user_type :objects $DEBUG/;
use GT::AutoLoader;
sub process {
# Setermine what to do
my $do = shift;
my $action = _determine_action($do) or die "Error: Invalid Action! ($do)";
if ($action eq 'admin_gtdoc') {
return GT::Plugins->dispatch($CFG->{priv_path}.'/lib/GList/Plugins', $action, \&$action);
my ($tpl, $results) = GT::Plugins->dispatch($CFG->{priv_path}.'/lib/GList/Plugins', $action, \&$action);
if ($tpl) {
$MN_SELECTED = 6 if ($tpl =~ /^admin_user/);
my $hidden = GList::hidden();
$results->{hidden_query} = $hidden->{hidden_query};
$results->{hidden_objects} = $hidden->{hidden_objects};
GList::display($tpl, $results);
$COMPILE{admin_gtdoc} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_gtdoc {
my $template = $IN->param('topic') || 'index.html';
my $help_path = "$CFG->{priv_path}/templates/help";
$template =~ s,^/|/$,,;
# Check the topic file.
unless ( $template =~ /^[\w\/]+\.[\w]+$/ ) {
die "Invalid topic: $template";
if ( $template =~ /\.(gif|jpg)$/ and -e "$help_path/$template" ) {
print $IN->header("image/$1");
open IMG, "< $help_path/$template" or die "Unable to open image help: $help_path/$template ($!)";
binmode IMG;
binmode BINSTDOUT;
print BINSTDOUT while <IMG>;
close IMG;
else {
print $IN->header;
GT::Template->parse ($template, $USER, { print => 1, root => $help_path });
$COMPILE{admin_page} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_page {
my ($page, $vars) = @_;
$page ||= $IN->param('pg');
( $page ) or return admin_user(GList::language('ADM_INVALID'));
if ( $page =~ /^admin_template_/ ) {
elsif ( $page =~ /plugin_|gt_doc/ ) {
elsif ( $page =~ /admin_setup_/ ) {
return ($page, $vars);
$COMPILE{admin_initial_sql} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_initial_sql {
my $sql = _sql_load_cfg();
unless ( $IN->param('setup_sql') ) {
return ('admin_initial_sql.html', { %$sql, msg => GList::language("ADM_CONNECTION_ERROR") });
my $do = $IN->param('action');
if ($do !~ /^create|overwrite|load$/) {
return ('admin_initial_sql.html', { msg => "<font color=red><b>Invalid action: '$do'</b></font>", $sql });
my $ret = _sql_connect($IN->param('sql_host'), $IN->param('sql_driver'), $IN->param('sql_database'), $IN->param('sql_login'), $IN->param('sql_password'), $IN->param('sql_prefix'));
if (exists $ret->{error}) {
return ('admin_initial_sql.html', { msg => $ret->{error}, $sql });
my $output;
if ($do eq 'create') {
$output = GList::SQL::tables('check');
elsif ($do eq 'overwrite') {
$output = GList::SQL::tables('force');
elsif ($do eq 'load') {
$output = GList::SQL::load_from_sql();
if ( !$DB->table('Users')->count({ usr_Username => $USER->{username}}) ) {
my $user = $CFG->{admin}->{$USER->{username}};
my %hash;
$hash{usr_type} = ADMINISTRATOR;
$hash{usr_username} = $USER->{username};
$hash{usr_password} = $user->[0];
$hash{usr_email} = $user->[1];
$hash{pro_first_name} = $USER->{username};
$hash{pro_last_name} = $USER->{username};
$hash{usr_date_format} = '%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%';
$DB->table('Users')->insert(%hash) or die $GT::SQL::error;
my $results = GList::Authenticate::auth('create_session', { username => $USER->{username} });
( $results->{error} ) and return ('login_form.html', { msg => "<font color=red><b>$results->{error}</b></font>" });
# Delete session file if it has being used
# Administrator users need to be saved in Data.pm
return ('admin_initial_sql_results.html', { msg => $output });
$COMPILE{admin_initial_setup} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_initial_setup {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sets the mysql information.
my ($host, $port, $overwrite);
unless ( $IN->param('initial_step') ) {
return admin_page('admin_initial_setup_first.html');
if ( $IN->param('initial_step') == 2 ) {
return admin_page('admin_initial_setup_second.html');
# Test the ability to create a def file.
unless (open (TEST, "> $CFG->{priv_path}/defs/database.def")) {
return ('admin_initial_setup_second.html', { error => sprintf(GList::language('ADM_INITIAL_ERROR'), "$CFG->{priv_path}/defs/", $!) });
close TEST;
unlink "$CFG->{priv_path}/defs/database.def";
