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# ==================================================================
# Gossamer List - enhanced mailing list management system
# Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/
# Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/
# CVS Info :
# Revision : $Id: Mailer.pm,v 1.79 2005/04/06 23:17:03 bao Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please
# see LICENSE file for full details.
# ==================================================================
package GList::Mailer;
use strict;
use GList qw/:user_type :objects :tracks $DEBUG/;
use GT::AutoLoader;
sub process {
# Setermine what to do
my $do = shift;
my $action = _determine_action($do) or die "Error: Invalid Action! ($do)";
my ($tpl, $results) = GT::Plugins->dispatch($CFG->{priv_path}.'/lib/GList/Plugins', $action, \&$action);
if ($tpl) {
my $hidden = GList::hidden();
$results->{hidden_query} = $hidden->{hidden_query};
$results->{hidden_objects} = $hidden->{hidden_objects};
GList::display($tpl, $results);
sub mli_print {
my ($page, $args) = @_;
# Get category's information
my $nav = _load_navigator() || {};
my ($info, $url);
if ($IN->param('id')) {
$info = ( $USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR ) ? $DB->table('CatMailing')->get({ cm_id => $IN->param('id') })
: $DB->table('CatMailing')->get({ cm_id => $IN->param('id'), cm_user_id_fk => $USER->{usr_username} });
$info ||= {};
# Create the URL
my @items = ('cd', 'cs', 'ca');
foreach (@items) {
$url .= "$_=".$IN->param($_).'&' if ($IN->param($_));
return ($page, { %$info, %$nav, %$args, url => $url });
$COMPILE{mli_home} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_home {
# Print home page
my ($msg, $cgi) = @_;
$cgi ||= $IN->get_hash;
$msg ||= GList::language('MLI_SUCCESS', $cgi->{sent}) if ($cgi->{sent});
$msg = GList::language('MLI_BOUNCED_EMAILS', $cgi->{bounced}) if ($cgi->{bounced});
if ($cgi->{do} =~ /msg_send|mli_bounced/) {
$cgi->{fd} = 1;
#------------demo code-----------
if (!$cgi->{d}) {
if ( $cgi->{fd} and $cgi->{fd} =~ /^1|2/ ) { # Queue & Sent Items
$cgi->{mli_delete} = 1;
$cgi->{'mli_delete-opt'}= '<';
$cgi->{mli_done} = 1;
$cgi->{'mli_done-opt'} = ( $cgi->{fd} == 2 ) ? '>' : '<';
$cgi->{mli_scheduled} = 0;
if ( $cgi->{fd} == 2 and $cgi->{do} ne 'mli_search' ) {
$cgi->{mli_cat_id_fk} = ( $cgi->{id} ) ? $cgi->{id} : 0;
elsif ( $cgi->{fd} == 3 ) { # Delete Items
$cgi->{mli_delete} = 1;
elsif ($cgi->{fd} == 4) { # Scheduled mailings
$cgi->{mli_scheduled} = 1;
$cgi->{mli_delete} = 0;
my $search_check = ($IN->param('do') eq 'mli_search') ? 1 : 0;
if ($cgi->{'mli_done-ge'} or $cgi->{'mli_done-le'}) {
my $format = $USER->{usr_date_format} || '%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%';
my ($valid_from, $valid_to) = (1, 1);
require GT::Date;
if ($cgi->{'mli_done-ge'}) {
$valid_from = GList::date_to_time($cgi->{'mli_done-ge'}, $format);
$cgi->{'mli_done-ge'} = GT::Date::date_get($valid_from, $format);
if ($cgi->{'mli_done-le'}) {
$valid_to = GList::date_to_time($cgi->{'mli_done-le'}, $format);
$cgi->{'mli_done-le'} = GT::Date::date_get($valid_to, $format);
if ($search_check and (!$valid_from or !$valid_to)) {
$format =~ s/\%//g;
return ('mli_search_form.html', { msg => GList::language('SYS_DATE_FORMAT_INVALID', uc GList::language('SYS_DATE_FORMAT')) });
if ($IN->param('do') eq 'mli_search' and $IN->param('fd') and $IN->param('fd') !~ /^1|2|3/) {
my @cat = split(/\-/, $IN->param('fd'));
$cgi->{mli_cat_id_fk} = $cat[1];
my $results = GList::search(
cgi => $cgi,
db => $DB->table('MailingIndex'),
prefix => 'mli',
sb => 'mli_id',
so => 'DESC',
search_check=> $search_check
# Get category's information
my $info = {};
if ($IN->param('id')) {
$info = ( $USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR ) ? $DB->table('CatMailing')->get({ cm_id => $IN->param('id') })
: $DB->table('CatMailing')->get({ cm_id => $IN->param('id'), cm_user_id_fk => $USER->{usr_username} });
$info ||= {};
my $nav = _load_navigator() || {};
# Create the URL
my $url;
my @items = ('cd', 'cs', 'ca');
foreach ( @items ) {
$url .= "$_=".$cgi->{$_}.'&' if ( $cgi->{$_} );
chop $url if ($url);
if ( ref $results ne 'HASH' ) {
( $IN->param('do') eq 'mli_search' ) ? return ('mli_search_form.html', { msg => $msg || $results, %$nav, %$info, url => $url })
