3606 lines
134 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-06-17 22:27:49 +10:00
function FileMan() {
this.config = {
timer : 750,
uploadmax_width : 400,
wrapper : 0,
content : 0,
effect : true,
image_url : null,
cgi_url : null,
root_path : null,
regnum : '',
work_path : '/'
this.current = {
command : null,
action : null
this.height = {
contentmessage : $('#contentmessage').outerHeight(),
wrapperheader : $('#wrapper-header').outerHeight() + 4,
wrapperfooter : $('#wrapper-footer').outerHeight()
/* Field maps */
this.maps = { type: 0, icon: 1, name: 2, size: 3, desc: 4, date: 5, owner: 6, perm: 7, sperm: 8, sdate: 9, path: 10, full_path: 11 };
/* Paging variables */
this.paging = {
num_hits : 0,
current_page: 1,
size : '',
max_hits : 25,
sb : 'name',
so : 'asc'
this.files = new Array(); this.paths = new Array();
this.hiddens = new Object(); this.cdata = new Object();
this.parent = '';
/* Form object */
this.form = $('#wrapper-content form');
/* Screen dimensions */
this.screen = {
height : getScreenHeight(),
width : getScreenWidth()
/* Languages which shows up in status bar */
this.languages = {
preferences : 'Preferences',
setup : 'Setup',
password : 'Change Password',
user : 'User Management',
log : 'Browser Logs',
env : 'Environment',
user_add : 'Add a user',
user_modify : 'Modify a user',
user_access : 'Change accesses',
user_permission : 'Change Permissions',
uncompress : 'Uncompress'
this.fileEditor = new Object();
var fm = this;
this.config.tinyMCE = {
// General options
id : 'tinyEditor',
mode : "textareas",
theme : "advanced",
plugins : "style,table,advhr,advimage,advlink,preview,media,searchreplace,fullpage",
convert_urls : false,
remove_linebreaks : false,
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onChange.add(function(ed, l) {
if (!fm.fileEditor.beingEdited) fm.fileEditor.beingEdited = true;
// Theme options
theme_advanced_buttons1 : "newdocument,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,styleselect,formatselect,fontselect,fontsizeselect",
theme_advanced_buttons2 : "cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword,|,search,replace,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,blockquote,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,image,cleanup,help,|,forecolor,backcolor",
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "tablecontrols,|,hr,removeformat,|,sub,sup,|,charmap,iespell,media,advhr,|,code,preview,|,fullpage",
theme_advanced_resizing : true,
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left",
theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom"
Initial setting variables and actions
FileMan.prototype.init = function() {
var fm = this;
var $modal = $('#modal-dialog');
/* Set up the commands */
$('#primarynav a[rel]').each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
var action = $(this).attr('rel')
if ($(this).parent().hasClass('navitem')) {
if ($('#cmd-' + action).length == 1) {
if (action == 'file') {
else {
fm.commandDialog({ command : action });
else if (action == 'help') {
else if (action == 'about') {
else {
return false;
/* The layout should be resized when window is resized */
$(window).resize(function() {
fm.screen = {
height : getScreenHeight(),
width : getScreenWidth()
if (!$modal.hasClass('hidden')) {
var mwidth = $modal.width();
var mleft = parseInt((fm.screen.width - mwidth) / 2);
$modal.css('left', mleft + 'px');
/* Set up CD form */
$('#cdform form').submit(function() {
fm.cd({ dname : $(this).find('input[name="dname"]').val() });
return false;
this.form.append('<input type="hidden" id="serial" name="serial" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="ajax" value="1" />').submit(function() {
var command = fm.current.command || fm.current.action;
/* Handle extra steps if needed for some commands before submit the request */
fm.form.attr('action', fm.config.cgi_url);
if (command == 'command') {
else if (command == 'upload') {
else if (command.search(/file|edit/) == 0) {
if (tinyMCE.activeEditor) {
var editor = $('textarea[name="editor"]');
var content = $('#editor_mode').val() == 'html' ? fm.tinyMCEContent() : editor.val();
dataType : 'json',
beforeSubmit : function() {
/* Display waiting image for some commands */
if (command.search(/search|replace|uncompress|compress|copy|delete|move|download/) == 0) {
success : function(response) {
if (response.status == 'ERR_NOAUTH') {
else {
return false;
/* Load files and setting layout */
this.cd({ load_default : 1 });
/* Set up sorting action for the headers */
$('.foldertab th a[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
$('.foldertab th a[rel] img').remove();
if (fm.paging.sb != link.attr('rel')) {
fm.paging.sb = link.attr('rel');
fm.paging.so = fm.paging.sb.search(/date|size|perm/) != -1 ? 'desc' : 'asc';
else {
fm.paging.so = fm.paging.so == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
fm.sort(fm.files, fm.paging.sb, fm.paging.so);
fm.page(fm.paging, function(nh) { fm.printFiles(nh); });
return false;
/* Set Advance search and upload multiple files link */
this.form.find('a[rel="advance-search"]').click(function() { return fm.advanceSearch(); });
this.form.find('a[rel="upload-multiple"]').click(function() { return fm.uploadFiles(); });
/* Set action for action drop down */
$('#fm_action').attr('selectedIndex', 0).change(function() {
var action = $(this).val();
if ($('#cmd-' + action).length == 1 || action == '' || action.search(/delete|perl|print/) == 0) {
fm.actionDialog({ action : action });
else {
fm.showMessage({ success : false, message : 'Invalid action: ' + action });
/* Cluetip setup */
activation : 'click',
closePosition : 'title',
closeText: '<img src="' + this.config.image_url + '/icons/close.gif" alt="Close" />',
width : 400,
height : 300,
sticky : true,
arrows : false
/* Handle showing sub-menus */
if (this.config.is_ie) {
$('.primarynav li[class="navitem"]').each(function() {
var $li = $(this);
if ($li.find('ul').length == 0) return;
var $ul = $li.find('ul');
$li.mouseover(function() {
$li.append('<iframe style="height: '+ ($ul.height() - 5) + 'px"></iframe>');
$li.mouseout(function() {
/* Search Expression option requires 'Search Contents' checked */
$('#search_exp').click(function() {
$('#search_content').attr('checked', $(this).attr('checked') ? true : false);
/* Browse buttons */
$('input[name="button-browse"]').each(function() {
var button = $(this);
button.click(function() {
var command = fm.current.command || fm.current.action;
title : command == 'diff' ? 'Select a text file' : 'Select Directory',
filter : command == 'diff' ? 2 : 1,
hidden_query : fm.hiddens.hidden_query,
id : command + '_input'
/* Setting for chmod command */
$('#cmd-chmod input[name="chmod_input"]').change(function() {
var val = $(this).val();
if (val.length == 0) return;
if (val.search(/\D/) >= 0) {
fm.showMessage({ success : false, message : 'Invalid octal notation.'})
var nums = val.split("");
var invalid = false;
for (var i=0; i<nums.length; i++) {
if (nums[i] == 0) continue;
if (nums[i] > 7) {
invalid = true;
if (invalid) {
fm.showMessage({ success : false, message : 'Invalid octal notation.'})
/* Logout link */
$('#loginbar a[rel]').click(function() {
fm.current.command = 'logout';
return false;
/* Format Date */
this.config.date_format = this.config.date_format;
Date.firstDayOfWeek = 7;
Date.format = this.config.date_format;
/* Prevent user uses mousewheel on IE */
document.getElementById('fm_action').onmousewheel = function() { return false; };
/* Setting action for access menu bar. This is only available for user who has multiple access directories */
$('#uaccess a[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
fm.cd({ dname: '/', a : link.attr('rel') });
return false;
login method: handles all none authentication actions
html : should be login form. This happens when session is expired
FileMan.prototype.login = function(html) {
if (html) $('#home').html(html).addClass('noauth');
var $contentmessage = $('#contentmessage');
$contentmessage.find('.error').oneTime(5000, 'msgtimer', function() { $contentmessage.slideUp('normal'); });
var fm = this;
$('a[rel="reset_password"]').click(function() {
fm.printForm('reset_password', function(response) {
if (response.success) {
$('form input[name="cmd"]').val('reset_password');
var $login = $('#login');
$login.fadeOut('normal', function() {
$('a[rel="login"]').click(function() {
var $reset = $('#reset_password');
$reset.fadeOut('normal', function() {
$login.fadeIn('fast', function() {
$('form input[name="cmd"]').val('login');
return false;
dataType : 'json',
success : function(response) {
if (response.success) {
if (response.data.redirect == 'login') {
var $reset = $('#reset_password');
$reset.fadeOut('normal', function() {
$('#login').fadeIn('normal', function() {
$('form input[name="cmd"]').val('login');
$contentmessage.slideDown('normal', function() { $('#username').focus(); });
else {
window.location = fm.config.cgi_url + (response.data.notuse_cookie == 1 ? ('?sid=' + response.data.session.id) : '');
else {
$contentmessage.slideDown('normal', function() {
if ($('#login').is(':hidden')) $('#email').focus();
else $('#username').focus();
}).oneTime(5000, 'msgtimer', function() { $contentmessage.slideUp('normal'); });
Handle layout dimensions
wHeight: Should be window height. This is an optional.