# Set the connection info.
$overwrite = $IN->param('overwrite') ? 'force' : 'check';
$host = $IN->param('host');
($host =~ s/\:(\d+)$//) and ($port = $1);
my $prefix = $IN->param('prefix');
$prefix =~ /^\w*$/ or return ('admin_initial_setup_second.html', { error => sprintf(GList::language('ADM_INITIAL_PREFIX_ERROR'), $prefix) });
my $ret = $DB->set_connect ({
driver => scalar $IN->param('driver'),
host => $host,
port => $port,
database => scalar $IN->param('database'),
login => scalar $IN->param('login'),
password => scalar $IN->param('password'),
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 0,
AutoCommit => 1
if (! defined $ret) {
return ('admin_initial_setup_second.html', { error => $GT::SQL::error });
# Now let's create the tables.
eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require GList::SQL; };
if ($@) { return ('admin_initial_setup_second.html', { error => sprintf(GList::language('ADM_INITIAL_LOAD_ERROR'), "$@\n") }); }
my $output = GList::SQL::tables($overwrite);
# Remove admin users and Add an admin user
my $user;
foreach (keys % {$CFG->{admin}}) {
$user = $_;last;
if ($user) {
my $db = $DB->table('Users');
$db->delete({ usr_type => ADMINISTRATOR });
if ( !$db->insert({
usr_username => $user,
usr_email => $CFG->{admin}->{$user}->[1],
usr_password => $CFG->{admin}->{$user}->[0],
usr_type => ADMINISTRATOR,
usr_reply_email => $CFG->{admin}->{$user}->[1],
usr_bounce_email => $CFG->{admin}->{$user}->[1],
usr_date_format => '%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%',
pro_first_name => $user,
pro_last_name => $user,
}) ) {
return ('admin_initial_setup_second.html', { error => $GT::SQL::error });
# Set default email templates
GList::set_default_template('validation.eml', $IN->param('admin_user'));
GList::set_default_template('subscribe.eml', $IN->param('admin_user'));
GList::set_default_template('unsubscribe.eml', $IN->param('admin_user'));
# And lets set sensible defaults for the rest of the config vars.
# And save the config.
return ('admin_initial_setup_third.html', { message => sprintf(GList::language('ADM_INITIAL_SUCCESSFUL'), $output) } );
$COMPILE{admin_user} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_user {
# Print home page
my $msg = shift;
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash;
my $search_check = ($IN->param('do') eq 'admin_user_search') ? 1 : 0;
my $results = GList::search(
cgi => $cgi,
db => $DB->table('Users'),
prefix => 'usr',
sb => 'usr_type',
so => 'ASC',
skip_user => '1',
search_check=> $search_check
if ( ref $results ne 'HASH' ) {
( $IN->param('do') eq 'admin_user_search' ) ? return ('admin_user_search_form.html', { msg => $results })
: return ('admin_user_home.html', { msg => $results });
elsif ( $results->{error} and $search_check) {
return ('admin_user_search_form.html', { msg => $results->{error} })
my $output = $results->{results};
$results->{msg} = ($msg) ? $msg : GList::language('USR_RESULTS', $results->{hits});
return ('admin_user_home.html', $results);
$COMPILE{admin_user_add} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_user_add {
# Add a user
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
#------------demo code-----------
my $cols = $DB->table('Users')->cols;
my $cgi = {};
foreach ( keys % $cols) {
$cgi->{$_} = $IN->param("mod_$_") if ( $IN->param("mod_$_") );
($cgi->{usr_username} and $cgi->{usr_username} =~ /^[\w\-\.]{3,}$/) or return ('admin_user_add_form.html', { msg => GList::language('USR_INVALID') });
($cgi->{usr_password} and length $cgi->{usr_password} < 4 ) and return ('admin_user_add_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PWD_INVALID') });
$cgi->{usr_password} = GList::encrypt($cgi->{usr_password});
$cgi->{usr_date_format} = $IN->param('date_preview') if ($IN->param('date_preview'));
$cgi->{usr_date_format}||= "%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%";
# Set account limits
$cgi = _account_limit($cgi);
# Add a new record
GList::add('Users', 'usr', $cgi);
return ('admin_user_add_form.html', { msg => sprintf(GList::language('USR_ADD_ERR', $GList::error)) }) if ( $GList::error );
# Add user info into Data.pm if user is a administrator
if ( $cgi->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR and not exists $CFG->{admin}->{$cgi->{usr_username}}) {
$CFG->{admin}->{$cgi->{usr_username}} = [$cgi->{usr_password}, $cgi->{usr_email}];
# Set default email templates
GList::set_default_template('validation.eml', $cgi->{usr_username});
GList::set_default_template('subscribe.eml', $cgi->{usr_username});
GList::set_default_template('unsubscribe.eml', $cgi->{usr_username});
admin_user(sprintf(GList::language('USR_ADDED'), $cgi->{usr_username}));
$COMPILE{admin_user_modify_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_user_modify_form {
# Print modify a user form
my $msg = shift;
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
my $id = $IN->param('uid');
my $db = $DB->table('Users');
my $user = $db->get($id);
( $user ) or return admin_user(sprintf(GList::language('USR_NOT_FOUND'), $id));
my $cols = $db->cols;
my $hsh = {};
foreach ( keys % $cols ) {
$hsh->{"mod_$_"} = $user->{$_};
return ('admin_user_modify_form.html', { msg => $msg, modify => 1, %$hsh });
$COMPILE{admin_user_modify} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_user_modify {
# Modify a user
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
#------------demo code-----------
my $db = $DB->table('Users');
my $cols = $db->cols;
my $hsh = {};
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash();
foreach ( keys % $cols) {
next if ( $USER->{usr_username} eq $cgi->{mod_usr_username} and $_ eq 'usr_type' );
$hsh->{$_} = $cgi->{"mod_$_"} if (exists $cgi->{"mod_$_"});