: return ('mli_home.html', { msg => $msg || $results, %$nav, %$info, url => $url });
elsif ( $results->{error} and $search_check ) {
return ('mli_search_form.html', { msg => $results->{error} });
my $eml = $DB->table('EmailMailings');
my $output = $results->{results};
require GT::SQL::Condition;
foreach my $rs ( @$output ) {
my $cd_sent = GT::SQL::Condition->new(
eml_mailing_id_fk => '=' => $rs->{mli_id},
eml_sent => '<>' => 0
$rs->{total} = $eml->count({ eml_mailing_id_fk => $rs->{mli_id} });
$rs->{bounced_emails} = $eml->count({ eml_mailing_id_fk => $rs->{mli_id}, eml_bounced => 1 });
$rs->{done} = $eml->count($cd_sent);
$results->{msg} = $msg if ($msg);
return ('mli_home.html', { %$results, %$nav, %$info, url => $url });
$COMPILE{mli_search_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_search_form {
# Print the search form
my $msg = shift;
return mli_print('mli_search_form.html', { msg => $msg });
$COMPILE{mli_empty} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_empty {
# Delete all of deleted items
require GT::SQL::Condition;
my $db = $DB->table('MailingIndex');
my $cd = new GT::SQL::Condition;
$cd->add('mli_delete', '=', 1);
if ($USER->{usr_type} == ADMINISTRATOR and $IN->param('users')) { # As a admin user
$cd->add('mli_user_id_fk', '<>', $USER->{usr_username});
else {
$cd->add('mli_user_id_fk', '=', $USER->{usr_username});
$COMPILE{mli_delete} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_delete {
# Delete the mailings
return mli_home(GList::delete('MailingIndex', 'mli'));
$COMPILE{mli_move} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_move {
# Moves the records to another category
( $IN->param('modify') ) or return mli_home(GList::language('SYS_MOVE_ERR'));
# Check category ID
my $to = $IN->param('move_to');
( $to) or return mli_home(GList::language('SYS_TARGET_ERR'));
if ( $to ne 'root' and $to ne 'draft' and $to ne 'sent') { # Move to a sub-category
my $info = GList::check_owner('CatMailing', 'cm', $to);
( ref $info eq 'HASH' ) or return mli_home($info);
# Need to know the number of records modified
my $rec_modified = 0;
my $rec_declined = 0;
my $mod = ( ref $IN->param('modify') eq 'ARRAY' ) ? $IN->param('modify') : [$IN->param('modify')];
my $db = $DB->table('MailingIndex');
# For through the record numbers. These are the values of the check boxes
foreach my $rec_num ( @$mod ) {
my $change = {};
$change->{mli_id} = $IN->param("$rec_num-mli_id") if ($IN->param("$rec_num-mli_id"));
# Check if users can modify only their own records except Administrator
my $rs = $db->get($change);
if ( $USER->{usr_type} != ADMINISTRATOR ) {
next if ( !$rs );
if ( $rs->{'mli_user_id_fk'} ne $USER->{usr_username} ) {
$rec_declined++; next;
next unless ( keys %$change );
next if ($to eq 'draft' and $rs->{mli_done});
next if ($to eq 'sent' and !$rs->{mli_done});
my $ret;
if ( $to =~ /^root|draft|sent/mi ) {
$ret = ( $IN->param('fd') == 3 ) ? $db->update({ mli_cat_id_fk => 0, mli_delete => '0' }, $change)
: $db->update({ mli_cat_id_fk => 0 }, $change);
else {
$ret = $db->update({ mli_cat_id_fk => $to }, $change);
$rec_modified++ if (defined $ret and $ret != 0);
mli_home(($rec_declined) ? GList::language('SYS_MOVED2', $rec_modified, $rec_declined) : GList::language('SYS_MOVED', $rec_modified));
$COMPILE{mli_send} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_send {
# Send Email - Send email to subcribers
return mli_home(GList::language('MLI_INVALID')) if (!$IN->param('modify'));
# Check account limits
my $num_sent = GList::check_limit('email30') || 0;
return mli_home(GList::language('SYS_OVERLIMIT_EMAIL30')) if ($num_sent == 1);
my $mod = (ref $IN->param('modify') eq 'ARRAY') ? $IN->param('modify') : [$IN->param('modify')];
my @ids = map $IN->param("$_-mli_id"), @{$mod};
my $total_size = _size_mailings(\@ids, 'web');
return mli_home(GList::language('MLI_MSG_EMPTY')) if (!$total_size);
_send('web', \@ids, $total_size);
$COMPILE{mli_fview} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_fview {
# Print a attached file
return GList::view_file();
$COMPILE{mli_fdownload} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_fdownload {
# Print a attached file
return GList::download_file();
$COMPILE{mli_bounced_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_bounced_form {