message_height: Should be message box height. This is an optional
FileMan.prototype.layoutDimensions = function(wHeight) {
if (typeof(wHeight) == 'undefined' || !wHeight) wHeight = $(window).height();
var message_height = $('#contentmessage').is(':hidden') ? 0 : ($('#contentmessage').outerHeight() + 2);
var height = wHeight - this.height.wrapperheader - this.height.wrapperfooter - 5;
var shadow_height = $('#ocwrapper .shadowtop').outerHeight() + $('#ocwrapper .shadowbottom').outerHeight();
var command_height = $('#contentheader').is(':hidden') ? 0 : $('#contentheader').outerHeight();
var wrapper_content_padding = command_height > 0 ? 2 : 18;
var content_height = height - command_height - message_height - shadow_height - wrapper_content_padding;
/* Setting height for these objects */
$('#ocwrapper').css('height', height - command_height + 'px');
$('#wrapper-content').css('height', height + 'px');
$('#content').css('height', content_height + 'px');
this.height.content = $('#content').height();
this.height.wrapper = height;
$('#contentheader').css('width', $('#wrapper-content').width() - 20 + 'px');
/* If command-dialog exists, it needs to get resized as well */
var $command_dialog = $('#command-dialog');
if ($command_dialog.length > 0) {
var $editor = $command_dialog.find('textarea[name="editor"]');
if ($editor.length > 0) {
var nwidth = getScreenWidth() - 45;
var nheight = getScreenHeight() - 275;
$editor.css('height', nheight + 'px').css('width', nwidth + 'px');
if ($editor.is(':hidden') && this.config.tinyMCE) {
this.config.tinyMCE.width = nwidth + 'px';
this.config.tinyMCE.height = nheight - 5 + 'px';
var toolbar_height = $command_dialog.find('.toolbar').outerHeight() || 0;
$command_dialog.find('.contentframe').css('height', this.height.content - toolbar_height + 'px');
else {
/* Setting the height for the content frame which is set 'scroll' for overflow-y */
if ($('.contentframe').length > 0 && !$('.contentframe').hasClass('hide')) {
this.height.folder = $('.foldertab:first').height();
this.height.toolbar = $('.toolbar').outerHeight() + this.height.folder;
$('.contentframe').css('height', content_height - this.height.toolbar + 'px');
/* Fixing the width for file table which doesn't work probably on IE7 */
$('.contentframe table[class="foldertab"]').css('width', $('.foldertab:first').outerWidth() - 18 + 'px');
Handles showing the command panel
args : should be a hash of parameters
FileMan.prototype.commandDialog = function(args) {
var fm = this;
if (this.fileEditor.beingEdited) {
if (args.command == 'command') this.fileEditor.actionCalled = true;
return this.editorConfirm(function() { fm.commandDialog(args); });
if (typeof(args) == 'undefined') args = new Object();
/* Clear timeoud ID if exists */
if (this.timerID > 0) {
this.timerID = 0;
var $contentheader = $('#contentheader');
var $contentmessage = $('#contentmessage');
var command_height = $contentheader.height();
var message_height = 0
var msg_show = false;
var command = args.command || null;
/* Hide the action bar if visible */
if (this.current.action) {
$('#fm_action').attr('selectedIndex', 0);
this.fadeOut($('#cmd-' + this.current.action));
this.current.action = null;
/* Display message */
if (!$contentmessage.is(':hidden')){
msg_show = true;
/* Display the Command command screen */
var $command_dialog = $('#command-dialog');
if (command == 'command') {
if (this.current.command != command) {
var $content = $('#content');
this.printForm('command', function(response) {
if (response.success) {
fm.working_dir = response.data.working_dir;
if ($command_dialog.length > 0) $command_dialog.remove();
fm.fadeOut($('#listfiles'), function() {
$content.append('<div id="command-dialog" class="command"><span class="prompt">' + response.data.prompt + '</span></div>');
fm.fadeIn($('#command-dialog').css('overflow-y', 'scroll'), function() {
/* Display editor form */
else if ($command_dialog.is(':hidden')) {
this.fadeOut($('#listfiles'), function() {
if (command.search(/file|edit/) == 0) {
var $modal = $('#modal-dialog');
fm.fadeIn($command_dialog, function() {
var $contentframe = $command_dialog.find('.contentframe');
var $editor = $contentframe.find('textarea[name="editor"]');
$contentframe.css('height', $command_dialog.height() + 'px').css('width', $command_dialog.width() + 'px').css('overflow', 'hidden');
if ($('#editor_mode').val() == 'html') {
$editor.css('height', $command_dialog.height() - 13 + 'px').css('width', $command_dialog.width() - 5 + 'px');
else {
$editor.css('height', $command_dialog.height() - 5 + 'px')
.css('width', $command_dialog.width() - 5 + 'px')
.change(function() {
if (!fm.fileEditor.beingEdited) fm.fileEditor.beingEdited = true;
fm.fadeIn($editor, function() {
if (!$modal.is(':hidden')) $modal.html('').jqmHide();
else {
/* Display main screen */
else if ($('#listfiles').is(':hidden') || $('.foldertab').is(':hidden')) {
if (!$command_dialog.is(':hidden')) {
this.fadeOut($command_dialog, function() {
if (command == null) $('.contentframe').css('height', fm.height.content - fm.height.toolbar - message_height + 'px');
fm.fadeIn($('#listfiles'), function() {
if (args.message) fm.showMessage(args);
if (args.refresh) fm.cd();
else {
this.fadeIn($('#listfiles'), function() {
if (args.message) fm.showMessage(args);
if (args.refresh) fm.cd();
if (this.current.command == command) return;
if (command == null && this.current.command != command) {
$("#ocwrapper").css('height', this.height.wrapper - command_height - message_height + 'px').css('margin-top', '0px');
$("#content").css('height', this.height.content - message_height + 'px');
$(".contentframe").css('height', this.height.content - message_height - command_height - 10 + 'px');
else {
$('#primarynav a[rel="' + command + '"]').parent().addClass('selected');
/* Create space for the command panel */
if ($contentheader.is(':hidden')) {
if ($(".contentframe").length > 0) {
$("#content").css('height', fm.height.content - command_height + 'px');
this.animate($(".contentframe"), {
height : this.height.content - this.height.toolbar - command_height,
scrollTop : 0
}, 'fast', function() {
fm.animate($("#ocwrapper"), {
'margin-top' : command_height,
'height' : fm.height.wrapper - command_height
}, 'fast', function() {
fm.slideDown($contentheader, function() {
$('#' + command + '_input').val(args.value || '').focus();
/* Hide message box and resize the main screen */
else if (msg_show) {
if ($(".contentframe").length > 0) {
$("#content").css('height', this.height.content - command_height + 'px');
$(".contentframe").css('height', this.height.content - this.height.toolbar - command_height + 'px');
this.animate($("#ocwrapper"), {
'margin-top' : command_height,
'height' : this.height.wrapper - command_height
/* Reset form before display it */
/* Display the command dialobottomg */
if (this.current.command) {
this.fadeOut($('#cmd-' + this.current.command), function() {
fm.fadeIn($('#cmd-' + command), function() {
$('#' + command + '_input').val(args.value || '').focus();
else {
this.fadeIn($('#cmd-' + command));
/* Remove #xx-content */
$('#content').css('overflow', 'hidden');
if (this.current.command) {
this.fadeOut($('#' + this.current.command + '-content'), function() { $('#' + this.current.command + '-content').remove() });
$('.primarynav a[rel="' + this.current.command + '"]').parent().removeClass('selected');
/* Set the current command */
this.current.command = command;
if (this.form.find('input[name="cmd-result"]').length > 0 && command != 'command') {
actionDialog method: Show action dialog
action : should be action name
json : should be json object
FileMan.prototype.actionDialog = function(args) {
var fm = this;
if (this.fileEditor.beingEdited) {
this.fileEditor.actionCalled = true;
return this.editorConfirm(function() {
if (!args) args = new Object;
var action = args.action;
var json = args.json;
if (this.current.action == action) return;
/* Clear timeoud ID if exists */
if (this.timerID > 0) {
this.timerID = 0;
/* Get rid of hide from .fodlertab */
if ($('.foldertab').is(':hidden')) {
var message_height = 0;
var toolbar_height = this.height.toolbar;
var folder_height = 0;
var $contentframe = $('.contentframe');
var $contentheader = $('#contentheader');
if (json && json.message) {
message_height = this.height.contentmessage;
else if (!$('#contentmessage').is(':hidden')) {
/* Display a form instead: this applies for actions under toolbar menus*/
var html = json && json.data.html ? json.data.html : '';
if (html != '') {
if ($('#command-dialog').length == 0) $('#content').append('<div id="command-dialog"></div>');
if (action != 'user' && action.search(/log/) == -1) toolbar_height -= this.height.folder;
if (action != 'user_modify' && json.data.user_modify) action = 'user_modify';
var $command_dialog = $('#command-dialog').css('overflow-y', 'hidden');
this.fadeOut($('#listfiles'), function() {
fm.fadeOut($command_dialog, function() {
$contentframe = $('#command-dialog .contentframe');
if (action.search(/user/) == 0) {
if (action == 'user') {
else {
$command_dialog.find('input[name="button-cancel"]').click(function() { fm.actionForm('user'); });
$command_dialog.find('input[name="button-browse"]').click(function() {
var access = $('textarea[name="access_directories"]').val();
var aTemp = access != '' ? access.split('\n') : new Array();
fm.cdata.accesses = aTemp;
title : 'Select Directories',
filter : 1,
hidden_query : fm.hiddens.hidden_query,
multiple : true,
id : 'access_directories'
$command_dialog.find('select[name="mod_type"]').change(function() {
if ($(this).val() == 1) {
else {
else if (action == 'log') {
else if (action == 'uncompress') {
folder_height = $('#command-dialog .foldertab:first').outerHeight() + 5;
fm.animate($('#content'), { height : fm.height.content - message_height });
fm.animate($contentframe, { height : fm.height.content - toolbar_height - message_height - folder_height }, 'normal', function() {
$command_dialog.find('input[id="' + action + '_input"]').focus();
activation : 'click',
closePosition : 'title',
closeText: '<img src="' + fm.config.image_url + '/icons/close.gif" alt="Close" />',
width : 400,
height : 300,
sticky : true,
arrows : false
this.showStatus(this.languages[action] || action);
if (!$contentheader.is(':hidden')) {
this.fadeOut($('#cmd-' + this.current.command), function() {
fm.animate($("#ocwrapper"), {
'margin-top' : 0,
'height' : fm.height.wrapper
}, 'normal', function() {
fm.animate($("#content"), { height: fm.height.content });
$contentframe.css('height', fm.height.content - toolbar_height + 'px');
fm.fadeOut($contentheader, function() {
$('#' + action + '_input').focus();
this.current.command = null;
$('.primarynav a[rel]').parent().removeClass('selected');
else if (!html) {
this.animate($("#content"), { height: fm.height.content });
$contentframe.css('height', fm.height.content - toolbar_height + 'px');
/* Reset form before display it */
/* Show action form if applicated */
if (this.current.action && this.current.action != 'delete') {
this.fadeOut($('#cmd-' + this.current.action), function() {
fm.fadeIn($('#cmd-' + action), function () {
$('#' + action + '_input').focus();
else {
this.fadeIn($('#cmd-' + action), function () {
$('#' + action + '_input').focus();
/* Save the action */
this.current.action = action;
/* Handle specific action */
if (this.current.action.search(/delete|perl|print/) == 0) {
else if (this.current.action == 'chmod') {
$('#cmd-chmod .checkbox').click(function() {
/* Loading permission for a file if selected */
var fselected = $('input[name="cinput"][checked]');
if (fselected.length > 0) {
var fname = fselected.length == 1 ? fselected.val() : $(fselected[0]).val();
else if (this.current.action == 'tail') {
$('#' + this.current.action + '_input').val('25');
commandReponse method handles output of a command
json: should be json data object
FileMan.prototype.commandResponse = function(json) {
var command = this.current.command || this.current.action;
var fm = this;
if (command.search(/search|replace/) != -1) { /* The search command returns */
this.paging.num_hits = json.data.hits;
this.paging.size = json.data.size;
this.readme = '';
/* Displaying search results, paging, and status info */
this.sort(json.data.files, this.paging.sb, this.paging.so);
this.page(this.paging, function(nh) { fm.printFiles(nh); });
if (json.success) this.showStatus();
this.form.append('<input type="hidden" name="cmd-result" />');
else if (json.data.confirm == 1 && json.data.file) {
html : 'Do you want to overwrite <b>' + json.data.file.name + '</b>?',
yes : function($modal) {
fm.form.append('<input type="hidden" name="overwrite_confirmed" value="1" />').submit();
no : function($modal) {
else if (command.search(/copy|move/) == 0) {
else if (command == 'delete') {
else if (command == 'print') {
else if (command == 'download') {
if (json.success) {
this.preview(json.data.file, 'download');
else {
else if (command == 'perl') {
else if (command.search(/diff|tail/) == 0) {
if (json.success) {
this.actionResponse('<pre>' + json.data.output + '</pre>');
$('#' + command + '_input').focus();
/* Handle refreshing for tail command if enabled */
if (command == 'tail' && json.data.refresh > 0) {
this.timerID = window.setTimeout(function() { fm.form.submit(); }, json.data.refresh * 1000);
else {
if (this.timerID) window.clearTimeOut(this.timerID);
else if (command.search(/user/) == 0) {
if (json.success == true) {
this.actionDialog({ action : 'user', json : json });
else if (json.message) {
else if (command == 'logout') {
else {
if (command == 'upload') $('#modal-dialog').jqm().jqmHide();
if (json.success) {
/* Overwrite preferences */
if (command == 'preferences') {
this.config.effect = json.data.defaults.effect == 1 ? true : false;
this.config.readme = json.data.defaults.readme;
this.paging.max_hits = json.data.defaults.maxhits;
this.paging.sb = json.data.defaults.sb || 'name';
this.paging.so = json.data.defaults.so || 'asc';
var callback = this.fileEditor.callback;
var edited = this.fileEditor.beingEdited;
var action_called = this.fileEditor.actionCalled;
/* Re-load file list */
this.fileEditor = new Object();
if (action_called != true) {
if (command == 'uncompress') this.commandDialog({ success : json.success, message : json.message, refresh : true });
else this.cd(json);
/* Excutive editor's callback if available */
if (edited && typeof(callback) == 'function') {
else if (json.message) {
actionResponse method handles displaying the result of actions that aren't requried 'submit' button hit
(e.g.: delete, perl, print...)
html : should be html code
FileMan.prototype.actionResponse = function(html) {
this.form.append('<input type="hidden" name="cmd-result" />');
if ($('#command-dialog').length == 0) {
var contentframe_height = this.height.content - this.height.toolbar + this.height.folder;
this.fadeOut($('.foldertab'), function() { $(".contentframe").css('height', contentframe_height + 'px'); });
$('.contentframe').append('<div id="command-dialog" class="hidden"></div>');
actionForm method prints out a action form.
action : should be an action
args : should be a hash of all parameters that are passed in.