# Setup the language for GT::SQL.
local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{ILLEGALVAL} = GList::language('USR_ILLEGALVAL') if ( GList::language('USR_ILLEGALVAL') );
local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{UNIQUE} = GList::language('USR_UNIQUE') if ( GList::language('USR_UNIQUE') );
local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{NOTNULL} = GList::language('USR__NOTNULL') if ( GList::language('USR__NOTNULL') );
$hsh->{usr_cookie} = 0 if ( !defined $hsh->{usr_cookie} );
if ($hsh->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or $hsh->{usr_type} == UNLIMITED_USER) {
$hsh->{usr_validate_code} = '';
if ($hsh->{usr_password}) {
$hsh->{usr_password} = GList::encrypt($hsh->{usr_password});
else {
delete $hsh->{usr_password};
$hsh->{usr_date_format} = $IN->param('date_preview') if ($IN->param('date_preview'));
$hsh->{usr_date_format}||= "%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%";
my $old = $db->get($hsh->{usr_username});
# Set account limits
$hsh = _account_limit($hsh);
# Email validate this account
if ($CFG->{signup_admin_validate} and $cgi->{email_validate}) {
$hsh->{usr_validate_code} = '';
if ( $db->modify($hsh) ) {
my $pass = $hsh->{usr_password} || $old->{usr_password};
if ( $old->{usr_type} ne $hsh->{usr_type} ) { # Update Data.pm
if ( $hsh->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR ) {
exists $CFG->{admin}->{$hsh->{usr_username}} or $CFG->{admin}->{$hsh->{usr_username}} = [$pass, $hsh->{usr_email}];
else {
exists $CFG->{admin}->{$hsh->{usr_username}} and delete $CFG->{admin}->{$hsh->{usr_username}};
elsif ($hsh->{usr_type}) {
$CFG->{admin}->{$hsh->{usr_username}} = [$pass, $hsh->{usr_email}];
return admin_user(sprintf(GList::language('USR_UPDATED'), $hsh->{usr_username}));
else {
local $^W;
return admin_user_modify_form("<font color='red'>$GT::SQL::error</font>");
$COMPILE{admin_user_delete} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_user_delete {
# Delete the glist users
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
#------------demo code-----------
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash();
my $dels = (ref $cgi->{modify} eq 'ARRAY') ? $cgi->{modify} : [$cgi->{modify}];
my (%hsh, @mods, @users);
foreach (@$dels) {
next if ($cgi->{"$_-usr_username"} eq $USER->{usr_username});
$hsh{"$_-usr_username"} = $cgi->{"$_-usr_username"};
push @mods, $_;
push @users, $cgi->{"$_-usr_username"};
$hsh{modify} = \@mods;
my $msg = GList::delete('Users', 'usr', \%hsh);
# Delete users from Data.pm if they are administrator users
foreach my $u (@users) {
next if (not exists $CFG->{admin}->{$u});
delete $CFG->{admin}->{$u};
return admin_user($msg);
$COMPILE{admin_user_validate} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_user_validate {
# Validate users
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
#------------demo code-----------
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash();
my $mod = (ref $cgi->{modify} eq 'ARRAY') ? $cgi->{modify} : [$cgi->{modify}];
my $db_usr = $DB->table('Users');
my $count = 0;
foreach (@$mod) {
my $u = $cgi->{"$_-usr_username"};
next if (!$u or $u eq $USER->{usr_username});
if ($db_usr->count({ usr_username => $u })) {
usr_type => LIMITED_USER,
usr_validate_code => '',
usr_limit_list => $CFG->{signup_limit_list} || 10,
usr_limit_sublist => $CFG->{signup_limit_sublist} || 10,
usr_limit_email30 => $CFG->{signup_limit_email30} || 100,
}, { usr_username => $u });
return admin_user(GList::language('USR_VALIDATED', $count));
$COMPILE{admin_plugin} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_plugin {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run a plugin function.