my ($msg, $page) = @_;
$page ||= 'mli_check_bounced_form.html';
$page = 'mli_check_bounced_results.html' if ($IN->param('results'));
return mli_print($page, { msg => $msg });
$COMPILE{mli_bounced} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_bounced {
# To check a pop account and delete bounced emails
#------------demo code-----------
return mli_bounced_form(GList::language('MLI_BOUNCED_NO_SERVER')) unless ($IN->param('mail_host'));
return mli_bounced_form(GList::language('MLI_BOUNCED_NO_USER')) unless ($IN->param('mail_user'));
return mli_bounced_form(GList::language('MLI_BOUNCED_NO_PASS')) unless ($IN->param('mail_pass'));
_bounced('web', {
host => $IN->param('mail_host'),
port => $IN->param('mail_port') || 110,
user => $IN->param('mail_user'),
pass => $IN->param('mail_pass'),
auth_mode => 'PASS',
debug => $CFG->{debug_level}
}, { delete => $IN->param('del_bounced'), save => $IN->param('save_info') });
$COMPILE{mli_recipients} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_recipients {
# View recipients
my $id = $IN->param('eml_mailing_id_fk');
return mli_home(GList::language('MLI_INVALID')) if (!$id);
# Check the record's onwer
my $mli = $DB->table('MailingIndex')->get($id);
return mli_home(GList::language('MLI_NOT_FOUND', $id)) if (!$mli);
if ( $USER->{usr_type} != ADMINISTRATOR ) { # As a user
my $cond = new GT::SQL::Condition('OR');
$cond->add('usr_username', '=', $mli->{mli_user_id_fk});
my $u = $DB->table('Users')->select($cond)->rows;
return mli_home(GList::language('SYS_PER_DENIED')) if (!$u);
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash;
$cgi->{eml_mailing_id_fk} = $id;
my $results = GList::search(
cgi => $cgi,
db => $DB->table('EmailMailings'),
skip_user => 1,
prefix => 'eml',
sb => 'eml_email',
so => 'ASC',
if ( ref $results ne 'HASH' ) {
return ('mli_recipients.html', %$results);
return ('mli_recipients.html', $results);
$COMPILE{mli_cat_add} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_cat_add {
# Add a category
my $name = $IN->param('cm_name');
( $name ) or return mli_home(GList::language('SYS_ADD_INVALID'));
my $ret = GList::add('CatMailing', 'cm', { cm_name => $name, cm_type => 2 });
return mli_home($GList::error) if ($GList::error);
return mli_home(GList::language('DIR_ADDED', $name)) if ( $ret );
$COMPILE{mli_cat_modify} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_cat_modify {
# Update a category
my $id = $IN->param('cm_id');
( $id ) or return mli_home(GList::languag('SYS_ADD_INVALID'));
GList::modify('CatMailing', 'cm');
return mli_home($GList::error) if ($GList::error);
mli_home(GList::language('DIR_UPDATED', $IN->param('cm_name')));
$COMPILE{mli_cat_delete} = <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_cat_delete {
# Delete a category
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash();
( $cgi->{cm_id}) or return mli_home(GList::languag('SYS_ADD_INVALID'));
$cgi->{modify} = '1';
$cgi->{'1-cm_id'} = $cgi->{cm_id};
if ( $USER->{usr_type} != ADMINISTRATOR ) {
my $owner = $DB->table('CatMailing')->select({ cm_user_id_fk => $USER->{usr_username} }, ['cm_user_id_fk'])->fetchrow_array;
( !$owner or $owner ne $USER->{usr_username} ) and return mli_home(GList::language('SYS_PER_DENIED'));
$DB->table('MailingIndex')->update({ mli_cat_id_fk => 0, mli_delete => '1' }, { mli_cat_id_fk => $cgi->{cm_id} });
return mli_home(GList::delete('CatMailing', 'cm', $cgi, GList::language('DIR_DELETED', $IN->param('cm_name'))));
$COMPILE{mli_schedule} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_schedule {
return mli_home() if $IN->param('bcancel');
my $mod = ref $IN->param('modify') eq 'ARRAY' ? $IN->param('modify') : [$IN->param('modify')];
my @ids = map $IN->param("$_-mli_id"), @{$mod};
require GT::SQL::Condition;
my $results = $DB->table('MailingIndex')->select(['mli_id', 'mli_subject'], GT::SQL::Condition->new(mli_id => 'IN' => \@ids))->fetchall_hashref;
return mli_home('0 mailing was scheduled') unless $results;
return mli_print('mli_schedule_mailing.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULE_MSG'), selected_mailings => $results }) unless $IN->param('bschedule');
my $scm_type = $IN->param('scm_type');
my $minute = $IN->param('scm_minute') || 0;
my $hour = $IN->param('scm_hour') || 0;
my $text_url = $IN->param('scm_text_url') || '';