FileMan.prototype.actionForm = function(action, args) {
var fm = this;
this.printForm(action, function (response) {
if (response.success) {
fm.actionDialog({ action : action, json : response });
else if (response.message) {
}, args);
uploadFiles : allows multiple files uploading
FileMan.prototype.uploadFiles = function() {
var $modal = $('#modal-dialog');
var html = '<form action="' + this.config.cgi_url + '" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="upload" />' + this.hiddens.hidden_objects +
'<h1 class="clear"><img src="' + this.config.image_url + '/icons/close.gif" title="Close" class="close" /><span>Upload Files</span></h1>' +
'<div class="modal-content"><input type="hidden" name="num_files" value="1" />' +
'<div id="upfiles"><div class="row clear"><label class="name">File Name</label>' +
'<div class="value"><input type="file" name="file-1" size="40" value="" class="file" />&nbsp;<select name="mode-1" title="Upload mode"><option value="auto">Auto</option>' +
'<option value="ascii">ASCII</option><option value="binary">Binary</option></select></div></div></div>' +
'<div class="row upload-more"><a href="#" rel="addfile" class="addfile" alt="Add More Files">Add More Files</a>' +
'<input type="checkbox" id="overwrite" name="opt_overwrite" value="1" /> <label for="overwrite">Overwrite Existing Files</label></div>' +
'<div class="buttons"><input type="submit" name="button-upload" value="Upload" class="submit" /></div>' +
var mwidth = 650;
var mleft = parseInt(($(window).width() - mwidth) / 2);
$modal.jqm().removeClass().addClass('modal-dialog modal-dialog-form')
.css('width', mwidth + 'px').css('left', mleft + 'px').css('top', '20%')
var fm = this;
$modal.find('a[rel="addfile"]').click(function() {
var uploads = $modal.find('input[type="file"]');
if (uploads.length == fm.config.max_upload) return false;
if (uploads.length < fm.config.max_upload) {
$('#upfiles').append('<div class="row clear"><label class="name">File Name</label><div class="value"><input type="file" name="file-' + (uploads.length + 1) + '" size="40" class="file" value="" /> <select name="mode-' + (uploads.length + 1) + '" title="Upload mode"><option value="auto">Auto</option>' +
'<option value="ascii">ASCII</option><option value="binary">Binary</option></select></div></div>');
$modal.find('input[name="num_files"]').val(uploads.length + 1);
return false;
$modal.find('.close').css('cursor', 'pointer').click(function() { $modal.html('').jqmHide(); });
var form = $modal.find('form');
form.submit(function() {
dataType : 'json',
success : function(response) { fm.commandResponse(response); }
return false;
upload command
FileMan.prototype.upload = function(multiple) {
var $modal = $('#modal-dialog');
var fm = this;
onHide : function(hash) {
if (fm.timerID > 0) {
fm.timerID = 0;
$modal.find('.done').css('width', fm.config.uploadmax_width + 'px');
hash.w.fadeOut('fast',function() { hash.o.remove(); });
}).removeClass().addClass('modal-dialog upload-dialog').css('width', this.config.uploadmax_width + 25 + 'px').css('top', '40%').css('left', '35%');
var html = '<div class="modal-content clear">' +
'<div class="meter-filename">&nbsp;</div>' +
'<div class="meter-bar" style="width: ' + (fm.config.uploadmax_width + 1) + 'px;"><div class="done"></div></div>' +
'<div class="meter-info">Starting...</div>' +
this.config.serial = randomString();
if (multiple) {
$modal.find('form').attr('action', this.config.cgi_url + '?serial=' + this.config.serial).attr('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
else {
this.form.attr('action', this.config.cgi_url + '?serial=' + this.config.serial).attr('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
if (this.timerID > 0) {
this.timerID = 0;
this.timerID = window.setTimeout(function() { fm.uploadProgress(); }, 500);
uploadProgress method
This method handles upload progress
FileMan.prototype.uploadProgress = function() {
var $modal = $('#modal-dialog');
var fm = this;
this.printForm('upload', function(response) {
if (response.status == 'ERR_NOAUTH') {
else if (response.success) {
var uploaded = response.data.uploaded;
var upload_size = response.data.upload_size;
var elapsed_time = response.data.elapsed_time;
var filename = response.data.filename;
var allowed_space= response.data.allowed_space;
var free_space = response.data.free_space;
if ($modal.find('#uploaded').length == 0) {
$modal.find('.meter-info').empty().html('Uploading...<span id="uploaded"></span> of <span id="upload-size"></span> at <span id="upload-speed">0</span> KB/sec; <span id="remain">00:00:00</span> remain');
if (allowed_space > 0 && free_space > upload_size) {
fm.timerID = 0;
fm.showMessage({ message : 'NO_SPACE', success : false });
if (fm.cdata.upload_filename != filename) {
fm.cdata.upload_filename = filename;
var percentage = upload_size > 0 ? Math.ceil((uploaded / upload_size) * 100) : 0;
if (fm.cdata.uploaded == uploaded) {
percentage = 100;
$modal.find('.done').css('width', fm.config.uploadmax_width + 'px');
else {
var done_width = parseInt(percentage * fm.config.uploadmax_width / 100);
if (done_width > 0) $modal.find('.done').css('width', done_width + 'px');
var speed = elapsed_time > 0 ? (uploaded / elapsed_time) : 0;
var time = parseInt((elapsed_time * 100) / percentage);
var remain = eval(time - elapsed_time);
if (percentage == 100) {
fm.timerID = 0;
else {
$modal.find('#upload-speed').html(friendly_size(speed, 1, upload_size));
fm.cdata.uploaded = uploaded;
fm.timerID = window.setTimeout(function() { fm.uploadProgress(); }, 500);
}, { upload : this.config.serial });
/* Download command */
FileMan.prototype.download = function() {
var file = $('.foldertab input[name="cinput"][checked]');
if (file.length == 0) {
this.showMessage({ success : false, message : "No File was selected." });
else if (file.length > 1 && $('#cmd-download select[name="download_compress"]').val() == 0) {
this.showMessage({ success : false, message : 'No mode was selected.' });
Perl command
FileMan.prototype.perl = function(json) {
if (json.success) {
var html = '<pre>';
for (var i=0; i<json.data.files.length; i++) {
var message = json.data.files[i].message || json.data.files[i].error;
var cname = json.data.files[i].error ? 'error' : 'message';
html += '<p><b>' + htmlEscape(json.data.files[i].name) + '</b>\n<span class="' + cname + '">' + message + '</span></p>';
html += '</pre>';
else {
hideMessage method: which does hide the message bar
FileMan.prototype.hideMessage = function() {
var $contentframe = $('#command-dialog .contentframe').length > 0 ? $('#command-dialog .contentframe') : $('.contentframe');
var command_height = $('#contentheader').is(':hidden') ? 0 : $('#contentheader').height();
var toolbar_height = this.height.toolbar - ($('#command-dialog .contentframe').length > 0 ? this.height.folder : 0);
var command = this.current.command || this.current.action;
var fm = this;
this.animate($("#ocwrapper"), {
'margin-top' : command_height,
'height' : this.height.wrapper - command_height
}, 'normal', function() {
$("#content").css('height', fm.height.content - command_height + 'px');
$contentframe.css('height', fm.height.content - toolbar_height - command_height + 'px');
$('#' + command + '_input').focus();
showMessage method which shows message bar
args: should be a hash as { message : 'blah', success : true/fase }
FileMan.prototype.showMessage = function(args) {
var success = args.success;
var message = args.message;
var $content_message = $('#contentmessage');
var $content = $('#content');
var $contentframe = $('#command-dialog .contentframe').length > 0 ? $('#command-dialog .contentframe') : $('.contentframe');
var command = this.current.command || this.current.action;
var fm = this;
var commnand = this.current.command || this.current.action;
if ($content_message.is(':hidden')) {
this.animate($contentframe, {
height : $contentframe.height() - this.height.contentmessage
}, 'normal', function() {
fm.animate($content, {
height : $content.height() - fm.height.contentmessage - 2
}, 'normal', function() {
$content_message.removeClass(success ? 'error' : 'message').addClass(success ? 'message' : 'error').text(message);
fm.slideDown($content_message, function() {
if (!success) $('#' + command + '_input').focus();
if (!success) $content_message.oneTime(5000, 'msgtimer', function() { fm.hideMessage(); });
else {
$content_message.removeClass(success ? 'error' : 'message').addClass(success ? 'message' : 'error').text(message);
if (!success) $content_message.oneTime(5000, 'msgtimer', function() { fm.hideMessage(); });
Print command
FileMan.prototype.print = function(json) {
if (json.success) {
var files = json.data.files;
var url = this.config.cgi_url + '?cmd=print;print=1' + this.hiddens.hidden_query;
var fm = this;
for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
url += ';cinput=' + files[i].name;
var width = 650;
var height = screen.height - 300;
var attrs = 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',left=200,top=' + (parseInt((this.screen.height - height) / 2)) + ',scrollbars=yes';
if (files.length == 1) {
var w = window.open(url, 'print', attrs);
else {
html : "You've selected multiple files. Do you want to print all as one file? Otherwise, press 'No' to print each file individually.",
yes : function($modal) {
var w = window.open(url + ';all=1', 'print', attrs);
no : function($modal) {
var w = window.open(url, 'print', attrs);
cancel : function($modal) {
else {
/* Delete command */
FileMan.prototype.remove = function(json) {
if (json.success && json.data.confirms && json.data.confirms.length > 0) {
var count = 0;
var confirms = json.data.confirms;
var fm = this;
/* Print out the confirmation modal dialog */
data : json.data,
del : true,
html : 'Do you want to delete <b><span id="confirm-name">' + confirms[0] + '</span></b>',
yes : function($modal) {
all : function($modal) {
skip : function($modal) {
/* Remove file from the list */
$modal.find('input[name="cinput"][value="' + confirms[count] + '"]').remove();
if (count == confirms.length) {
if (json.data.num_done > 0) {
else {
else {
cancel : function($modal) {
if (json.data.num_done > 0) {
else {
else {
/* Hide the modal dialog if visible */
if (json.success) {
else {
/* Copy/Move command */
FileMan.prototype.copy = function(json) {
var command = this.current.command || this.current.action;
/* Need to confirm on overwrite existing files */
if (json.success && json.data.confirms && json.data.confirms.length > 0) {
var count = 0;
var confirms = json.data.confirms;
var fm = this;
/* Print out the confirmation modal dialog */
data : json.data,
html : 'Do you want to overwrite <b><span id="confirm-name">' + confirms[0] + '</span></b>',
yes : function($modal) {
all : function($modal) {
skip : function($modal) {
/* Remove file from the list */
$modal.find('input[name="cinput"][value="' + confirms[count] + '"]').remove();
if (count == confirms.length) {
if (json.data.num_done > 0) {
else {
else {
cancel : function($modal) {
if (json.data.num_done > 0) {
else {
else {
/* Hide the modal dialog if visible */
/* Reset values */
if (json.success) {
$('#' + command + '_input').val('').focus();
else {
The command command
FileMan.prototype.command = function() {
this.config.serial = randomString();
if (this.timerID > 0) {
this.timerID = 0;
var fm = this;
var longrun = $('#opt_long').attr('checked') ? true : false;
this.timerID = window.setTimeout(
function() {
fm.commandProgress(fm.config.serial, ';command_input=' + $('#command_input').val() + (longrun ? ';long=1' : ''));
}, (longrun ? 80 : 100)
commandProgress method handles command output
randome_str : should be a unique string
input : should be a string of command inputs
FileMan.prototype.commandProgress = function(random_str, input) {
var fm = this; var flag = true;
var $first_prompt = $('#command-dialog span[class="prompt"]:first');
if ($('#' + random_str).length == 0) {
$first_prompt.after('<div><span id="cmd-' + random_str + '"></span></div><div id="' + random_str + '"></div>');
else {
flag = false;
type : 'GET',
url : this.config.cgi_url + '?cmd=command' + input + (this.working_dir ? ';working_dir=' + this.working_dir : '') + ';serial=' + this.config.serial + ';retrieve=1;ajax=1' + this.hiddens.hidden_query,
dataType : 'xml',
cache : false,
success : function(response, tstatus) {
var prompt = response.getElementsByTagName('prompt')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var next_prompt = response.getElementsByTagName('next_prompt')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var command = response.getElementsByTagName('command')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var output = response.getElementsByTagName('output')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
fm.working_dir = response.getElementsByTagName('working')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
$('#cmd-command input[name="working_dir"]').val(fm.working_dir);
if (flag) {
$('#cmd-' + random_str).html('<span class="prompt">' + htmlEscape(prompt) + ' </span> ' + htmlEscape(command));
if (next_prompt != $first_prompt.html()) $first_prompt.html(htmlEscape(next_prompt));
if (output.search(/timeout|done/) > -1) {
output = output.replace(/done/, '');
$('#' + random_str).html('<pre>' + htmlEscape(output) + '</pre>');
/* Clear timer ID */
fm.timerID = 0;
type : 'GET',
dataType : 'xml',
cache : false,
url : fm.config.cgi_url + '?cmd=command;serial=' + fm.config.serial + ';remove=1;ajax=1' + fm.hiddens.hidden_query
else {
$('#' + random_str).html('<pre>' + output + '</pre>');
fm.timerID = window.setTimeout(function() { fm.commandProgress(random_str, input); }, 500);
List information about the files of a directory
args : should be a hash of all options
func : should be a callback function.