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
my $plugin = $IN->param('plugin');
my $func = $IN->param('func');
local ($@, $!, $SIG{__DIE__});
eval { require "$CFG->{priv_path}/lib/GList/Plugins/$plugin.pm"; };
if ( $@ ) {
return ('error_form.html', { msg => "<font color=red>Unable to load plugin: $plugin ($@)</font>" });
no strict 'refs';
my $code = ${"GList::Plugins::" . $plugin . "::"}{$func};
use strict 'refs';
if ( !defined $code ) {
return ('error_form.html', { msg => "<font color=red>Invalid plugin function: $func</font>" });
$COMPILE{admin_setup_sql_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_setup_sql_form {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print SQL Server Form
my $msg = shift;
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
my $sql = _sql_load_cfg();
return ('admin_setup_sql_form.html', { msg => $msg, %$sql });
$COMPILE{admin_setup_sql} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_setup_sql {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Change the sql server information.
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
#------------demo code-----------
my ($host, $port, $output, $do, $ret);
$do = $IN->param('action');
if ($do !~ /^create|overwrite|load$/) {
return admin_setup_sql_form("<font color=red><b>Invalid action: '$do'</b></font>");
$ret = _sql_connect($IN->param('sql_host'), $IN->param('sql_driver'), $IN->param('sql_database'), $IN->param('sql_login'), $IN->param('sql_password'), $IN->param('sql_prefix'));
if (exists $ret->{error}) {
return admin_setup_sql_form($ret->{error});
require GList::SQL;
if ($do eq 'create') {
$output = GList::SQL::tables('check');
elsif ($do eq 'overwrite') {
$output = GList::SQL::tables('force');
my $db = $DB->table('Users');
$db->insert($USER) or die $GT::SQL::error;
my $results = GList::Authenticate::auth('create_session', { username => $USER->{usr_username} });
( $results->{error} ) and return ('login_form.html', { msg => "<font color=red><b>$results->{error}</b></font>" });
# Save username and password into Data.pm
$CFG->{admin} = { $USER->{usr_username} => [$USER->{usr_password}, $USER->{usr_email}] };
elsif ($do eq 'load') {
$output = GList::SQL::load_from_sql();
return admin_setup_sql_form("<font color=green>$output", 'is_set');
$COMPILE{admin_setup_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_setup_form {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print Setup form
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
my $msg = shift;
require GList::Config;
my $cfg = GList::Config::tpl_load();
my $pg = $IN->param('pg') || 'admin_setup_path.html';
return ($pg, { %$cfg, msg => $msg });
$COMPILE{admin_setup} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_setup {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the configuration.
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
#------------demo code-----------
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash();
if ( $cgi->{pg} eq 'admin_setup_misc.html' and (($cgi->{mail_path} and $cgi->{smtp_server}) or (!$cgi->{smtp_server} and !$cgi->{mail_path})) ) {
return admin_setup_form(GList::language('SET_MISC_ERR'));
if ( !$cgi->{brestore} and exists $cgi->{cgi_url} and exists $cgi->{priv_path} and exists $cgi->{image_url} and
( !$cgi->{cgi_url} or !$cgi->{priv_path} or !$cgi->{image_url} ) ) {
return admin_setup_form(GList::language('SET_PATH_ERR'));
if ($cgi->{brestore}) {
$CFG->default_path (1);
else {
return admin_setup_form(GList::language('SET_CFG_SUCCESS'));
$COMPILE{admin_template_diff} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_template_diff {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load fileman, but just for the purposes of displaying a diff.
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
require GT::FileMan;
my $fileman = GT::FileMan->new(
cfg => {
template_root => "$CFG->{priv_path}/templates/common",
root_dir => "$CFG->{priv_path}/templates",
html_root_url => $CFG->{image_url}. '/fileman',
debug_level => 0,
winnt => $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 1 : 0,
command_time_out => 20,
allowed_space => 0,
url_opts => 'do=fileman_diff'
$COMPILE{init_setup} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub init_setup {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sets the mysql information.
my ($host, $port, $overwrite);
# Test the ability to create a def file.
unless (open (TEST, "> $CFG->{priv_path}/defs/database.def")) {
return GList::display('setup_second.html', {
error => "Unable to create our def file in $CFG->{priv_path}/defs/. <br>\n
Please make sure this directory exists, and is writeable by the server. <br>\n
If this is the wrong directory, you will need to manually set the directory <br>\n
in GList::ConfigData. Error was: $!"