my $html_url = $IN->param('scm_html_url') || '';
my $option = '';
return mli_print('mli_schedule_mailing.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULE_MISSING_TYPE'), selected_mailings => $results }) unless $scm_type;
return mli_print('mli_schedule_mailing.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_INVALID_URL'), selected_mailings => $results }) if ($text_url and $text_url !~ /^http/);
return mli_print('mli_schedule_mailing.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_INVALID_URL'), selected_mailings => $results }) if ($html_url and $html_url !~ /^http/);
if ($scm_type == 1) {
my $opt_date = $IN->param('opt_date');
return mli_print('mli_schedule_mailing.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULE_MISSING_OPT'), selected_mailings => $results }) unless $opt_date;
my $format = $USER->{usr_date_format} || '%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%';
my $valid = GList::date_to_time($opt_date, $format);
return mli_print('mli_schedule_mailing.html', { msg => GList::language('SYS_DATE_FORMAT_INVALID', uc GList::language('SYS_DATE_FORMAT')), selected_mailings => $results }) unless $valid;
$option = $valid;
elsif ($scm_type == 3) {
my $opt_weekly = $IN->param('opt_weekly');
return mli_print('mli_schedule_mailing.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULE_MISSING_OPT'), selected_mailings => $results }) unless $opt_weekly;
$option = $opt_weekly;
elsif ($scm_type == 4) {
my $opt_monthly = $IN->param('opt_monthly');
return mli_print('mli_schedule_mailing.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULE_MISSING_OPT'), selected_mailings => $results }) unless $opt_monthly;
$option = $opt_monthly;
my @scheduleds;
my $db = $DB->table('ScheduledMailings');
foreach my $m (@$results) {
$db->insert({ scm_mailing_id_fk => $m->{mli_id}, scm_hour => $hour, scm_minute => $minute, scm_type => $scm_type, scm_option => $option, scm_text_url => $text_url, scm_html_url => $html_url }) or next;
push @scheduleds, $m->{mli_id};
$DB->table('MailingIndex')->update({ mli_done => 0, mli_scheduled => 1}, GT::SQL::Condition->new( mli_id => 'IN' => \@scheduleds ));
mli_home(GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULES_CREATED', $#scheduleds + 1));
$COMPILE{mli_schedule_modify} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_schedule_modify {
my $msg = '';
my $mli_id = $IN->param('mli_id');
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash();
delete $cgi->{mli_id};
return mli_home(GList::language('MLI_MISSING_ID')) unless $mli_id;
return mli_home($msg, $cgi) if $IN->param('bcancel');
my $schedule = $DB->table('ScheduledMailings', 'MailingIndex')->select(['ScheduledMailings.*', 'MailingIndex.mli_subject'], { scm_mailing_id_fk => $mli_id })->fetchrow_hashref;
return mli_home("<b>$mli_id</b> not found!") unless $schedule;
if ($IN->param('mod_action') and $IN->param('mod_action') eq 'delete') {
return mli_schedule_delete($mli_id);
elsif ($IN->param('bmodify')) {
my $scm_type = $IN->param('scm_type');
my $minute = $IN->param('scm_minute') || 0;
my $hour = $IN->param('scm_hour') || 0;
my $text_url = $IN->param('scm_text_url') || '';
my $html_url = $IN->param('scm_html_url') || '';
my $option = '';
return mli_print('mli_schedule_mailing.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_INVALID_URL'), %$schedule }) if ($text_url and $text_url !~ /^http/);
return mli_print('mli_schedule_mailing.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_INVALID_URL'), %$schedule }) if ($html_url and $html_url !~ /^http/);
if ($scm_type == 1) {
my $opt_date = $IN->param('opt_date');
return mli_print('mli_modify_schedule.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULE_MISSING_OPT'), scm_type => 1, %$schedule }) unless $opt_date;
my $format = $USER->{usr_date_format} || '%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%';
my $valid = GList::date_to_time($opt_date, $format);
return mli_print('mli_modify_schedule.html', { msg => GList::language('SYS_DATE_FORMAT_INVALID', uc GList::language('SYS_DATE_FORMAT')), %$schedule }) unless $valid;
$option = $valid;
elsif ($scm_type == 3) {
my $opt_weekly = $IN->param('opt_weekly');
return mli_print('mli_modify_schedule.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULE_MISSING_OPT'), scm_type => 3, %$schedule }) unless $opt_weekly;