FileMan.prototype.ls = function(args, func) {
if (!args) args = new Object();
var dname = args.dname || '';
var html = '<form id="tmpform" action="' + this.config.cgi_url + '" method="post" class="hide">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="cd" /><input type="hidden" name="ajax" value="1" />' +
'<input type="hidden" name="f" value="' + dname +'" />' + (args.hidden_objects || this.hiddens.hidden_objects) + '</form>';
var $form = $('#cdbar').append(html).find('#tmpform');
if (args.breadcrumbs) $form.find('input[name="work_path"]').val('');
var params = new Array('load_default', 'filter', 'a');
for (var i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
if (args[params[i]]) $form.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + params[i] + '" value="' + args[params[i]] + '" />');
var fm = this;
$form.submit(function() {
dataType : 'json',
success : function(response) {
if (response.status == 'ERR_NOAUTH') {
else if (typeof(func) == 'function') {
return false;
FileMan.prototype.loading = function(action) {
if (action == 'start') {
var fm = this;
this.timer = true;
$(document).oneTime(this.config.timer, 'waitingtimer', function() {
if (!fm.timer) return;
var mwidth = 16;
var mleft = parseInt((fm.screen.width - mwidth) / 2);
$('#waiting-dialog').jqm().removeClass().addClass('modal-dialog modal-waiting')
.css('width', mwidth + 'px').css('left', mleft + 'px').css('top', '40%')
.html('<img src="' + fm.config.image_url + '/waiting.gif" title="waiting" />').jqmShow();
else {
this.timer = false;
if (!$('#waiting-dialog').is(':hidden')) $('#waiting-dialog').html('').jqmHide();
cd command
args : should be a hash of
dname : should be directory name where you want to cd to
breadcrumbs : should be true/false. work_path will be set to null if it's true
work_path : should be true/false
FileMan.prototype.cd = function(args) {
if (!args) args = new Object();
var success = args.success;
var fm = this;
this.ls(args, function(response) {
if (response.success) {
fm.paging.num_hits = response.data.hits;
fm.paging.size = response.data.size;
fm.paging.current_page = 1;
fm.hiddens = response.data.hiddens;
fm.readme = response.data.readme_content;
if (response.data.root_path) fm.config.root_path = response.data.root_path;
if (response.data.paths) {
fm.paths = response.data.paths.loop;
fm.parent = response.data.paths.parent;
fm.config.work_path = response.data.paths.work_path;
else {
fm.paths = new Array();
fm.parent = '';
fm.config.work_path = '/';
/* Print out the list of files, sorting, bread crumbs, paging */
fm.sort(response.data.files, fm.paging.sb, fm.paging.so);
fm.page(fm.paging, function(nh) { fm.printFiles(nh); });
$('#cdform input[name="dname"]').focus();
if ($('#listfiles').is(':hidden') || $('.foldertab').is(':hidden')) {
else if (!success && !$('#contentmessage').is(':hidden')) {
else if (success) {
else {
modalConfirm show a modal confirm dialog
args : should be a hash of all actions
data : 'json data object',
yes : function($modal) {
Do something here..
no : function($modal) {
blah blah..
FileMan.prototype.modalConfirm = function(args) {
var $modal = $('#modal-dialog');
var html = '<form action="' + this.config.cgi_url + '" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="' + (this.current.command || this.current.action)+ '" />' +
'<input type="hidden" name="confirm-name" value="" />' + this.hiddens.hidden_objects +
'<h1 class="clear"><img src="' + this.config.image_url + '/icons/close.gif" title="Close" class="close" /><span>Confirmation</span></h1>' +
'<div class="modal-content"><p>' + args.html + '</p><p>';
if (args.data) {
for (var i=0; i<args.data.confirms.length; i++) {
html += '<input type="hidden" name="cinput" value="' + args.data.confirms[i] + '" />\n';
html += '<input type="hidden" name="num_done" value="' + args.data.num_done + '" />\n';
if (args.data.input) html += '<input type="hidden" name="' + this.current.action + '_input" value="' + args.data.input + '" />\n';
html += '</p><div class="buttons">'
if (args.yes) html += '<input type="button" name="button-yes" value="Yes" class="submit" />\n';
if (args.all) html += '<input type="button" name="button-all" value="' + (args.del ? 'Delete All' : 'Overwrite All') + '" class="submit" />\n';
if (args.skip) html += '<input type="button" name="button-skip" value="Skip" class="submit" />\n';
if (args.no) html += '<input type="button" name="button-no" value="No" class="submit" />\n';
if (args.cancel) html += '<input type="button" name="button-cancel" value="Cancel" class="submit" />\n';
html += '</div></div></form>';
var nwidth = 400;
var nleft = parseInt($(window).width() - nwidth) /2;
$modal.jqm().removeClass().addClass('modal-dialog modal-dialog-form modal-confirm')
.css('left', nleft + 'px').css('top', '30%').css('width', nwidth + 'px')
.html(html).jqmShow().find('input[type="button"]').click(function() {
var name = $(this).attr('name');
if (name == 'button-yes' && typeof(args.yes) == 'function') args.yes($modal);
else if (name == 'button-all' && typeof(args.all) == 'function') args.all($modal);
else if (name == 'button-skip' && typeof(args.skip) == 'function') args.skip($modal);
else if (name == 'button-no' && typeof(args.no) == 'function') args.no($modal);
else if (name == 'button-cancel' && typeof(args.cancel) == 'function') args.cancel($modal);
var fm = this;
$modal.find('h1 img').css('cursor', 'pointer').click(function() {
fm.current.action = '';
dataType: 'json',
success : function(data) {
printFiles method handles files listing
nh : should be a page number
FileMan.prototype.printFiles = function(nh) {
if (typeof(nh) == 'undefined') nh = 1;
var beg = nh == 1 ? 0 : ((nh - 1) * this.paging.max_hits);
var $body = $('.contentframe table[class="foldertab"]');
var count = 0;
var array = '';
var maps = this.maps;
/* Print out parent link */
if (this.parent != '') {
var tr = '<tr><td class="selectbox">&nbsp;<\/td>' +
'<td class="icon"><div class="icon-uplevel"><a href="#" rel="' + this.parent + '" class="icon-linkable link-uplevel">File Folder<\/a><\/div><\/td>' +
'<td class="name"><a href="#" rel="' + this.parent + '" title="Up One Level" class="link-uplevel">..<\/a><\/td>' +
'<td class="size">&nbsp;<\/td>' +
'<td class="type">&nbsp;<\/td>' +
'<td class="modified">&nbsp;<\/td>' +
'<td class="owner">&nbsp;<\/td>';
tr += this.config.is_win
? '<\/tr>\n<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="7"><\/td></tr>\n>'
: '<td class="permission">&nbsp;<\/td><\/tr>\n<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="8"><\/td></tr>\n';
$('.link-uplevel').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
fm.cd({ dname : link.attr('rel') });
return false;
/* Print out a empty page */
if (this.files.length == 0) {
$('#fm_action').attr('disabled', true);
$('#checkall').attr('disabled', true);
$body.append('<tr><td colspan="' + (this.config.is_win ? 7 : 8) + '" class="empty">No files were found!<\/td><\/tr>');
else {
$('#fm_action').attr('disabled', '');
$('#checkall').attr('disabled', '');
/* Print files of page n */
for (var i=beg; i<this.files.length; i++) {
if (count == this.paging.max_hits) break;
var desc = this.files[i][maps.desc] == 'Symlink' ? 'Symlink: ' + this.files[i][maps.full_path] : this.files[i][maps.desc];
var path = '';
if (this.files[i][maps.path] != '') path = this.files[i][maps.path] + '/';
var tr = '<tr><td class="selectbox"><input type="checkbox" id="cinput-' + i + '" name="cinput" value="' + path + this.files[i][maps.name] + '" onclick="" \/><\/td>' +
'<td class="icon"><div class="icon-' + this.files[i][maps.icon] + '"><a href="#" rel="' + path + this.files[i][maps.name] + '" title="'+ desc + '" class="icon-linkable ' + (this.files[i][maps.type] == 1 ? 'link-folder' : 'link-file') + '">File Folder<\/a><\/div><\/td>' +
'<td class="name"><a href="#" rel="' + path + this.files[i][maps.name] + '" title="' + path + this.files[i][maps.name] + '" class="' + (this.files[i][maps.type] == 1 ? 'link-folder' : 'link-file') + '">' + this.files[i][maps.name] + '<\/a><\/td>' +
'<td class="size">' + (this.files[i][maps.type] == 1 ? '&nbsp' : friendly_size(this.files[i][maps.size])) + '<\/td>' +
'<td class="type">' + this.files[i][maps.desc] + '<\/td>' +
'<td class="modified">' + this.files[i][maps.sdate] + '<\/td>';
tr += this.config.is_win
? '</tr>\n<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="6"><\/td><\/tr>\n'
: '<td class="owner">' + this.files[i][maps.owner] + '<\/td><td class="permission"><a href="#" rel="' + this.files[i][maps.name] + '" title="Permission">' + this.files[i][maps.sperm] + '<\/a><\/td><\/tr>\n<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="8"><\/td><\/tr>\n';
/* display README content if enabled */
if (this.readme != '') {
if (this.config.readme == 2) {
$body.after('<div class="readme"><h1>README\'s content</h1><pre>\n' + this.readme + '</pre></div>');
else if (this.config.readme == 1) {
$body.before('<pre class="readme"><b>README\'s content</b>\n' + this.readme + '</pre>');
/* Set an action for File Folder icons/links */
var fm = this;
$('.link-folder[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
fm.cd({ dname : link.attr('rel') });
return false;
/* Set an action for File icons */
$('.icon').find('.link-file[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
fm.printForm('preview', function (response) {
if (response.success) {
else {
}, { f : link.attr('rel') });
return false;
/* Set an action for File links */
$('.name').find('.link-file[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
fm.printForm('edit', function(response) {
if (response.success) {
if (response.data.compressed == 1) {
fm.actionDialog({ action : 'uncompress', json : response });
else if (response.data.file) {
else {
fm.editor('edit', link.attr('rel'), response.data.type, response.data.html);
else {
}, { f : link.attr('rel') });
return false;
/* Set an action for permission links */
$('td[class="permission"]').find('a[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
return false;
/* Print out the sorting image */
$('.foldertab th a[rel] img').remove();
$('.foldertab th a[rel="' + this.paging.sb + '"]').append(' <img src="' + this.config.image_url + '/icons/' + (this.paging.so == 'desc' ? 'descending.gif' : 'ascending.gif') + '" title="' + (this.paging.so == 'desc' ? 'V' : '^') + '" \/>');
/* Set actions for checkboxes */
var $foldertab = $('.foldertab');
$foldertab.find('input[name="checkall"]').attr('checked', false);
$foldertab.find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function() {
$(this).change(function() {
if ($(this).val() == 'checkall') {
$foldertab.find('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked', $(this).attr('checked') ? true : false);
else {
var flag = true;
var fname; var selected = 0;
$foldertab.find('input[name="cinput"]').each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('checked')) {
fname = $(this).val();
else {
flag = false;
if (selected == 1 && fm.current.action == 'chmod') fm.parsePerm(fname);
$foldertab.find('input[name="checkall"]').attr('checked', flag);
sort method handle sorting files
source : should be an array
sb : sort by column index
so : sort order. It should be asc/desc
FileMan.prototype.sort = function(source, sb, so) {
this.paging.current_page = 1;
if (typeof(source) == 'undefined') return;
if (typeof(source) == 'object' || source.length > 0) {
/* Need to seperate folders and files before sorting */
var afolders = new Array(); var afiles = new Array();
var maps = this.maps;
for (var i=0; i<source.length; i++) {
if (source[i][maps.type] == 1) afolders.push(source[i]);
else afiles.push(source[i]);
if (afolders.length > 0) afolders.qsort(0, afolders.length, maps[sb], so);
if (afiles.length > 0) afiles.qsort(0, afiles.length, maps[sb], so);
if (so == 'desc') {
for (var i=0; i<afolders.length; i++) {
this.files = afiles;
else {
for (var i=0; i<afiles.length; i++) {
this.files = afolders;
page method handles paging
FileMan.prototype.page = function(paging, action) {
var paging = new page({
image_url : this.config.image_url,
paging : paging,
action : action
}, $('.toolbar div[class="paging"]'));
Print files and size of selected files
FileMan.prototype.fileStats = function(args) {
var nh = this.paging.current_page;
var mh = this.paging.max_hits;
var files = this.files;
var maps = this.maps;
if (args) {
$inputs = args.inputs;
nh = args.nh;
files = args.files;
var beg = nh == 1 ? 0 : ((nh - 1) * mh);
var selected = 0; var size = 0; var fm = this; var fname;
$('.foldertab input[name="cinput"]').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() != 'checkall' && $(this).attr('checked')) {
fname = $(this).val();
var count = 0;
for (var i=beg;i<files.length; i++) {
if (count == mh) break;
if ($(this).val() == files[i][maps.name]) {
size += files[i][maps.size];
$('#contentfooter .status').html('Selected <span>' + selected + '</span> files, <span>' + friendly_size(size) + '</span>');
/* Create path bread-crumbs */
FileMan.prototype.breadCrumbs = function() {
var bread_crumbs = '<a href="#" rel="/" class="root">' + ($('#uaccess').length > 0 ? (this.config.root_path + '<\/a>') : ('Root<\/a>: '));
for (var i=0; i<this.paths.length; i++) {