close TEST;
unlink "$CFG->{priv_path}/defs/database.def";
# Set the connection info.
$overwrite = $IN->param('overwrite') ? 'force' : 'check';
$host = $IN->param('host');
($host =~ s/\:(\d+)$//) and ($port = $1);
my $prefix = $IN->param('prefix');
$prefix =~ /^\w*$/ or return GList::display('setup_second.html', { error => "Invalid prefix: '$prefix'. Can only be letters, numbers and underscore." });
my $ret = $DB->set_connect ({
driver => scalar $IN->param('driver'),
host => $host,
port => $port,
database => scalar $IN->param('database'),
login => scalar $IN->param('login'),
password => scalar $IN->param('password'),
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 0,
AutoCommit => 1
if (! defined $ret) {
return GList::display('setup_second.html', { error => $GT::SQL::error });
# Now let's create the tables.
eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require GList::SQL; };
if ($@) { return GList::display('setup_second.html', { error => "Unable to load Dbsql::SQL module: $@\n" }); }
my $output = GList::SQL::tables($overwrite);
# Add admin user
my $db = $DB->table('Users');
usr_email => $IN->param('admin_user'),
usr_password => $IN->param('admin_pass'),
usr_type => ADMINISTRATOR,
usr_reply_email => $IN->param('admin_user'),
usr_bounce_Email => $IN->param('admin_user')
if ( $GT::SQL::error ) {
return GList::display('setup_second.html', { error => $GT::SQL::error });
# And lets set sensible defaults for the rest of the config vars.
# And save the config.
GList::display('setup_third.html', { message => "The data tables have been setup: <pre>$output</pre>" } );
$COMPILE{admin_user_table} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_user_table {
# Load Users table properties
my $msg = shift;
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return GList::display('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
my $db_usr = $DB->table('Users');
my $cols = $db_usr->cols;
my $pro_cols = [ grep(/^pro_/, $db_usr->ordered_columns) ];
my @output;
foreach my $c ( @$pro_cols ) {
$cols->{$c}->{name} = $c;
push @output, $cols->{$c};
return ('admin_user_table.html', { loop_fields => \@output, msg => $msg });
$COMPILE{admin_user_table_add} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_user_table_add {
# Add a field
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return GList::display('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
#------------demo code-----------
return ('admin_user_table_add.html') if ($IN->param('form'));
my $db = $DB->table('Users');
my %cols = $db->cols;
my $attribs = _col_spec();
my $column = 'pro_'.$IN->param('column');
# Error checking
my $errors = _field_check();
if ( exists $cols{$column} ) {
$errors .= sprintf(GList::language('TAB_COL_EXISTS'), $column);
if ( $IN->param('index') eq 'primary' ) {
$errors .= GList::language('TAB_PRIMARY_ERR');
return ('admin_user_table_add.html', { msg => "<font color=red><b>$errors</b></font>" }) if ($errors);
$attribs->{pos} = keys(%cols) + 1;
$attribs->{edit} = 1;
$attribs->{default} ||= '';
my $editor = $DB->editor('Users');
# Add the column.
delete $attribs->{column};
$editor->add_col($column, $attribs) or return ('admin_user_table_add.html', { msg => GList::language('TAB_ADD_COLUMN_ERR', $column, $GT::SQL::error) });
# Add the indexes.
if ( $IN->param('index') eq 'regular' ) {
$editor->add_index($column . '_idx' => [$column]) or return ('admin_user_table_add.html', { msg => GList::language('TAB_ADD_INDEX_ERR', $GT::SQL::error) });
if ( $IN->param('index') eq 'unique' ) {
$editor->add_index($column . '_idx' => [$column]) or return ('admin_user_table_add.html', { msg => GList::language('TAB_ADD_UNIQUE_ERR', $GT::SQL::error) });
return admin_user_table(GList::language('TAB_ADD_SUCCESS', $column));
$COMPILE{admin_user_table_modify} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_user_table_modify {
# Modify a field
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return GList::display('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
#------------demo code-----------
my $col = $IN->param('column');
my $db = $DB->table('Users');
my $editor = $DB->editor('Users');
my $cols = $db->cols;
my $old_def = $cols->{$col};
return admin_user_table(GList::language('TAB_MOD_ERR', $col)) if (!exists $cols->{$col} or !$col);
my %attribs = %{$cols->{$col}};
# Set up defaults for the fields
foreach my $col (qw/column type not_null file_save_in file_max_size file_save_scheme default form_display form_type form_size form_names form_values regex weight values size/) {
$attribs{$col} = $IN->param($col) if ( defined $IN->param($col) );
$attribs{column} ||= $col;
$attribs{form_type} ||= 'TEXT';
$attribs{form_size} ||= ($attribs{form_type} eq 'SELECT') ? 0 : '';
ref $attribs{form_size} and ($attribs{form_size} = join(",", @{$attribs{form_size}}));
ref $attribs{form_names} and ($attribs{form_names} = join("\n", @{$attribs{form_names}}));
ref $attribs{form_values} and ($attribs{form_values} = join("\n", @{$attribs{form_values}}));
ref $attribs{values} and ($attribs{values} = join("\n", @{$attribs{values}}));
return ('admin_user_table_modify.html', \%attribs) if ($IN->param('form'));
# Keep any values that where there before
my $attribs = _col_spec();
for my $val ( keys %$old_def ) {
$attribs->{$val} = $old_def->{$val} unless exists $attribs->{$val};
# Error checking
my $errors = _field_check();
if ( $IN->param('index') eq 'primary' and ( $col ne $db->{schema}->{pk}) ) {
$errors .= GList::language('TAB_PRIMARY_ERR');
return ('admin_user_table_modify.html', { msg => "<font color=red><b>$errors</b></font>", %attribs }) if($errors);