$option = $opt_weekly;
elsif ($scm_type == 4) {
my $opt_monthly = $IN->param('opt_monthly');
return mli_print('mli_modify_schedule.html', { msg => GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULE_MISSING_OPT'), scm_type => 4, %$schedule }) unless $opt_monthly;
$option = $opt_monthly;
$DB->table('ScheduledMailings')->update({ scm_hour => $hour, scm_minute => $minute, scm_type => $scm_type, scm_inprocess => 0, scm_sent => 0, scm_option => $option, scm_text_url => $text_url, scm_html_url => $html_url }, { scm_mailing_id_fk => $mli_id });
return mli_home(GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULE_UPDATED', $mli_id), $cgi);
my ($opt_monthly, $opt_weekly, $opt_date);
if ($schedule->{scm_type} == 1) {
require GT::Date;
my $format = $USER->{usr_date_format} || '%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%';
$opt_date = GT::Date::date_get($schedule->{scm_option}, $format);
elsif ($schedule->{scm_type} == 3) {
$opt_weekly = $schedule->{scm_option};
elsif ($schedule->{scm_type} == 4) {
$opt_monthly = $schedule->{scm_option};
return mli_print('mli_modify_schedule.html', { msg => $msg, opt_date => $opt_date, opt_weekly => $opt_weekly, opt_monthly => $opt_monthly, %$schedule });
$COMPILE{mli_schedule_delete} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mli_schedule_delete {
my $mli_id = shift;
my @ids;
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash();
delete $cgi->{mli_id};
if ($mli_id) {
push @ids, $mli_id;
else {
my $mod = ref $IN->param('modify') eq 'ARRAY' ? $IN->param('modify') : [$IN->param('modify')];
@ids = map $IN->param("$_-mli_id"), @{$mod};
foreach my $id (@ids) {
$DB->table('ScheduledMailings')->delete({ scm_mailing_id_fk => $id });
$DB->table('MailingIndex')->update({ mli_scheduled => 0 }, { mli_id => $id });
my $msg = $mli_id ? GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULE_DELETED', $mli_id) : GList::language('MLI_SCHEDULES_DELETED', $#ids + 1);
return mli_home($msg, $cgi);
$COMPILE{_print_results} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _print_results {
my ($call_from, $checkeds, $bounceds, $deleteds) = @_;
if ($call_from eq 'web') {
mli_bounced_form(undef, 'mli_check_bounced_results.html');
else {
print qq!\n
- Total checked email(s): $checkeds
- Total bounced email(s): $bounceds
- Total deleted email(s): $deleteds
$COMPILE{_bounced} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _bounced {
my ($call_from, $connection, $opts) = @_;
require GT::Mail::POP3;
my $pop = new GT::Mail::POP3 ($connection);
my $num_emails = $pop->connect;
if ($GT::Mail::POP3::error) {
($call_from eq 'web') ? return mli_bounced_form("<font color=red>$GT::Mail::POP3::error</font>")
: die "$GT::Mail::POP3::error";
if ($call_from eq 'web' and $opts->{save}) { # Save connection to users' profile
usr_mail_host => $connection->{host},
usr_mail_port => $connection->{port} || 110,
usr_mail_account => $connection->{user},
usr_mail_password => $connection->{pass},
}, { usr_username => $USER->{usr_username} }
if ($num_emails == 0) {
return _print_results($call_from, 0, 0);
elsif ($call_from eq 'web' and $num_emails > $CFG->{max_bounced_emails}) {
return mli_bounced_form(GList::language('MLI_OVERLIMIT_BOUNCEDS'));
my $db_sub = $DB->table('Subscribers');
my $db_eml = $DB->table('EmailMailings');
# handle the progress bar
my ($last_width, $checked, $bounced, $deleted) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
my ($prog_header, $prog_footer) = '';
my $max_width = ($call_from eq 'web') ? 420 : 50;
if ($call_from eq 'web') {
$prog_header = "<script>msg.innerHTML = '".GList::language('MLI_CHECK_BOUNCED')."'</script>";
else {
$prog_header = "";
$prog_footer = "Done";
print $prog_header;
foreach ( 1..$num_emails ) {
my $content = $pop->retr($_);
if ($$content =~ /x-glist:\s+(\w+)/i) {
my $code = $1;
my $info = $db_eml->get({ eml_code => $code });
if ($info) {
$db_sub->update({ sub_bounced => \'sub_bounced + 1' }, { sub_email => $info->{eml_email} });
$db_eml->update({ eml_bounced => 1 }, { eml_email => $info->{eml_email}, eml_code => $code });
if ($opts->{delete} =~ /1|2/) {
if ($pop->dele($_)) {
else {
warn "Can't delete email $_: $GT::Mail::POP3::error";
elsif ($opts->{delete} == 2) { # delete all option is set.
