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2024-06-17 21:49:12 +10:00
# ==================================================================
# Gossamer Links - enhanced directory management system
# Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/
# Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# Revision : $Id: nph-import.cgi,v 1.22 2005/09/19 23:11:16 brewt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2001 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please
# see LICENSE file for full details.
# ==================================================================
use 5.004_04;
use strict;
use lib '/var/home/slowtwitch/slowtwitch.com/cgi-bin/articles/admin';
use vars qw/$Int $Error_FH $Critical_Warnings $Show_Mild_Warnings/;
use DBI;
use Links qw/$IN $CFG/;
use GT::SQL;
$| = 1;
local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&Links::fatal;
sub get_rec (\*\%$;\@);
sub main {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load either the CGI interface or Text interface, and turn off all buffering.
require Links::Import::Interface::CGI;
$Int = new Links::Import::Interface::CGI;
else {
require Links::Import::Interface::Text;
$Int = new Links::Import::Interface::Text;
$Error_FH = \do { local *FH; *FH };
# Get Import options.
my %option = $Int->get_options();
unless (keys %option) {
return $Int->start_page();
if ($option{help}) {
return $Int->show_help();
if ($option{transfer} eq "S1S2") { # Links SQL 1 to Links SQL 2
$option{source} or $Int->usage("You must provide the path to the Links SQL 1 def files","--source");
-d $option{source} or $Int->usage("The path to the Links SQL 1 def files that you gave does not exist", "--source");
$option{destination} or $Int->usage("You must provide the path to the Links SQL 2 def files","--destination");
-d $option{destination} or $Int->usage("The path to the Links SQL 2 def files that you gave does not exist", "--destination");
elsif ($option{transfer} eq "L1S2") { # Links 1.x to Links SQL 2
$option{source} or $Int->usage("You must provide the path to the Links 1.x def and db files","--source");
-d $option{source} or $Int->usage("The path to the Links 1.x def and db files that you gave does not exist", "--source");
$option{destination} or $Int->usage("You must provide the path to the Links SQL 2 def files","--destination");
-d $option{destination} or $Int->usage("The path to the Links SQL 2 def files that you gave does not exist", "--destination");
elsif ($option{transfer} eq "L2S2") { # Links 2.x to Links SQL 2
$option{source} or $Int->usage("You must provide the path to the Links 2.x def and db files","--source");
-d $option{source} or $Int->usage("The path to the Links 2.x def and db files that you gave does not exist", "--source");
$option{destination} or $Int->usage("You must provide the path to the Links SQL 2 def files","--destination");
-d $option{destination} or $Int->usage("The path to the Links SQL 2 def files that you gave does not exist", "--destination");
elsif ($option{transfer} eq "BKS2") { # Backup File to Links SQL 2
$option{source} or $Int->usage("You must provide the path and filename of the backup file to restore","--source");
$option{destination} or $Int->usage("You must provide the path to the Links SQL 2 def files","--destination");
-d $option{destination} or $Int->usage("The path to the Links SQL 2 def files that you gave does not exist","--destination");
-f $option{source} or $Int->usage("The backup filename that you gave does not exist","--source");
$option{clear_tables} or $Int->usage("The 'Clear Tables' option must be enabled when performing a restoration from a backup file", "--clear-tables");
elsif ($option{transfer} eq "S2BK") { # Links SQL 2 to Backup File
$option{source} or $Int->usage("You must provide the path to the Links SQL 2 def files","--source");
-d $option{source} or $Int->usage("The path to the Links SQL 2 def files that you gave does not exist","--source");
$option{destination} or $Int->usage("You must provide a destination filename for the backup file","--destination");