bread_crumbs += '/<a href="#" rel="' + (this.paths[i].path != '' ? (this.paths[i].path + '/') : '') + this.paths[i].folder + '">' + this.paths[i].folder + '<\/a>';
var fm = this;
$('#bread-crumbs a[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
fm.cd({ dname: link.attr('rel'), breadcrumbs : true });
return false;
/* Reset command variables */
FileMan.prototype.resetCommand = function() {
this.current.command = null;
this.current.action = null;
$('#fm_action').attr('selectedIndex', 0);
/* resetForm method: reset all inputs */
FileMan.prototype.resetForm = function(command) {
$('#cmd-' + command + ' *').each(function() {
var type = $(this).attr('type');
if (type && type.search(/text|password|file/) == 0) $(this).val('');
else if (type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio') $(this).attr('checked', false);
else if (this.tagName == 'SELECT') $(this).attr('selectedIndex', 0);
if (command == 'upload') document.getElementById('myform').reset();
/* showStatus method */
FileMan.prototype.showStatus = function(status) {
var contentfooter = $('#contentfooter');
if (status) {
else {
contentfooter.find('.summary').removeClass().addClass('summary').html('Total <span>' + this.paging.num_hits + '</span> files, <span>' + friendly_size(this.paging.size) + '</span>');
parsePerm method gets permission info of a file
fname : should be filename
FileMan.prototype.parsePerm = function(fname) {
/* Loading file info */
var beg = this.paging.current_page == 1 ? 0 : ((this.paging.current_page - 1) * this.paging.max_hits);
var count = 0;
var file = new Array();
for (var i=beg; i<this.files.length; i++) {
if (count == this.paging.max_hits) break;
if (fname == this.files[i][this.maps.name]) file = this.files[i];
if (file.length == 0) return;
/* Check the selected file and print out permissions */
$('.foldertab input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked', false);
$('input[name="cinput"][value="' + fname + '"]').attr('checked', true)
var sperm = file[this.maps.sperm];
if (sperm.length >= 16) {
$('#ar').attr('checked', sperm.substr(0,1) == 'r' ? true : false);
$('#aw').attr('checked', sperm.substr(1,1) == 'w' ? true : false);
$('#ax').attr('checked', sperm.substr(2,1) == 'x' ? true : false);
$('#ur').attr('checked', sperm.substr(4,1) == 'r' ? true : false);
$('#uw').attr('checked', sperm.substr(5,1) == 'w' ? true : false);
$('#ux').attr('checked', sperm.substr(6,1) == 'x' ? true : false);
$('#gr').attr('checked', sperm.substr(8,1) == 'r' ? true : false);
$('#gw').attr('checked', sperm.substr(9,1) == 'w' ? true : false);
$('#gx').attr('checked', sperm.substr(10,1) == 'x' ? true : false);
$('#or').attr('checked', sperm.substr(12,1) == 'r' ? true : false);
$('#ow').attr('checked', sperm.substr(13,1) == 'w' ? true : false);
$('#ox').attr('checked', sperm.substr(14,1) == 'x' ? true : false);
else {
$('#ur').attr('checked', sperm.substr(0,1) == 'r' ? true : false);
$('#uw').attr('checked', sperm.substr(1,1) == 'w' ? true : false);
$('#ux').attr('checked', sperm.substr(2,1) == 'x' ? true : false);
$('#gr').attr('checked', sperm.substr(4,1) == 'r' ? true : false);
$('#gw').attr('checked', sperm.substr(5,1) == 'w' ? true : false);
$('#gx').attr('checked', sperm.substr(6,1) == 'x' ? true : false);
$('#or').attr('checked', sperm.substr(8,1) == 'r' ? true : false);
$('#ow').attr('checked', sperm.substr(9,1) == 'w' ? true : false);
$('#ox').attr('checked', sperm.substr(10,1)== 'x' ? true : false);
chmod command
FileMan.prototype.chmod = function(octal) {
if (octal && octal.length > 0) {
var perm_map = { 0: 'u',1 : 'g',2 : 'o' };
var nums = octal.split("");
var count = 0;
for (var i=0; i<nums.length; i++) {
if (nums.length == 4 && i == 0) continue;
if (nums[i] == 7) {
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'r').attr('checked', true);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'w').attr('checked', true);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'x').attr('checked', true);
else if (nums[i] == 6) {
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'r').attr('checked', true);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'w').attr('checked', true);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'x').attr('checked', false);
else if (nums[i] == 5) {
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'r').attr('checked', true);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'w').attr('checked', false);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'x').attr('checked', true);
else if (nums[i] == 4) {
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'r').attr('checked', true);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'w').attr('checked', false);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'x').attr('checked', false);
else if (nums[i] == 3) {
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'r').attr('checked', false);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'w').attr('checked', true);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'x').attr('checked', true);
else if (nums[i] == 2) {
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'r').attr('checked', false);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'w').attr('checked', true);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'x').attr('checked', false);
else if (nums[i] == 1) {
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'r').attr('checked', false);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'w').attr('checked', false);
$('#' + perm_map[count] + 'x').attr('checked', true);
else {
var umod=0, gmod=0, omod =0;
if ($('#ur').attr('checked')) umod = 4;
if ($('#gr').attr('checked')) gmod = 4;
if ($('#or').attr('checked')) omod = 4;
if ($('#uw').attr('checked')) umod += 2;
if ($('#gw').attr('checked')) gmod += 2;
if ($('#ow').attr('checked')) omod += 2;
if ($('#ux').attr('checked')) umod++;
if ($('#gx').attr('checked')) gmod++;
if ($('#ox').attr('checked')) omod++;
$('#chmod_input').val('0' + umod + '' + gmod + '' + omod).focus();
Open a compressed file
files : should be an array of array ref
FileMan.prototype.uncompress = function(files) {
this.cdata = { files : files, nh : 1 };
var fm = this;
$('#command-dialog th a[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
var so = fm.cdata.so || 'asc';
$('#command-dialog th a[rel]').find('img').remove();
$('#command-dialog th a[rel="' + link.attr('rel') + '"]').append(' <img src="' + fm.config.image_url + '/icons/' + (so == 'desc' ? 'descending.gif' : 'ascending.gif') + '" title="' + (so == 'desc' ? 'V' : '^') + '" \/>');
var paging = new page({
image_url : fm.config.image_url,
parent : $('#command-dialog'),
paging : { num_hits : files.length, max_hits : fm.paging.max_hits, current_page : 1, sb : 'name', so : 'asc' },
action : function(nh) { fm.printCompressed(nh); }
}, $('#command-dialog .toolbar div[class="paging"]'));
return false;
/* Set actions for checkboxes */
var $foldertab = $('#command-dialog .foldertab');
$foldertab.find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function() {
$(this).click(function() {
if ($(this).val() == 'checkall') {
$foldertab.find('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked', $(this).attr('checked') ? true : false);
else {
var flag = true;
$foldertab.find('input[name="compress"]').each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('checked')) return;
flag = false;
return false;
$foldertab.find('input[name="checkall"]').attr('checked', flag);
fm.fileStats({ inputs : $inputs, nh : fm.cdata.nh, files : fm.cdata.files });
/* Handle paging */
var paging = new page({
image_url : fm.config.image_url,
parent : $('#command-dialog'),
paging : { num_hits : files.length, max_hits : fm.paging.max_hits, current_page : 1, sb : 'name', so : 'asc' },
action : function(nh) { fm.printCompressed(nh); }
}, $('#command-dialog .toolbar div[class="paging"]'));
$('#command-dialog input[name="button-browse"]').click(function() {
title : 'Select Directory',
filter : 1,
hidden_query : fm.hiddens.hidden_query,
id : 'uncompress_input'
this.fileStats({ inputs : $('#command-dialog .foldertab').find('input[name="compress"]'), nh : this.cdata.nh, files : this.cdata.files });
$('#contentfooter .summary').removeClass().addClass('summary').html('Total <span>' + files.length + '</span> files, <span>' + friendly_size(this.cdata.size) + '</span>');
This method handles sorting compressed's content
FileMan.prototype.sortCompressed = function(sb) {
if (this.cdata.files.length == 0) return;
var so = (!this.cdata.so || this.cdata.so == 'desc') ? 'asc' : 'desc';
this.cdata.nh = 1;
/* Need to seperate folders and files before sorting */
var afolders = new Array(); var afiles = new Array();
var maps = this.maps;
var files = this.cdata.files;
var size = 0;
for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
if (files[i][maps.type] == 1) afolders.push(files[i]);
else afiles.push(files[i]);
size += files[i][maps.size];
if (afolders.length > 0) afolders.qsort(0, afolders.length, maps[sb], so);
if (afiles.length > 0) afiles.qsort(0, afiles.length, maps[sb], so);
if (so == 'desc') {
for (var i=0; i<afolders.length; i++) {
this.cdata.files = afiles;
else {
for (var i=0; i<afiles.length; i++) {
this.cdata.files = afolders;
this.cdata.sb = sb;
this.cdata.so = so;
this.cdata.size = size;
This handles printing out compressed content
FileMan.prototype.printCompressed = function(nh) {
if (!nh) nh = this.cdata.nh;
var maps = this.maps;
var files = this.cdata.files;
var beg = nh == 1 ? 0 : ((nh - 1) * this.paging.max_hits);
var body = $('#command-dialog .contentframe').find('table[class="foldertab"]');
var count = 0;
for (var i=beg; i<files.length; i++) {
if (count == this.paging.max_hits) break;
var tr = '<tr><td class="selectbox"><input type="checkbox" id="compress-' + i + '" name="compress" value="' + files[i][maps.name] + '" onclick="" \/><\/td>' +
'<td class="icon"><div class="icon-' + files[i][maps.icon] + '"><\/div><\/td>' +
'<td class="name">' +files[i][maps.name] + '<\/td>' +
'<td class="size">' + (files[i][maps.type] == 1 ? '&nbsp' : friendly_size(files[i][maps.size])) + '<\/td>' +
'<td class="type">' + files[i][maps.desc] + '<\/td>' +
'<td class="modified">' + files[i][maps.sdate] + '<\/td>';
tr += this.config.is_win
? '</tr>\n<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="6"><\/td><\/tr>\n'
: '<td class="owner">' + files[i][maps.owner] + '<\/td><td class="permission">' + files[i][maps.sperm] + '<\/td><\/tr>\n<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="8"><\/td><\/tr>\n';
this.cdata.nh = nh;
FileMan.prototype.editorConfirm = function(func) {
var fm = this;
html : 'Do you want to save your changes?',
yes : function($modal) {
fm.fileEditor.callback = function() {
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
no : function($modal) {
fm.fileEditor = new Object();
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
cancel : function($modal) {
FileMan.prototype.newfile = function() {
var fm = this;
if (this.fileEditor.beingEdited) {
this.fileEditor.actionCalled = true;
return this.editorConfirm(function() { fm.newfile(); });
this.printForm('file', function(response) {
if (response.success) {
/* Remove command-dialog if exists */
var $command_dialog = $('#command-dialog');
if ($command_dialog.length > 0) {
fm.fadeOut($command_dialog, function() {
fm.editor('file', '', '', response.data.html);
else {
fm.editor('file', '', '', response.data.html);
else {
File command
command : should be newfile/edit
filename : shoule be file name
FileMan.prototype.editor = function(command, filename, filetype, html) {
var content = $('#content').append(html).find('textarea').val();
this.config.tinyMCE.plugins = (filename != '' && content.search(/<head>|<title>|<body/i) == -1)
? "style,table,advhr,advimage,advlink,preview,media,searchreplace"
: "style,table,advhr,advimage,advlink,preview,media,searchreplace,fullpage";
/* Remove these objects if they already exist */
$('#edit_input').val(filename || '');
if (filename) {
this.form.append('<input type="hidden" name="file" value="' + filename + '" />');
this.showStatus(filename + ' (<span>' + this.config.work_path + '</span>)');
else {
this.showStatus('[No Name]');
/* Editor switch mode action */
var $switch_mode = $('.switch-mode');
var $editor_mode = $('#editor_mode');
if (filetype == 'html' || filetype == '') {
this.fadeIn($switch_mode.val('Switch To ' + ($editor_mode.val() == 'html' ? 'TEXT' : 'HTML')));
else {
var fm = this;
this.fileEditor.beingEdited = false;
$switch_mode.click(function() {
var mode = $editor_mode.val();
if (mode == 'html') {
var content = fm.tinyMCEContent();
fm.fadeIn($('textarea[name="editor"]').val(content).css('height', $('#command-dialog').height() - 5 + 'px'));
else {
var editor = $('#command-dialog textarea[name="editor"]');
editor.css('height', editor.height() - 8 + 'px');
if (tinyMCE.activeEditor && tinyMCE.activeEditor.isHidden()) {
else {
$editor_mode.val(mode == 'html' ? 'text' : 'html');
$switch_mode.val('Switch To ' + (mode == 'html' ? 'HTML' : 'TEXT'));
this.commandDialog({ command : command, value : filename });
This method handles preview/download a file.
