174 lines
4.9 KiB
174 lines
4.9 KiB
![]() |
require_once ("config.php");
/** Users online now?
Unique users posting over the last 1 day?
Unique users posting over the last 7 days?
Unique users posting over the last 30 days?
Versus same 30 days one year ago?
Unique users posting over the last 6 months? **/
$user_date_limit = array("1", "7", "30", "183");
$user_date_append = "WHERE post_time > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - (24*60*60)";
$online_now_sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS online_now FROM gforum_User WHERE user_last_seen > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - (15*60)";
$unique_posters_sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(user_id_fk)) AS uniques FROM gforum_Post";
$date_limit = array("2", "30");
$date_append = "WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ai.timestamp) > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - (24*60*60)";
$adblock_users_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(ai.user) AS uid, gu.user_username, gu.user_enabled FROM adblock_iplog AS ai RIGHT JOIN gforum_User AS gu ON gu.user_id = ai.user";
$adblock_email_all_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(ai.user), gu.user_email FROM adblock_iplog AS ai RIGHT JOIN gforum_User AS gu ON gu.user_id = ai.user";
$adblock_email_enabled_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(ai.user), gu.user_email FROM adblock_iplog AS ai RIGHT JOIN gforum_User AS gu ON gu.user_id = ai.user AND gu.user_enabled = 1";
$adblock_email_disabled_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(ai.user), gu.user_email FROM adblock_iplog AS ai RIGHT JOIN gforum_User AS gu ON gu.user_id = ai.user AND gu.user_enabled = 0";
$adblock_ip_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(ai.ipaddr) FROM adblock_iplog AS ai";
echo ("<font face=\"Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica\" size=\"2\">");
<? echo ("<strong>**Forum Stats**</strong><br /><br />"); ?>
<? // Fetch the users online now
echo ("<strong>ONLINE NOW (Last 15 Minutes)</strong><br />");
$sql = $online_now_sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
echo ($row[online_now]);
echo ("<br />\n\r");
echo ("<br />");
// end online now
<? // Fetch the unique posters
echo ("<strong>UNIQUE POSTERS</strong><br />");
foreach ($user_date_limit AS $limit) {
echo ("<strong>Last ".$limit." day(s)</strong>: ");
$sql = $unique_posters_sql." ".$user_date_append."*".$limit;
$results = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
echo ($row[uniques]);
echo ("<br />");
// end unique loop
<? // Fetch the unique posters
echo ("<br /><strong>ONE YEAR AGO</strong><br />");
foreach ($user_date_limit AS $limit) {
echo ("<strong>Last ".$limit." day(s)</strong>: ");
$user_year_append = "WHERE post_time > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - (24*60*60)*(365+".$limit.") AND post_time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - (24*60*60)*(365)";
$sql = $unique_posters_sql." ".$user_year_append;
$results = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
echo ($row[uniques]);
echo ("<br />");
// end unique loop
<? echo ("<br /><br /><strong>**AdBlock Stats**</strong><br /><br />"); ?>
<? // Fetch the users
echo ("<strong>USERS</strong><br />");
foreach ($date_limit AS $limit) {
echo ("<strong>Last ".$limit." days</strong><br />");
$sql = $adblock_users_sql." ".$date_append."*".$limit;
$results = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
echo ("<a href='http://forum.slowtwitch.com/cgi-bin/admin/db.cgi?db=User;do=modify_search_results;user_id=".$row[uid].";user_id-opt=%3D'>".$row[user_username]."</a>");
if ($row[user_enabled] == 1) {
echo (" (enabled)");
} else {
echo (" (disabled)");
echo ("<br />\n\r");
echo ("<br />");
// end user loop
<? // Fetch the email
echo ("<strong>EMAIL</strong><br />");
foreach ($date_limit AS $limit) {
echo ("<strong>Last ".$limit." days</strong><br />");
$sql = $adblock_email_all_sql." ".$date_append."*".$limit;
$results = mysql_query($sql);
echo ("ALL users: \n\r");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
echo ("<a href='mailto:".$row[user_email]."'>".$row[user_email]."</a>, ");
echo ("\n\r");
echo ("<br /><br />");
$sql = $adblock_email_enabled_sql." ".$date_append."*".$limit;
$results = mysql_query($sql);
echo ("ENABLED users: \n\r");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
echo ("<a href='mailto:".$row[user_email]."'>".$row[user_email]."</a>, ");
echo ("\n\r");
echo ("<br /><br />");
$sql = $adblock_email_disabled_sql." ".$date_append."*".$limit;
$results = mysql_query($sql);
echo ("DISABLED users: \n\r");
if (mysql_num_rows($results) == 0) {
echo ("none");
} else {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
echo ("<a href='mailto:".$row[user_email]."'>".$row[user_email]."</a>, ");
echo ("\n\r");
echo ("<br /><br />");
// end email loop
<? // Fetch the ips
echo ("<strong>IPs</strong><br />");
foreach ($date_limit AS $limit) {
echo ("<strong>Last ".$limit." days</strong><br />");
$sql = $adblock_ip_sql." ".$date_append."*".$limit;
$results = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
echo ($row[ipaddr]);
echo ("<br />\n\r");
echo ("<br />");
// end ip loop
<? echo ("</font>"); ?>