if ($pop->dele($_)) {
else {
warn "Can't delete email $_: $GT::Mail::POP3::error";
my $wpercent = 1 - ($num_emails - $checked) / $num_emails;
my $img_width= int($max_width * $wpercent);
if ($img_width != $last_width) {
if ($call_from eq 'web') {
printf "<script>img.width = $img_width; per.innerHTML = '%.f%%'</script>\n", 100 * $wpercent;
else {
_print_dot($img_width - $last_width);
$last_width = $img_width;
if ($call_from eq 'web') {
my $url = ($USER->{use_cookie}) ? "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=mli_bounced_form;parsed=$num_emails;bounced=$bounced;deleted=$deleted;results=1"
: "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=mli_bounced_form;parsed=$num_emails;bounced=$bounced;deleted=$deleted;results=1;sid=$USER->{session_id}";
print "<script>window.location = '$url'</script>";
else {
print $prog_footer;
_print_results($call_from, $num_emails, $bounced, $deleted);
$COMPILE{_send} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _send {
# This subsroutine will be called from either web or shell mode
my ($call_from, $ids, $total_size) = @_;
require GList::Template;
require GT::TempFile;
my $demo = 0;
#------------demo code-----------
if ($call_from eq 'web') {
print "<script>msg.innerHTML = '".GList::language('MSG_CHECKING')."'</script>";
my $start = time();
my $started = scalar localtime;
my $db_mli = $DB->table('MailingIndex');
my $db_eml = $DB->table('EmailMailings');
my $db_mat = $DB->table('MailingAttachments');
my $db_sub = $DB->table('Subscribers');
my $db_usr = $DB->table('Users');
my $sub_cols = $DB->table('Subscribers')->cols;
my $usr_cols = $DB->table('Users')->cols;
my $num_sent = ($call_from eq 'web') ? (GList::check_limit('email30') || 0) : 0;
my $data = $USER || {};
$data->{cgi_url} = $CFG->{cgi_url};
$data->{image_url} = $CFG->{image_url};
# Load StopLists
my $stoplist = $DB->table('StopLists')->select(['stl_email'])->fetchall_arrayref;
my %stoplist;
foreach (@$stoplist) {
next if (!$_->[0]);
exists $stoplist{$_->[0]} or $stoplist{$_->[0]} = 1;
my ($count, $sent_size, $last_width) = (0, 0, -1);
my ($html_header, $html_footer, $text_header, $text_footer, $prog_header, $prog_footer);
my $max_width = ($call_from eq 'web') ? 420 : 50;
my $temp_text = new GT::TempFile;
my $temp_html = new GT::TempFile;
if ($call_from eq 'web') {
$prog_header = "<script>msg.innerHTML = '".GList::language('MSG_SENDING')."'</script>";
my $url = ($USER->{use_cookie}) ? "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=mli_home;fd=2;sent=$count;demo=$demo"
: "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=mli_home;fd=2;sent=$count;sid=$USER->{session_id};demo=$demo";
$prog_footer = "<script>window.location = '$url'</script>";
# Set header and footer if they are specified
$html_header = ($CFG->{header_html}) ? "$CFG->{header_html}<BR>$USER->{usr_header_html}" : $USER->{usr_header_html};
$html_footer = ($CFG->{footer_html}) ? "$USER->{usr_footer_html}<BR>$CFG->{footer_html}" : $USER->{usr_footer_html};
$text_header = ($CFG->{header_text}) ? "$CFG->{header_text}\n$USER->{usr_header_text}" : $USER->{usr_header_text};
$text_footer = ($CFG->{footer_text}) ? "$USER->{usr_footer_text}\n$CFG->{footer_text}" : $USER->{usr_footer_text};
else {
$prog_header = "\nSending messages\n";
$prog_footer = "Done\n";
print $prog_header;
foreach my $mailing (@$ids) {
my ($msg_size, $att_size, $info) = (0, 0, {});
if ($call_from eq 'web') {
last if ($USER->{usr_type} == LIMITED_USER and $num_sent >= $USER->{usr_limit_email30});
$info = GList::check_owner('MailingIndex', 'mli', $mailing);
else {
$info = $db_mli->get($mailing);
my $user = $db_usr->get({ usr_username => $info->{mli_user_id_fk}});
if ($user) {
$data = $user;
$html_header = ($CFG->{header_html}) ? "$CFG->{header_html}<BR>$user->{usr_header_html}" : $user->{usr_header_html};
$html_footer = ($CFG->{footer_html}) ? "$user->{usr_footer_html}<BR>$CFG->{footer_html}" : $user->{usr_footer_html};
$text_header = ($CFG->{header_text}) ? "$CFG->{header_text}\n$user->{usr_header_text}" : $user->{usr_header_text};
$text_footer = ($CFG->{footer_text}) ? "$user->{usr_footer_text}\n$CFG->{footer_text}" : $user->{usr_footer_text};
next if (!$info or ref $info ne 'HASH');
next if ($info->{mli_done}); # Skip if it has already been sent
my $mailings = $db_eml->select({ eml_mailing_id_fk => $mailing, eml_sent => 0 })->fetchall_hashref;
my $attachs = $db_mat->select({ mat_mailing_id_fk => $mailing })->fetchall_hashref;