file : File information. It should be a hash
download : if it's passed it, file will be sent to browser
FileMan.prototype.preview = function(file, download) {
if (typeof(file) != 'object') return;
if (!download && file.type.search(/image|text|html/) == 0) {
var content = file.type.search(/html|text/) == 0
? ('<pre>' + file.content + '</pre>')
: ('<div class="preview-image"><img src="' + this.config.cgi_url + '?cmd=fdownload;f=' + file.name + this.hiddens.hidden_query + '" title="' + file.name + '" /></div>');
var html = '<div class="toolbar clear"><h3 class="header">Preview a File</h3>' +
'<div><b>' + file.name + '</b></div></div>' +
'<div class="contentframe">' + content + '</div>';
this.actionDialog({ action : 'preview', json : { data : { html : html }} });
else {
var src = this.config.cgi_url + '?cmd=fdownload;f=' + file.name
if (file.source) src += ';type=' + file.source;
if (file.mode) src += ';mode=' + file.mode;
src += this.hiddens.hidden_query;
if ($('.contentframe iframe[name="preview"]').length == 0) {
$('.contentframe').append('<iframe name="preview" src="' + src + '" class="hide"></iframe>');
else {
$('.contentframe iframe[name="preview"]').attr('src', src);
printForm: print out a command form
FileMan.prototype.printForm = function(action, func, args) {
var html = '<form id="tmpform" action="' + this.config.cgi_url + '" method="post" class="hide">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="' + action +'" /><input type="hidden" name="ajax" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="form" value="1" />';
if (action == 'command') {
html += '<input type="hidden" name="prompt" value="1" />';
$('#cmd-command input[name="working_dir"]').val('');
if (args && typeof(args) == 'object') {
for (var i in args) {
if (typeof(args[i]) == 'object') {
for (j=0; j<args[i].length;j++) {
html += '<input type="hidden" name="' + i + '" value="' + args[i][j] + '" />';
else {
html += '<input type="hidden" name="' + i + '" value="' + args[i] + '" />';
html += this.hiddens.hidden_objects + '</form>';
var $form = $('#home').append(html).find('#tmpform');
var fm = this;
$form.submit(function() {
dataType : 'json',
success : function(response) {
if (response.status == 'ERR_NOAUTH') {
else if (typeof(func) == 'function') {
return false;
advanceSearch command
FileMan.prototype.advanceSearch = function() {
var fm = this;
this.printForm('search', function(response) {
var $modal = $('#modal-dialog');
var mwidth = 650;
var mleft = parseInt(($(window).width() - mwidth) / 2);
var mtop = parseInt(($(window).height() - 400) / 2);
$modal.jqm().removeClass().addClass('modal-dialog modal-dialog-form')
.css('width', mwidth + 'px').css('left', mleft + 'px').css('top', mtop + 'px')
$modal.find('h1 img').css('cursor', 'pointer').click(function() {
if (response.success) {
dataType : 'json',
success : function(res) {
if (res.success) {
if (res.data.hits == 0) {
$modal.find('form p.error').show().text(res.message);
else {
else {
$modal.find('form p.error').show().text(res.message);
$modal.find('.date-pick').datePicker({ clickInput : true, startDate: fm.startDate() });
$('#fromdate').bind('dpClosed', function(e, selectedDates) {
var d = selectedDates[0];
if (d) {
d = new Date(d);
$('#todate').bind('dpClosed', function(e, selectedDates) {
var d = selectedDates[0];
if (d) {
d = new Date(d);
$modal.find('input[name="search_mod"]').each(function() {
var obj = $(this);
obj.click(function() {
var flag = obj.val() == 'date' ? false : true;
else {
return false;
FileMan.prototype.userAction = function(action) {
if (!action || action == '') return;
if (action == 'user_add') return this.actionForm(action);
var selected = $('#command-dialog').find('input[name="cuser"][checked]');
if (selected.length == 0) {
$('#user_action').attr('selectedIndex', 0);
this.showMessage({ success : false, message : "No user was selected." });
/* Return the modify form instead if one user is selected */
if (action.search(/user_access|user_permission/) == 0) {
var cuser = new Array;
selected.each(function() {
this.actionForm(action, { cuser : cuser });
else {
this.current.action = action;
var fm = this;
html : 'Do you want to delete selected user(s)?',
yes : function($modal) {
no : function($modal) {
FileMan.prototype.userManagement = function(json) {
if (json.data.users.length == 0) {
$('#user_action').attr('disabled', true);
this.cdata = {
map : { type : 0, username : 1, password : 2, name : 3, email : 4, added : 5, permission : 6, access : 7, allowed_space : 8 },
users : json.data.users,
so : 'desc',
nh : 1
var fm = this;
$('#command-dialog th a[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
var so = fm.cdata.so || 'asc';
$('#command-dialog th a[rel]').find('img').remove();
$('#command-dialog th a[rel="' + link.attr('rel') + '"]').append(' <img src="' + fm.config.image_url + '/icons/' + (so == 'desc' ? 'descending.gif' : 'ascending.gif') + '" title="' + (so == 'desc' ? 'V' : '^') + '" \/>');
return false;
$('#command-dialog select[name="user_action"]').change(function() { fm.userAction($(this).val()); });
$('#command-dialog .contentframe .username a[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
fm.actionForm('user_modify', { u : link.attr('rel') });
return false;
FileMan.prototype.sortUsers = function(sb) {
if (!sb) sb = 'username';
var so = (!this.cdata.so || this.cdata.so == 'desc') ? 'asc' : 'desc';
var ausers = this.cdata.users;
var maps = this.cdata.map;
ausers.qsort(0, ausers.length, maps[sb], so);
this.cdata.users = ausers;
this.cdata.so = so;
FileMan.prototype.printUsers = function(nh) {
if (!nh) nh = 1;
var ausers = this.cdata.users;
var maps = this.cdata.map;
var beg = nh == 1 ? 0 : ((nh - 1) * this.paging.max_hits);
var body = $('#command-dialog .contentframe').find('table[class="foldertab"]');
var count = 0;
for (var i=beg; i<ausers.length; i++) {
if (count == this.paging.max_hits) break;
var u = ausers[i];
var access = new Array;
if (u[maps.access]) {
for (var j=0; j<u[maps.access].length; j++) {
var a = u[maps.access][j];
var tr = '<tr><td class="selectbox"><input type="checkbox" name="cuser" value="' + u[maps.username] + '" /><\/td>' +
'<td class="username"><a href="#" rel="' + u[maps.username] + '">' + u[maps.username] + '</a><\/td>' +
'<td class="type">' + (u[maps.type] == 0 ? 'User' : 'Admin') + '<\/td>' +
'<td class="email">' + u[maps.email] + '<\/td>' +
'<td class="access"><pre>' + access.join("\n") + '</pre><\/td>';
tr += '<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="6"><\/td><\/tr>\n';
this.cdata.nh = nh;
browse which allows you to select files, directories from a list
args : should be a hash of
- title : title of the windows
- filter : what you want to show up in the list. 1: folder only, 2: folder and text file
- multiple : allows multiple files selected
- id : the object ID you want to return to
FileMan.prototype.browse = function(args) {
if (!args) args = new Object();
args['modal'] = true;
this.cdata.changed= false;
var $modal = $('#modal-dialog');
var mwidth = 450;
var mleft = parseInt(($(window).width() - mwidth) / 2);
var html = '<form action="' + this.config.cgi_url + '" method="post">\n<h1 class="clear">\n<img src="' + this.config.image_url + '/icons/close.gif" title="Close" class="close" />\n<span>' + args.title + '</span>\n</h1><div class="modal-content">';
if (args.filter == 2) html +='<p>Location: <input type="text" name="location" value="" class="text longtext" readonly \/>';
html += '<p class="error hide"></p>\n<div class="currentpath"><span id="modal-breadcrumbs"></span></div>';
/* Root select box. */
if (args.multiple) html += '<div class="rootpath"><input type="checkbox" id="location_root" value="1" /><label for="location_root">Root Directory</label></div>';
html += '<table class="foldertab">\n<tr>';
/* Allow multiple directories selected */
if (args.multiple) html += '<th class="selectbox">&nbsp<\/th>';
html += '<th class="icon"><\/th>\n<th class="name">Name</th>\n<th class="scrollbar"><\/th><\/tr><\/table>\n' +
'<div class="contentframe">\n<table class="foldertab"><\/table><\/div>' +
'<div class="buttonbar clear"><span><input type="hidden" name="select_path" value="" \/><input type="button" name="button-cancel" value="Cancel" class="submit" />&nbsp;<input type="button" name="button-select" value="Select" class="submit" \/><\/span>';
html += '<input type="input" name="makedir_input" value="" class="text shorttext" \/><input type="submit" name="button-makedir" value="Create Folder" class="button" \/>';
html += '</div></div><div id="hiddens" class="hide"><\/div><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="makedir" \/><\/form>\n';
$modal.jqm().removeClass().addClass('modal-dialog modal-dialog-form')
.css('width', mwidth + 'px').css('left', mleft + 'px').css('top', '120px')
$modal.find('h1 img').css('cursor', 'pointer').click(function() {
var fm = this;
$modal.find('input[name="button-cancel"]').click(function() {
if (fm.cdata.changed) fm.cd();
if (args.id) {
$modal.find('input[name="button-select"]').click(function() {
if (args.multiple) {
var accesses = '';
if ($modal.find('#location_root').attr('checked')) {
accesses = '/';
else {
for (var i=0; i<fm.cdata.accesses.length; i++) {
if (fm.cdata.accesses[i] == '' && fm.cdata.accesses[i] != fm.config.root_path) continue;
accesses += fm.cdata.accesses[i] + (i == fm.cdata.accesses.length - 1 ? '' : '\n');
$('#' + args.id).val(accesses);
else {
var val = $modal.find('input[name="select_path"]').val();
if (args.filter == 2) {
var loc = $modal.find('input[name="location"]').val() ;
if (loc != '') {
val += val == '/' ? loc : ('/' + loc);
$('#' + args.id).val(val);
else {
else {
$('#' + args.id).val(val);
this.browseFiles($modal, args);
browseFiles: listing files and directories
$modal : shoule be modal object
args : should be a hash of all paramters
FileMan.prototype.browseFiles = function($modal, args) {
var dname = args.dname;
var hidden_query = args.hidden_query || '';
var fm = this;
var maps = this.maps;
var url = '?cmd=cd' + (args.filter > 0 ? (';filter=' + args.filter) : '') + hidden_query + (typeof(dname) != 'undefined' ? ';f=' + dname : '');
if (args.multiple) url += ';multiple=1';
this.ls(args, function(response) {
if (response.success) {
var source = response.data.files;
var hiddens = response.data.hiddens;
var paths = new Array();
var parent = '';
var work_path = '';
if (response.data.paths) {
paths = response.data.paths.loop;
parent = response.data.paths.parent;
work_path = response.data.paths.work_path;
var afolders = new Array(); var afiles = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<source.length; i++) {
if (source[i][maps.type] == 1) afolders.push(source[i]);
else afiles.push(source[i]);
if (afolders.length > 0) afolders.qsort(0, afolders.length, maps['name'], 'asc');