# Add/Drop indexes.
my $index_type = _index_type($col);
if ( $index_type ne $IN->param('index') ) {
if ($index_type eq 'none') {
if ( $IN->param('index') eq 'regular' ) {
$editor->add_index( $col . "_idx" => [$col] );
else {
$editor->add_unique( $col . "_idx" => [$col] );
elsif ( $IN->param('index') eq 'none' ) {
if ( $index_type eq 'regular' ) {
my $index = $db->index;
INDEX: foreach my $index_name (keys %$index) {
foreach my $col_name ( @{$index->{$index_name}} ) {
next unless ($col_name eq $col);
$editor->drop_index($index_name) or return ('admin_user_table_modify.html', { msg => "<font color=red><b>$GT::SQL::error</b></font>", %attribs });
last INDEX;
else {
my $unique = $db->unique;
INDEX: foreach my $unique_name (keys %$unique) {
foreach my $col_name (@{$unique->{$unique_name}}) {
next unless ($col_name eq $col);
$editor->drop_unique($unique_name) or return ('admin_user_table_modify.html', { msg => "<font color=red><b>$GT::SQL::error</b></font>", %attribs });
last INDEX;
# Make the changes
delete $attribs->{column};
$editor->alter_col($col, $attribs) or return ('admin_user_table_modify.html', { msg => '<font color=red><b>'.$editor->error.'</b></font>', %attribs });
return admin_user_table(GList::language('TAB_MOD_SUCCESS', $col));
$COMPILE{admin_user_table_delete} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_user_table_delete {
# Delete a field of User Table
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return GList::display('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
#------------demo code-----------
my $column = $IN->param('column');
return admin_user_table(GList::language('TAB_MOD_INVALID')) if (!$column);
return admin_user_table(GList::language('TAB_MOD_PERMIT_ERR', 'pro_first_name, pro_last_name')) if ($column =~ /pro_first_name|pro_last_name/);
# Keep any values that where there before
my $db = $DB->table('Users');
my $editor = $DB->editor('Users');
my $old_def = $db->cols->{$column};
# Drop the column from the database.
$editor->drop_col($column) or return admin_user_table("<font color=red><b>$GT::SQL::error</b></font>");
return admin_user_table(GList::language('TAB_DEL_SUCCESS', $column));
$COMPILE{admin_user_table_resync} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_user_table_resync {
# Resync database
my $name = $IN->param('db') || 'Users';
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return ('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
# We need a creator for this.
my $c = $DB->creator($name);
my $db = $DB->table($name);
$c->load_table or return admin_user_table($GT::SQL::error);
# Re Load our table object.
return admin_user_table(GList::language('TAB_RESYNC'));
$COMPILE{admin_stoplist} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_stoplist {
# Update the stop lists
my $msg = shift;
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return GList::display('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
return ('admin_stoplist_form.html') if ($IN->param('form'));
my $alpha = 0;
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash;
my $query= '';
if ($IN->param('alpha') and $IN->param('alpha') ne 'all') { # from the quick search bar
$alpha = $IN->param('alpha');
$query = "alpha=$alpha";
my $db = $DB->table('StopLists');
$db->select_options('ORDER BY letter');
require GT::SQL::Condition;
my $cd = GT::SQL::Condition->new();
my $url = 'glist.cgi?do=admin_stoplist';
if ($cgi->{stl_email}) {
$cd->add('stl_email' => 'like' => "%$cgi->{stl_email}%");
$url .= ";stl_email=$cgi->{stl_email}";
my $sth = $db->select($cd, ['DISTINCT SUBSTRING(stl_email, 1, 1) as letter']);
my $results = GList::search(
cgi => $cgi,
db => $DB->table('StopLists'),
based_on => $DB->prefix.'StopLists',
prefix => 'stl',
sb => 'stl_email',
so => 'ASC',
search_alpha=> $alpha,
search_col => 'stl_email',
return_msg => 'ADM_STOPLIST',
skip_user => 1,
require GList::List;
if ( ref $results ne 'HASH' ) {
return ('admin_stoplist.html', { search_bar => GList::List::_search_bar($sth, $url), msg => $results });
$results->{msg} = $msg if ($msg);
return ('admin_stoplist.html', { search_bar => GList::List::_search_bar($sth, $url), toolbar_query => $query, toolbar_table => 'StopLists', %$results })
$COMPILE{admin_stoplist_confirm} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_stoplist_confirm {
# Confirmation about remove all emails that match the addition stoplist
# from all list
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return GList::display('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