# Figure out the attachments size
foreach (@$attachs) {
$att_size += -s "$CFG->{priv_path}/attachments/mailings/" . ($mailing % 10) . "/$mailing/$_->{mat_id}";
# Figure out the message size
my $content_text = $info->{mli_message_text};
my $content_html = $info->{mli_message_html};
$msg_size = length $content_html if ($content_html);
$msg_size += length $content_text if ($content_text);
# Add header and footer if they are available
$content_text = "$text_header\n$content_text" if ($content_text and $text_header);
$content_text .= "\n$text_footer" if ($content_text and $text_footer);
$content_html = "$html_header<BR>$content_html" if ($content_html and $html_header);
$content_html .= "<BR>$html_footer" if ($content_html and $html_footer);
open (TEXT, "> $$temp_text");
print TEXT $content_text;
close TEXT;
if ($info->{mli_message_html}) {
$content_html =~ s/<%/<%/g;
$content_html =~ s/%>/%>/g;
if ($info->{mli_track_open}) { # Insert track openning code
$content_html.= ($CFG->{iframe_tracking}) ? TRACK_OPEN_HTML : TRACK_OPEN_HTML_NOIFRAME;
$content_html = _replace_url($content_html, TRACK_CLICK_URL) if ($info->{mli_track_click});
open (HTML, "> $$temp_html");
print HTML $content_html;
close HTML;
foreach my $m (@$mailings) {
last if ($call_from eq 'web' and $USER->{usr_type} == LIMITED_USER and $num_sent >= $USER->{usr_limit_email30});
next unless $db_eml->count( eml_id => $m->{eml_id}, eml_sent => '0' );
if ( exists $stoplist{$m->{eml_email}} ) { # skip email if it's in stoplist
$db_eml->update({ eml_skipped => '1', eml_sent => time }, { eml_id => $m->{eml_id} });
my $bounce_code = _generate_bounce_code();
my $sth = $db_eml->update({ eml_sent => time, eml_code => $bounce_code }, { eml_id => $m->{eml_id}, eml_sent => 0 })
or next;
my $rows = $sth->rows;
next unless $rows;
# Allows personalizing of messages using <%...%> tags
my $lists = join ';', map "lid=$_", split ',', $m->{eml_lists};
$data->{mailing} = $info->{mli_id};
$data->{eml_code}= $bounce_code;
$data->{unsubscribe_url} = ($info->{mli_track_click}) ? "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_click;mailing=$info->{mli_id};url=".$IN->escape("$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_rm;eml_code=$bounce_code;$lists")
: "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_rm;eml_code=$bounce_code;$lists";
# LJM: Parse out arbitrary lists - keys will replace these
$lists = "lid=";
$data->{unsubscribe_list} = ($info->{mli_track_click}) ? "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_click;mailing=$info->{mli_id};url=".$IN->escape("$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_rm;eml_code=$bounce_code;$lists")
: "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_rm;eml_code=$bounce_code;$lists";
$data->{subscribe_list} = ($info->{mli_track_click}) ? "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_click;mailing=$info->{mli_id};url=".$IN->escape("$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_subscribe;eml_code=$bounce_code;$lists")
: "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_subscribe;eml_code=$bounce_code;$lists";
$lists = "from_to_lid=";
$data->{move_list} = ($info->{mli_track_click}) ? "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_click;mailing=$info->{mli_id};url=".$IN->escape("$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_move;eml_code=$bounce_code;$lists")
: "$CFG->{cgi_url}/glist.cgi?do=user_move;eml_code=$bounce_code;$lists";
foreach ( keys %$sub_cols ) { # Subscriber's information
(my $c = $_) =~ s/sub/eml/;
$data->{$_} = $m->{$c};
my $text = $content_text;
my $html = $content_html;
my $key = join '|', map quotemeta, keys %$data;
$text =~ s/<%($key)%>/$data->{$1}/g;
$html =~ s/<%($key)%>/$data->{$1}/g;
$text = GList::Template->parse($$temp_text, $data, { disable => { functions => 1 } }) if ($text =~ /<%/);
$html = GList::Template->parse($$temp_html, $data, { disable => { functions => 1 } }) if ($html and $html =~ /<%/);
my %head;
my $to_quoted = "$m->{eml_name} ";
my $from_quoted = "$info->{mli_name} ";
if ($to_quoted =~ /[^\w\s]/) {
$to_quoted =~ s/([\\"])/\\$1/g;
$to_quoted = '"' . substr($to_quoted, 0, -1) . '" ';
if ($from_quoted =~ /[^\w\s]/) {
$from_quoted =~ s/([\\"])/\\$1/g;
$from_quoted = '"' . substr($from_quoted, 0, -1) . '" ';
$head{from} = $info->{mli_name} ? $from_quoted . "<$info->{mli_from}>" : $info->{mli_from};
$head{to} = $m->{eml_name} ? $to_quoted . "<$m->{eml_email}>" : $m->{eml_email};
$head{subject} = $info->{mli_subject};