if (afiles.length > 0) afiles.qsort(0, afiles.length, maps['name'], 'asc');
for (var i=0; i<afiles.length; i++) {
var breadcrumbs = '<a href="#" rel="/" class="root link-breadcrumb">Root</a>:';
for (var i=0; i<paths.length; i++) {
breadcrumbs += '/<a href="#" rel="' + (paths[i].path != '' ? paths[i].path + '/' : '') + paths[i].folder + '" class="link-breadcrumb">' + paths[i].folder + '<\/a>';
var files = '';
if (parent != '') {
files += '<tr>';
if (args.multiple) files += '<td class="selectbox">&nbsp;<\/td>';
files += '<td class="icon"><div class="icon-uplevel"><a href="#" rel="' + parent + '" class="icon-linkable link-folder">File Folder<\/a><\/div><\/td>' +
'<td class="name"><a href="#" rel="' + parent + '" title="Up One Level" class="link-folder">...<\/a><\/td>' +
'<\/tr>\n<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="' + (args.multiple ? 4 : 3) + '"><\/td><\/tr>\n';
for (var i=0; i<afolders.length; i++) {
files += '<tr>';
if (args.multiple) files += '<td class="selectbox"><input type="checkbox" name="cselect" value="' + work_path + '/' + afolders[i][maps.name] +'" /><\/td>';
files += '<td class="icon"><div class="icon-' + afolders[i][maps.icon] + '"><a href="#" rel="' + afolders[i][maps.name] + '" title="File Folder" class="icon-linkable ' + (afolders[i][maps.type] == 1 ? 'link-folder' : 'link-file') + '"><\/a><\/div><\/td>' +
'<td class="name"><a href="#" rel="' + afolders[i][maps.name] + '" title="File Folder" class="' + (afolders[i][maps.type] == 1 ? 'link-folder' : 'link-file') + '">' + afolders[i][maps.name] + '<\/a><\/td>' +
'<\/tr>\n<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="' + (args.multiple ? 4 : 3) + '"><\/td><\/tr>\n';
$modal.find('.contentframe table').empty().append(files);
/* Sent action for links and inputs */
$modal.find('.link-folder[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
args['dname'] = link.attr('rel');
args['hidden_objects'] = hiddens.hidden_objects;
args['breadcrumbs'] = false;
fm.browseFiles($modal, args);
return false;
$modal.find('.link-breadcrumb[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
args['dname'] = link.attr('rel');
args['breadcrumbs'] = true;
args['hidden_objects'] = fm.hiddens.hidden_objects;
fm.browseFiles($modal, args);
return false;
$modal.find('.link-file[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
dataType: 'json',
success : function(data) {
if (data.success) {
args['hidden_query'] = hiddens.hidden_query;
fm.browseFiles($modal, args);
fm.cdata.changed = true;
else {
/* This applies for multiple selects */
if (args.multiple) {
$modal.find('input[name="cselect"]').each(function() {
var input = $(this);
input.click(function() {
fm.updateAccess(input.val(), input.attr('checked'));
$modal.find('#location_root').change(function() {
$modal.find('input[name="cselect"]').attr('disabled', $(this).attr('checked') ? true : false);
fm.cdata.accesses = new Array();
/* Pre-select user access folders */
var found_root = false;
var preselect = fm.cdata.accesses;
for (i=0; i<preselect.length; i++) {
var found = $modal.find('input[value="' + preselect[i] + '"]');
if (found.length > 0) found.attr('checked', true);
else if (preselect[i] == '/') {
found_root = true;
if (found_root) $modal.find('#location_root').attr('checked', true).change();
else {
/* Add/Remove a user access directory */
FileMan.prototype.updateAccess = function(path, flag) {
if (!flag) { /* Remove a path from the selected list */
var accesses = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<this.cdata.accesses.length; i++) {
if (path == this.cdata.accesses[i]) continue;
accesses[accesses.length] = this.cdata.accesses[i];
this.cdata.accesses = accesses;
else { /* Add a path into the list */
var found = false;
for (var i=0; i<this.cdata.accesses.length; i++) {
if (path == this.cdata.accesses[i]) {
found = true;
if (!found) this.cdata.accesses.push(path);
/* Browse logs actions */
FileMan.prototype.browseLogs = function(json) {
if (json.data.logs.length == 0) {
$('#log_action').attr('disabled', true);
this.cdata = {
map : { uid: 0, ip: 1, date: 2, action: 3, desc: 4, sdate : 5 },
logs : json.data.logs,
so : 'asc',
nh : 1
var fm = this;
$('#command-dialog th a[rel]').each(function() {
var link = $(this);
link.click(function() {
var so = fm.cdata.so || 'asc';
$('#command-dialog th a[rel]').find('img').remove();
$('#command-dialog th a[rel="' + link.attr('rel') + '"]').append(' <img src="' + fm.config.image_url + '/icons/' + (so == 'desc' ? 'descending.gif' : 'ascending.gif') + '" title="' + (so == 'desc' ? 'V' : '^') + '" \/>');
var paging = new page({
image_url : fm.config.image_url,
parent : $('#command-dialog'),
paging : { num_hits : json.data.logs.length, max_hits : fm.paging.max_hits, current_page : 1, sb : 'date', so : 'asc' },
action : function(nh) { fm.printLogs(nh); }
}, $('#command-dialog .toolbar div[class="paging"]'));
return false;
var paging = new page({
image_url : fm.config.image_url,
parent : $('#command-dialog'),
paging : { num_hits : json.data.logs.length, max_hits : fm.paging.max_hits, current_page : 1, sb : 'date', so : 'asc' },
action : function(nh) { fm.printLogs(nh); }
}, $('#command-dialog .toolbar div[class="paging"]'));
$('#log_action').change(function() {
var action = $(this).val();
if (action == 'log_delete') {
fm.current.action = action;
html : 'Are you sure you want to clear the logs?',
yes : function($modal) {
no : function($modal) {
else if (action == 'log_search') {
fm.printForm('log', function (response) {
var $modal = $('#modal-dialog');
var mwidth = 650;
var mleft = parseInt((fm.screen.width - mwidth) / 2);
if (response.success) {
$modal.jqm().removeClass().addClass('modal-dialog modal-dialog-form')
.css('width', mwidth + 'px').css('left', mleft + 'px')
$modal.find('h1 img').css('cursor', 'pointer').click(function() { $modal.jqmHide(); });
dataType: 'json',
success : function(res) {
if (res.success) {
fm.cdata.logs = res.data.logs;
var paging = new page({
image_url : fm.config.image_url,
parent : $('#command-dialog'),
paging : { num_hits : res.data.logs.length, max_hits : fm.paging.max_hits, current_page : 1, sb : 'date', so : 'asc' },
action : function(nh) { fm.printLogs(nh); }
}, $('#command-dialog .toolbar div[class="paging"]'));
if (res.message) fm.showMessage(res);
else {
$modal.find('form p.error').show().text(res.message);
$modal.find('.date-pick').datePicker({ clickInput : true, startDate : fm.startDate() });
$('#fromdate').bind('dpClosed', function(e, selectedDates) {
var d = selectedDates[0];
if (d) {
d = new Date(d);
$('#todate').bind('dpClosed', function(e, selectedDates) {
var d = selectedDates[0];
if (d) {
d = new Date(d);
}, { search : 1 });
FileMan.prototype.sortLogs = function(sb) {
if (!sb) sb = 'date';
var so = (!this.cdata.so || this.cdata.so == 'desc') ? 'asc' : 'desc';
var alogs = this.cdata.logs;
var maps = this.cdata.map;
alogs.qsort(0, alogs.length, maps[sb], so);
this.cdata.logs = alogs;
this.cdata.so = so;
this.cdata.nh = 1;
FileMan.prototype.printLogs = function(nh) {
if (!nh) nh = 1;
var alogs = this.cdata.logs;
var maps = this.cdata.map;
var beg = nh == 1 ? 0 : ((nh - 1) * this.paging.max_hits);
var body = $('#command-dialog .contentframe').find('table[class="foldertab"]');
var count = 0;
for (var i=beg; i<alogs.length; i++) {
if (count == this.paging.max_hits) break;
var l = alogs[i];
var tr = '<tr><td class="modified">' + l[maps.sdate] + '<\/td>' +
'<td class="owner">' + l[maps.uid] + '<\/td>' +
'<td class="permission">' + l[maps.ip] + '<\/td>' +
'<td class="action">' + l[maps.action] + '<\/td>' +
'<td class="name">' + l[maps.desc] + '<\/td>';
tr += '<tr class="spacer"><td colspan="6"><\/td><\/tr>\n';
this.cdata.nh = nh;
protect command
FileMan.prototype.htaccess = function(users) {
$('#cmd-protect input[name="protect-delete-all"]').remove();
var select = $('#cmd-protect select');
if (users && users.length > 0) {
users.qsort(0, users.length, 0, 'asc');
select.append('<option value="">---</option>');
for (var i=0; i<users.length; i++) {
select.append('<option value="' + users[i] + '">' + users[i] + '</option>');
select.attr('disabled', false);
var fm = this;
$('#cmd-protect input[name="button-delete"]').attr('disabled', false).click(function() { fm.htaccessDelete(); });
$('#cmd-protect input[name="button-delete-all"]').attr('disabled', false).click(function() { fm.htaccessDelete(true); });
else {
select.attr('disabled', true);
$('#cmd-protect input[name="button-delete"]').attr('disabled', true);
$('#cmd-protect input[name="button-delete-all"]').attr('disabled', true);
need a confirmation on delete htaccess users
FileMan.prototype.htaccessDelete = function(all) {
var msg;
if (all) {
msg = 'Are you sure you want to delete all users?';
$('#cmd-protect').append('<input type="hidden" name="protect-delete-all" value="1" />');
else if ($('#protect_user').val() == '') {
this.showMessage({ success : false, message : "No user was selected." });
else {
$('#cmd-protect input[name="protect-delete-all"]').remove();
msg = 'Are you sure you want to delete "' + $('#protect_user').val() + '"?';
var fm = this;
html : msg,
yes : function($modal) {
no : function($modal) {
/* Help contents */
FileMan.prototype.help = function() {
var width = 780;
var height = 600;
var attrs = 'resizable=no,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',left=400,top=10';
var w = window.open(this.config.cgi_url + '?page=help.html' + this.hiddens.hidden_query, 'help', attrs);
/* About FileMan */
FileMan.prototype.about = function() {
var $modal = $('#modal-dialog');
var nleft = parseInt(($(window).width() - 400) / 2);
var ntop = parseInt((this.screen.height - 400)/ 2);
var html = '<div class="aboutcontent">' +
'<div><b>Version:<\/b> ' + this.config.version + '<\/div>' +
'<div><b>Registration Number:<\/b> ' + (this.config.regnum != '' ? this.config.regnum : 'Free') + '<\/div>' +
'<div class="copyright">&copy;2001 - 2008. Powered By Gossamer Threads Inc.<br \/><b> <a href="http://www.gossamer-threads.com/scripts/fileman/license.htm" target="_blank">View License Information &raquo;<\/a><\/b><\/div>' +
'<div class="close"><a href="#">Close<\/a><\/div><\/div>';
$modal.jqm().removeClass().addClass('modal-dialog modal-about ')
.css('left', nleft + 'px').css('top', ntop + 'px').css('width', '420px')
$modal.find('.close a').click(function() {
return false;
FileMan.prototype.startDate = function() {
var format = this.config.date_format.split(/-|\\/);
var d = '';
for (var i=0; i<format.length; i++) {
if (format[i] == 'yyyy') {
d += d != '' ? '-1996' : '1996';
else {
d += d != '' ? '-01' : '01';
return d;
Animate method
$obj : should be jquery object
args : should be a hash of all properties that are used for animate. e.g. margin-top, height, width, etc...