$option{delimiter} = "|"; # Fixed delimiter
elsif ($option{transfer} eq "RDFS2" and ref $Int eq "Links::Import::Interface::Text") { # RDF import - can ONLY be done from shell
if (not $option{source}) {
$Int->usage("You must provide the path and filename to the RDF file","--source");
elsif (not -r $option{source}) {
$Int->usage("The path and filename to the RDF file that you gave does not exist, or does not have read permissions set correctly", "--source");
$option{rdf_category} or $Int->usage("You must specify an RDF category to import","--rdf-category");
if (not $option{rdf_add_date} or $option{rdf_add_date} !~ /^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d$/) {
$Int->usage("You must specify a valid RDF Add_Date in the format `YYYY-MM-DD'","--rdf-add-date");
elsif (!$option{transfer}) {
$Int->usage("You did not specify the import format or backup/restore function","--import, --backup, or --restore");
critical("You did not specify the import format or backup/restore function");
else {
$Int->usage("Invalid import format specified","--import");
critical("Invalid import format specified");
if ($option{straight_import} and not $option{clear_tables}) {
$Int->usage("the `Straight Import' option can only be used if `Clear Tables' has been turned on","--straight-import --clear-tables");
critical("the `Straight Import' option not allowed unless `Clear Tables' has been turned on");
$Int->has_usage() and $Int->show_usage, exit;
if ($option{error_file}) {
if (ref $option{error_file} eq "CODE") {
$Error_FH = $option{error_file};
elsif (uc $option{error_file} eq 'STDOUT') {
open $Error_FH, ">&STDOUT";
select +(select($Error_FH),$|=1)[0];
elsif (uc $option{error_file} eq 'STDERR') {
open $Error_FH, ">&STDERR";
select +(select($Error_FH),$|=1)[0];
else {
unless (open $Error_FH,"> $option{error_file}") {
$Int->usage("Invalid error file: Cannot open $option{error_file}: $!");
select +(select($Error_FH),$|=1)[0];
else {
open $Error_FH, ">&STDERR";
select +(select($Error_FH),$|=1)[0];
$Critical_Warnings = delete $option{critical_warnings};
$Show_Mild_Warnings = delete $option{show_mild_warnings};
# Switch delims from windows to unix
$option{source} =~ s,\\,/,g;
$option{destination} =~ s,\\,/,g;
sub mild_warning {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Display mild warnings.
if ($Show_Mild_Warnings) {
for (@_) { error("Warning: $_") }
sub warning {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Display warnings.
if ($Critical_Warnings) {
goto &critical;
else {
for (@_) { error("WARNING: $_") }
sub critical {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Display critical warnings.
my ($prog,$line) = (caller(1))[1,2];
for (@_) { error("CRITICAL ERROR OCCURED: $_ at $prog line $line\n\n") }
print STDERR join('\n',map "CRITICAL ERROR OCCURED: $_", @_)." at $prog line $line\n";
exit 0xff; # mimics die()
sub error {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Display error messages.
local ($,,$\);
if (ref $Error_FH eq "CODE") {
else {
local $,="\n";
local $\="\n";
if (defined fileno $Error_FH) {
print $Error_FH @_;
else {
print @_;
sub do_import (\%) {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do the actual import.
my $opt = @_ == 1 ? shift : {@_};
if ($$opt{transfer} eq "S1S2") {
require Links::Import::S1S2;
return Links::Import::S1S2::import($opt,\&warning,\&critical,\&mild_warning);
elsif ($$opt{transfer} eq "S2BK") {
require Links::Import::S2BK;
return Links::Import::S2BK::import($opt,\&warning,\&critical,\&mild_warning);
elsif ($$opt{transfer} eq "BKS2") {
require Links::Import::BKS2;
return Links::Import::BKS2::import($opt,\&warning,\&critical,\&mild_warning);
elsif ($$opt{transfer} eq "L1S2") {
require Links::Import::L1S2;
return Links::Import::L1S2::import($opt,\&warning,\&critical,\&mild_warning);
elsif ($$opt{transfer} eq "L2S2") {
require Links::Import::L2S2;
return Links::Import::L2S2::import($opt,\&warning,\&critical,\&mild_warning);
elsif ($$opt{transfer} eq "RDFS2") {
require Links::Import::RDFS2;
return Links::Import::RDFS2::import($opt,\&warning,\&critical,\&mild_warning);