my $emails = $IN->param('emails') || '';
return ('lst_stoplist_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_STOPLIST_ERROR') }) if (!$emails);
require GT::SQL::Condition;
my $db_sub = $DB->table('Subscribers');
my @emails = split(/\r?\n/, $emails);
my (@results, %found);
foreach my $e (@emails) {
$e =~ s/^\s+//;
$e =~ s/\s+$//;
next unless $e and $e =~ /.@./;
my $cond;
if ($e =~ /[*?]/) {
my $tmp = $e;
$tmp =~ y/*/%/;
$tmp =~ y/?/_/;
$cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new(sub_email => LIKE => $tmp);
else {
$cond = { sub_email => $e };
my $pre = keys %found;
my @found = $db_sub->select(sub_id => $cond)->fetchall_list;
for (@found) { $found{$_}++ }
my $added = keys(%found) - $pre;
push @results, { email => $e, found => $added };
my $found_emails = scalar keys %found;
return admin_stoplist_add() if (!$found_emails);
return ('admin_stoplist_form.html', {
loop_results => \@results,
loop_hits => $#results + 1,
found_emails => $found_emails,
data => $emails,
confirmation => 1
$COMPILE{admin_stoplist_add} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_stoplist_add {
# Add email to stop list
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return GList::display('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
my $emails = $IN->param('emails') || '';
return ('lst_stoplist_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_STOPLIST_ERROR') }) if (!$emails);
my ($invalid, $duplicate) = (0, 0);
my @emails = split(/\r?\n/, $emails);
my $db_stl = $DB->table('StopLists');
my $db_sub = $DB->table('Subscribers');
require GT::SQL::Condition;
my @results;
my $cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new('OR');
foreach my $e (@emails) {
$e =~ s/^\s+//;
$e =~ s/\s+$//;
next if !$e;
if ( $e !~ /.@./ ) { # check email address
push @results, { email => $e, status => GList::language('SYS_INVALID_EMAIL') };
else {
if ($e =~ /[*?]/) {
my $tmp = $e;
$tmp =~ y/*/%/;
$tmp =~ y/?/_/;
$cond->add(sub_email => LIKE => $tmp);
else {
$cond->add(sub_email => '=' => $e);
push @results, { email => $e, status => '' };
if ($db_stl->count({ stl_email => $e })) {
$results[-1]->{status} = GList::language('SYS_DUPLICATE');
else {
$db_stl->insert({ stl_email => $e });
$db_sub->delete($cond) if (@{$cond->{cond}});
return ('admin_stoplist_success.html', {
results => \@results,
duplicate => $duplicate,
invalid => $invalid,
hits => scalar @results,
successful => scalar @results - $invalid - $duplicate,
$COMPILE{admin_stoplist_delete} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_stoplist_delete {
# Delete email from stop list
$USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or return GList::display('error_form.html', { msg => GList::language('ADM_PERMISSION_ERR') });
my $mod = ( ref $IN->param('modify') eq 'ARRAY' ) ? $IN->param('modify') : [$IN->param('modify')];
my $db = $DB->table('StopLists');
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash();
foreach my $rec_num ( @{$mod} ) {
$db->delete({ stl_id => $cgi->{"$rec_num-stl_id"} });
return admin_stoplist(GList::language('ADM_STOPLIST_DELETED', $#$mod + 1));
$COMPILE{_update_cfg} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _update_cfg {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Updates the config based on the form input.
foreach my $param ($IN->param) {
if (exists $CFG->{$param}) {
if (ref $CFG->{$param} eq ref []) {
my @val = split /\s*,\s*/, $IN->param($param);
$CFG->{$param} = \@val;
elsif (ref $CFG->{$param} eq ref {}) {
my $h = {};
my @pairs = split /\s*,\s*/, $IN->param($param);
foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
my ($k, $v) = split /\s*=\s*/, $pair;
$h->{$k} = $v;
$CFG->{$param} = $h;
else {
$CFG->{$param} = $IN->param($param);
$COMPILE{_field_check} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _field_check {
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Checks to see if the input field name is a valid one,
# the function checks the following:
# 1. Column name
# 2. Check column exist
# 3. Check field size
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash;
my $col_name = $cgi->{column} || $cgi->{mod};
my $form_type = uc($cgi->{form_type});
my $type = uc($cgi->{type});
return GList::language('TAB_COL_NAME') if ( $col_name !~ /^(\w+)$/ );
# Max lengths
if (( $type eq 'CHAR' ) and ( $cgi->{size} > 255 ) ) {
return GList::language('TAB_COL_SIZE');
if ( ( $type eq 'INT' ) and ( $cgi->{size} > 0 ) ) {
return GList::language('TAB_COL_SIZE_INT');
if ( ( $type eq 'ENUM' ) and ( !$cgi->{values} ) ) {