func : should be a callback function
FileMan.prototype.animate = function($obj, args, speed, func) {
if (this.config.effect) {
var maps = { height : 'height', width : 'width', 'margin-top' : 'marginTop', 'margin-bottom' : 'marginBottom' };
var opts = new Object();
for (var i in args) {
if (!maps[i]) continue;
opts[maps[i]] = args[i];
$obj.animate(opts, speed || 'normal', function() {
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
else {
for (var i in args) {
$obj.css(i, args[i] + 'px');
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
slideUp method
$obj : should be a jquery object
func : should be a callback function
FileMan.prototype.slideUp = function($obj, func) {
if (this.config.effect) {
$obj.slideUp('normal', function() {
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
else {
$obj.hide('fast', function() {
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
slideDown method
$obj : should be a jquery object
func : should be a callback function
FileMan.prototype.slideDown = function($obj, func) {
if (this.config.effect) {
$obj.slideDown('normal', function() {
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
else {
$obj.show('fast', function() {
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
Show a object with/without an effection
$obj : should be a jquery object
func : should be a callback function
FileMan.prototype.fadeIn = function($obj, func) {
if (this.config.effect) {
$obj.fadeIn('fast', function() {
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
else {
$obj.show('fast', function() {
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
Hide a object with/without an effection
$obj : should be a jquery object
func : should be a callback function
FileMan.prototype.fadeOut = function($obj, func) {
if (this.config.effect) {
$obj.fadeOut('fast', function() {
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
else {
$obj.hide('fast', function() {
if (typeof(func) == 'function') func();
/* Unescape GT tags and manually the textarea with the content instead of using tinyMCE.activeEditor.save() method */
FileMan.prototype.tinyMCEContent = function() {
var content = '';
if (tinyMCE.activeEditor == null) return content;
content = tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent();
content = content.replace(/%&gt;/gi, '%>');
content = content.replace(/&lt;%/gi, '<%');
return content;
/* quick sort which allows you to sort an array of arrays
source: is an array
begin: should be a number. Which is the start point
end: should be a number. Which is the end point
column: should be sort column
Array.prototype.qsort = function(begin, end, column, sort_order) {
if (end - 1 > begin) {
var pivot = begin + Math.floor(Math.random() * (end - begin));
pivot = this.partition(begin, end, pivot, column, sort_order);
this.qsort(begin, pivot, column, sort_order);
this.qsort(pivot + 1, end, column, sort_order);
Array.prototype.partition = function(begin, end, pivot, column, sort_order) {
var piv = this[pivot][column];
this.swap(pivot, end - 1);
var store = begin;
if (sort_order == 'desc') {
for (var i= begin; i<end - 1; ++i) {
if (this[i][column] > piv) {
this.swap(store, i);
else {
for (var i= begin; i<end - 1; ++i) {
if (this[i][column] <= piv) {
this.swap(store, i);
this.swap(end - 1, store);
return store;
Array.prototype.swap = function(a, b) {
var tmp = this[a];
this[a] = this[b];
this[b] = tmp;
page Object
args : is a hash of
- image_url : image URL
- paging : should be a hash of max_hits, so, sb
function page(args, $page) {
for (var i in args) {
this[i] = args[i];
if (args.paging.max_hits >= args.paging.num_hits) {
var paging = args.paging;
var options = {
max_pages : 20,
boundary_pages : 1,
style : 1,
style_next : '<img src="' + args.image_url + '/paging-next.gif" alt="&gt;" title="Next Page" />',
style_prev : '<img src="' + args.image_url + '/paging-prev.gif" alt="&lt;" title="Previous Page" />',
style_first : '<img src="' + args.image_url + '/paging-first.gif" alt="|&lt;" title="First Page" />',
style_last : '<img src="' + args.image_url + '/paging-last.gif" alt="&gt;|" title="Last Page" />',
style_nonext : '<img src="' + args.image_url + '/paging-nonext.gif" alt="" />',
style_noprev : '<img src="' + args.image_url + '/paging-noprev.gif" alt="" />',
style_nofirst : '<img src="' + args.image_url + '/paging-nofirst.gif" alt="" />',
style_nolast : '<img src="' + args.image_url + '/paging-nolast.gif" alt="" />',
lang_of : ' of ',
paging_pre : '',
paging_post : ''
paging.num_pages = parseInt(paging.num_hits / paging.max_hits);
if (paging.num_hits % paging.max_hits > 0) paging.num_pages++
this.page = $page;
this.paging.num_pages = paging.num_pages;
this.paging.options = options;
page.prototype.print = function(fresh) {
var paging = this.paging;
var options = this.paging.options;
var start = 0; var end = 0;
if (paging.num_pages <= options.max_pages) {
start = 1;
end = paging.num_pages;
else if (paging.current_page >= paging.num_pages - options.max_pages / 2) {
end = paging.num_pages;
start = end - options.max_pages + 1;
else if (paging.current_page <= options.max_pages / 2) {
start = 1;
end = options.max_pages;
else {
start = paging.current_page - parseInt(options.max_pages / 2) + 1;
if (options.max_pages % 2 > 0) start--;
end = paging.current_page + parseInt(options.max_pages / 2);
var left_boundary = 0;
var right_boundary = 0;
if (end >= paging.num_pages - options.boundary_pages - 1) end = paging.num_pages;
else right_boundary = 1;
if (start <= options.boundary_pages + 2) start = 1;
else left_boundary = 1;
var pages = new Array();
if (left_boundary > 0) {
for (var i=0; i<options.boundary_pages;i++) pages.push(i + 1);
for (var i=start;i<=end;i++) {
if (right_boundary > 0) {
for (var i=paging.num_pages - options.boundary_pages + 1; i<=paging.num_pages; i++) pages.push(i);
paging.pages = pages;
var page_html = '';
if (fresh) {
page_html += options.paging_pre;
page_html += '<span id="page-first">' + options.style_nofirst + '<\/span> <span id="page-prev">' + options.style_noprev + '<\/span> ';
page_html += '<select>';
for (var i=0; i<pages.length; i++) {
if (pages[i] == '...') {
page_html += '<option value="" disabled="disabled">...<\/option>';
else {
page_html += '<option value="' + pages[i] + '"';
if (pages[i] == paging.current_page) page_html += ' selected="selected"';
page_html += '>' + pages[i] + options.lang_of + paging.num_pages + '<\/option>';
var pg = this;
if (fresh) {
page_html += '<\/select> ';
page_html += '<span id="page-next">' + options.style_next + '<\/span> <span id="page-last">' + options.style_last + '<\/span>';
page_html += options.paging_post;
else {
this.page.find('select').change(function() {
if (this.options[this.selectedIndex].innerHTML != '...' && typeof(pg.action) == 'function') {
Setting actions for paging: next, previous, etc...
page.prototype.pagingAction = function() {
var pg = this;
var parent_obj = this.parent ? this.parent : $('.toolbar');
if (this.paging.current_page == 1) {
if (parent_obj.find('#page-first').find(this.paging.options.style_nofirst).length == 0) parent_obj.find('#page-first').html(this.paging.options.style_nofirst);
if (parent_obj.find('#page-prev').find(this.paging.options.style_noprev).length == 0) parent_obj.find('#page-prev').html(this.paging.options.style_noprev);
else {
if (parent_obj.find('#page-first').find(this.paging.options.style_first).length == 0) {
parent_obj.find('#page-first img').click(function() { pg.gotoPage(1); });
if (parent_obj.find('#page-prev').find(this.paging.options.style_prev).length == 0) {
parent_obj.find('#page-prev img').click(function() { pg.gotoPage(pg.paging.current_page - 1) });
if (this.paging.current_page == this.paging.num_pages) {
if (parent_obj.find('#page-last').find(this.paging.options.style_nolast).length == 0) parent_obj.find('#page-last').html(this.paging.options.style_nolast);
if (parent_obj.find('#page-prev').find(this.paging.options.style_nonext).length == 0) parent_obj.find('#page-next').html(this.paging.options.style_nonext);
else {
if (parent_obj.find('#page-last').find(this.paging.options.style_last).length == 0) {
parent_obj.find('#page-last img').click(function() { pg.gotoPage(pg.paging.num_pages); });
if (parent_obj.find('#page-next').find(this.paging.options.style_next).length == 0) {
parent_obj.find('#page-next img').click(function() {
pg.gotoPage(pg.paging.current_page + 1);
this.page.find('img').css('cursor', 'pointer');
gotoPage method
page.prototype.gotoPage = function(nh) {
if (nh > this.paging.num_pages) return;
this.paging.current_page = parseInt(nh);
if (this.paging.num_pages > this.paging.options.max_pages) this.print();
this.page.find('option[value="' + nh +'"]').attr('selected', true);
if (typeof(this.action) == 'function') this.action(nh);
/* Global functions */
function friendly_size(num, force_kb, total_size) {
if (num < 100) return num + ' bytes';
var force_mb = total_size > 999999 ? 1 : 0;
var unit;
if((num > 999999 || force_mb) && !force_kb) {
num = num/(1024*1024);
num = num.toString();
var testnum = num.replace( /^(\d+\.\d).*/, '$1' );
if(testnum == '0.0') testnum = num.replace( /^(\d+\.\d\d).*/, '$1' );
if(testnum == '0.00') testnum = num.replace( /^(\d+\.\d\d\d).*/, '$1' );
num = testnum;
unit = 'MB';
else {
var kb = num/1024;
var decimal = kb - parseInt(kb);
num = parseInt(kb);
if (decimal > 0) {
var str = decimal.toFixed(3).substr(1, 3);
num += '' + str;
unit = 'KB';
return num + '&nbsp;' + unit;
function getScreenHeight() { /* $(window).height() does not working properly on window resizing */
if (window.innerHeight) return window.innerHeight;
else if (document.documentElement.clientHeight) return document.documentElement.clientHeight;
else if (window.clientHeight) return window.clientHeight;
else if (document.body.clientHeight) return document.body.clientHeight;
else return 0;
function getScreenWidth() {
if (window.innerWidth) return window.innerWidth;
else if (document.documentElement.clientWidth) return document.documentElement.clientWidth;
else if (window.clientWidth) return window.clientWidth;
else if (document.body.clientWidth) return document.body.clientWidth;
else return 0;
function randomString() {
var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var string_length = 8;
var randomstring = '';
for (var i=0; i<string_length; i++) {
var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
randomstring += chars.substring(rnum,rnum+1);
return randomstring;
function format_time(num) {
if(num >= 60 * 60){
var secs_left = num % (60 * 60);
var mins_left = secs_left / 60;
mins_left = mins_left.toString();
mins_left = mins_left.replace( /^(\d+)\..*/, '$1' ); // show no decimal places.
mins_left = mins_left.replace( /^(\d)$/, '0$1' ); // for single-digits, prepend a zero.
num = num/(60*60);
num = num.toString();
num = num.replace( /^(\d+)\..*/, '$1' ); // show no decimal places.
num = num + ':' + mins_left + ':00';
else if(num >= 60) {
var secs_left = num % 60;
secs_left = secs_left.toString().replace( /^(\d)$/, '0$1' ); // for single-digits, prepend a zero.
num = num/60;
num = num.toString();
num = num.replace( /^(\d+)\..*/, '$1' ); // show no decimal places.
num = num.replace( /^(\d)$/, '0$1' ); // for single-digits, prepend a zero.
num = '00:' + num + ':' + secs_left;
else {
num = num.toString();
num = num.replace( /^(\d+)\..*/, '$1' ); // show no decimal places.
num = num.replace( /^(\d)$/, '0$1' ); // for single-digits, prepend a zero.
num = '00:00:' + num;
return num;
function htmlEscape(text) {
text = text.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
text = text.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
text = text.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
text = text.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
return text;