$head{'Reply-To'} = $info->{mli_reply_to};
$head{'Return-Path'}= $info->{mli_bounce_email};
$head{'X-GList'} = $bounce_code;
# Handle the progress bar
$sent_size += $msg_size + $att_size;
my $wpercent = 1 - ($total_size - $sent_size) / $total_size;
my $img_width = int($max_width * $wpercent);
if (!$demo) {
GList::send(\%head, { text => $text, html => $html }, $attachs, "$CFG->{priv_path}/attachments/mailings/" . ($mailing % 10) . "/$mailing", $info->{mli_charset});
if ( $img_width != $last_width ) {
if ($call_from eq 'web') {
printf "<script>img.width = $img_width; per.innerHTML = '%.f%%'</script>\n", 100 * $wpercent;
else {
_print_dot($img_width - $last_width);
$last_width = $img_width;
if (!$db_eml->count({ eml_mailing_id_fk => $mailing, eml_sent => 0 })) {
$db_mli->update({ mli_done => time, mli_cat_id_fk => 0 }, { mli_id => $mailing });
print $prog_footer;
$COMPILE{_size_mailings} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _size_mailings {
# Get the size of mailings
my ($ids, $call_from) = @_;
my $db_attach = $DB->table('MailingAttachments');
my $db_email = $DB->table('EmailMailings');
my $db_mailing= $DB->table('MailingIndex');
my $size = 0;
foreach my $mailing ( @$ids ) {
my $length = 0;
my $info;
# Check who owns it
if ($call_from eq 'web') {
$info = GList::check_owner('MailingIndex', 'mli', $mailing);
next if (ref $info ne 'HASH');
else {
$info = $db_mailing->get($mailing);
next if (!$info);
# Skip if it's been completed
next if ( $info->{mli_done} );
# Of Text and HTML message
$length += length $info->{mli_message_text} if ($info->{mli_message_text});
$length += length $info->{mli_message_html} if ($info->{mli_message_html});
# Get the size of attachments
my $attach = $db_attach->select({ mat_mailing_id_fk => $mailing });
while ( my $rs = $attach->fetchrow_hashref ) {
$length += -s "$CFG->{priv_path}/attachments/mailings/" . ($mailing % 10) . "/$mailing/$rs->{mat_id}";
my $emails = $db_email->count({ eml_mailing_id_fk => $mailing, eml_sent => '0' });
$length *= $emails if ( $emails );
$size += $length;
return $size;
$COMPILE{_load_navigator} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _load_navigator {
# Generates Category listings
my $user = GList::load_condition();
my $db = $DB->table('CatMailing', 'MailingIndex');
my $cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new('cm_user_id_fk', $user->{opt}, $user->{id});
$db->select_options('GROUP BY cm_type,cm_id, cm_name ORDER BY cm_name');
my $sth = $db->select('left_join', $cond, ['CatMailing.cm_id', 'CatMailing.cm_type', 'CatMailing.cm_name', 'count(mli_id) as mailing']) or die "$GT::SQL::error";
my ($draft, $sent);
while ( my $rs = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
if ( $rs->{cm_type} eq '1' ) {
push @$draft, $rs;
else {
push @$sent, $rs;
my $db_mli = $DB->table('MailingIndex');
my $cd = GT::SQL::Condition->new(
mli_user_id_fk => $user->{opt} => $user->{id},
mli_delete => '=' => 0,
mli_done => '=' => 0,
mli_scheduled => '=' => 0,
mli_cat_id_fk => '=' => 0,
my $drafts = $db_mli->select($cd)->rows;
my $scheduled = $db_mli->select({ mli_scheduled => 1, mli_delete => 0 })->rows;
return { results_draft => $draft, results_sent => $sent, scheduled_hits => $scheduled,
hits_draft => $#$draft + 1, hits_sent => $#$sent + 1, drafts => $drafts,
$COMPILE{_generate_bounce_code} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _generate_bounce_code {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
my $code;
my $i;
while ($i++ < 10) {
$code = '';
my @chars = ('a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', 0 .. 9);
for (1 .. 20) {
$code .= $chars[rand @chars];
last unless ($DB->table('EmailMailings')->count( { eml_code => $code } ));
return $code;
$COMPILE{_print_dot} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _print_dot {
my $num = shift;
foreach my $i(1..$num) {
print ".";
$COMPILE{_replace_url} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _replace_url {
my ($content, $url) = @_;
$url ||= '';
$content =~ s/href\s*=\s*(["'])\s*((?:https?|ftp):\/\/.*?)\1/my $link = $IN->escape($IN->html_unescape($2)); "href=$1$url;url=$link$1"/gise;
return $content;
$COMPILE{_determine_action} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _determine_action {
# Check valid action
my $action = shift || undef;
return if ( !$action );
return 'mli_home' if ( $action eq 'mli_search' );
my %valid = (
map { $_ => 1 } qw(
exists $valid{$action} and return $action;