return GList::language('TAB_COL_VALUES');
if ( ( $cgi->{index} eq 'primary' or $cgi->{index} eq 'index' or $cgi->{index} eq 'unique' ) and ( ! $cgi->{not_null} ) ) {
return sprintf(GList::language('TAB_COL_NOTNULL'), $col_name);
if ( ( $form_type eq 'FILE' ) and ( $type ne 'CHAR' ) and ( $type ne 'VARCHAR' ) ) {
return GList::language('TAB_COL_FILE_TYPE');
my $location = $cgi->{file_save_in};
if ( ( $form_type eq 'FILE' ) and ( !$location ) ) {
return GList::language('TAB_COL_FILE_IN');
if ( ( $form_type eq 'FILE' ) and ( !-w $location ) ) {
return sprintf(GList::language('TAB_COL_FILE_ERR'), $location);
$COMPILE{_col_spec} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _col_spec {
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Reconstruct the input variables into a string in the form
# "field_name(type(length_set) attribute DEFAULT default_value extra)"
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash;
my $col_spec;
# add field properties into a hash
$col_spec->{'type'} = $cgi->{type};
if ( $cgi->{type} eq 'ENUM' ) {
$col_spec->{'values'} = [split /(?:\n|\r)+/, $cgi->{values}];
else {
$col_spec->{'size'} = $cgi->{size};
$col_spec->{'default'} = $cgi->{default};
$col_spec->{'not_null'} = ($cgi->{not_null}) ? '1' : '';
$col_spec->{'form_display'} = ($cgi->{form_display})? $cgi->{form_display} : $cgi->{column};
$col_spec->{'form_type'} = ($cgi->{form_type}) ? $cgi->{form_type} : 'TEXT';
$col_spec->{'form_size'} = ($cgi->{form_size}) ? $cgi->{form_size} : '';
$col_spec->{'form_names'} = ($cgi->{form_names}) ? [split /(?:\n|\r)+/, $cgi->{form_names}] : [];
$col_spec->{'form_values'} = ($cgi->{form_values}) ? [split /(?:\n|\r)+/, $cgi->{form_values}]: [];
$col_spec->{'regex'} = ($cgi->{regex}) ? $cgi->{regex} : '';
if ( $cgi->{file_save_in} ) {
$col_spec->{'file_save_in'} = $cgi->{file_save_in};
$col_spec->{'file_save_scheme'} = $cgi->{file_save_scheme};
$col_spec->{'file_max_size'} = $cgi->{file_max_size};
return $col_spec;
$COMPILE{_index_type} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _index_type {
my $column = shift;
my $db = $DB->table('Users');
my $indexed = 'none';
if ($column) {
$db->_is_indexed($column) and ($indexed = 'regular');
$db->_is_unique($column) and ($indexed = 'unique');
$db->_is_pk($column) and ($indexed = 'primary');
return $indexed;
$COMPILE{_save_users} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _save_users {
my $users = $DB->table('Users')->select({ usr_type => ADMINISTRATOR }, ['usr_username', 'usr_password', 'usr_email'])->fetchall_hashref;
my %hash;
foreach (@$users) {
$hash{$_->{usr_username}} = [$_->{usr_password}, $_->{usr_email}];
$CFG->{admin} = \%hash;
$COMPILE{_sql_load_cfg} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _sql_load_cfg {
# Load current sql information
require GList::SQL;
my $cfg = GList::SQL::load();
foreach (keys % $cfg) {
$cfg->{"sql_$_"} = $cfg->{$_};
delete $cfg->{$_};
return $cfg;
$COMPILE{_sql_connect} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _sql_connect {
my ($host, $driver, $database, $login, $password, $prefix) = @_;
my ($port, $ret);
($host =~ s/\:(\d+)$//) and ($port = $1);
$prefix =~ /^\w*$/ or return { error => "<font color=red><b>Invalid prefix: '$prefix'. Can only be letters, numbers and underscore.</b></font>" };
$ret = $DB->set_connect({
driver => $driver,
host => $host,
port => $port,
database => $database,
login => $login,
password => $password,
RaiseError => 0,
PrintError => 0,
AutoCommit => 1
if (! defined $ret) {
return { error => "<font color=red><b>$GT::SQL::error</b></font>" };
return $ret;
$COMPILE{_account_limit} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _account_limit {
my $data = shift;
if ($data->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR or $data->{usr_type} == UNLIMITED_USER ) {
$data->{usr_limit_list} = 0;
$data->{usr_limit_sublist} = 0;
$data->{usr_limit_email30} = 0;
else {
$data->{usr_limit_list} ||= $CFG->{signup_limit_list} || 10;
$data->{usr_limit_sublist} ||= $CFG->{signup_limit_sublist} || 10;
$data->{usr_limit_email30} ||= $CFG->{signup_limit_email30} || 100;
return $data;
$COMPILE{_determine_action} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _determine_action {
# Check valid action
my $action = shift || undef;
if ( $action =~ /admin_setup_sql_form|admin_setup_sql|admin_setup_form|admin_setup/ ) {
($action eq 'admin_user_search') and return 'admin_user';
return if ( !$action );
my %valid = (
map { $_ => 1 } qw(
exists $valid{$action} and return $action;