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# ==================================================================
# Gossamer Links - enhanced directory management system
# Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/
# Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# Revision : $Id: SQL.pm,v 1.141 2007/11/16 07:15:00 brewt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2001 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please
# see LICENSE file for full details.
# ==================================================================
# Contains the default table structure for Gossamer Links tables.
package Links::SQL;
use strict;
use vars qw/@TABLES/;
use Links qw/:payment $DB/;
@TABLES = qw(
Users Links Changes Category CatPrice Reviews CatLinks CatRelations
Editors Verify Sessions EmailTemplates EmailMailings MailingIndex
MailingList MailingListIndex ClickTrack Payments PaymentLogs
Bookmark_Folders Bookmark_Links SearchLogs NewsletterSubscription
sub tables {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defines the SQL tables.
my $action = shift || 'warn';
my $output = '';
my $ok = Links::language('dialog_ok');
# --------- Users Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'Users', $action,
cols => [
Username => { type => 'CHAR', size => 50, not_null => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Username') },
Password => { type => 'CHAR', binary => 1, size => 25, not_null => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Password') },
Email => { type => 'CHAR', size => 75, not_null => 1, regex => '^(?:.+\@.+\..+|\s*)$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Email') },
Name => { type => 'CHAR', size => 75, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Name') },
Validation => { type => 'CHAR', size => 20, , form_display => Links::language('prompt_Validation') },
Status => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['Not Validated', 'Registered', 'Administrator'], not_null => 1, default => 'Registered', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Status') },
ReceiveMail => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'Yes', form_display => Links::language('prompt_ReceiveMail') },
SortField => { type => 'VARCHAR', size => 255, not_null => 1, regex => '^[\s\w]+$', default => 'Title', form_display => Links::language('prompt_SortField') },
SortOrd => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['ASC', 'DESC'], not_null => 1, default => 'ASC', form_display => Links::language('prompt_SortOrd') },
PerPage => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1, default => 15, form_display => Links::language('prompt_PerPage') },
Grouping => { type => 'TINYINT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1, default => 0, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Grouping') },
index => {
emailndx => ['Email']
pk => 'Username',
subclass => {
table => { Users => 'Links::Table::Users' },
html => { Users => 'Links::HTML::Users' }
# --------- Links Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'Links', $action,
cols => [
ID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1, regex => '^\d+$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_ID') },
Title => { type => 'CHAR', size => 100, not_null => 1, weight => 3, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Title') },
URL => { type => 'CHAR', size => 255, not_null => 1, weight => 1, default => 'http://', regex => '^\w+:', form_display => Links::language('prompt_URL') },
LinkOwner => { type => 'CHAR', size => 50, not_null => 1, default => 'admin', form_display => Links::language('prompt_LinkOwner') },
Add_Date => { type => 'DATE', not_null => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Add_Date') },
Mod_Date => { type => 'DATE', not_null => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Mod_Date') },
Description => { type => 'TEXT', weight => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Description') },
Contact_Name => { type => 'CHAR', size => 255, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Contact_Name') },
Contact_Email => { type => 'CHAR', size => 255, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Contact_Email') },
Hits => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, default => 0, regex => '^\d+$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Hits') },
isNew => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No', form_display => Links::language('prompt_isNew') },
isChanged => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No', form_display => Links::language('prompt_isChanged') },
isPopular => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No', form_display => Links::language('prompt_isPopular') },
isValidated => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'Yes', form_display => Links::language('prompt_isValidated') },
Rating => { type => 'DECIMAL', precision => 4, scale => 2, not_null => 1, default => 0, regex => '^(?:10(?:\.0*)?|\d(?:\.\d*)?)$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Rating') },
Votes => { type => 'SMALLINT', unsigned => 1, not_null => 1, default => 0, regex => '^\d+$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Votes') },
Status => { type => 'SMALLINT', not_null => 1, default => 0, regex => '^-?\d+$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Status') },
Date_Checked => { type => 'DATETIME', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Date_Checked') },
Timestmp => { type => 'TIMESTAMP', time_check => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Timestmp') },
ExpiryDate => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, default => FREE, form_display => Links::language('prompt_ExpiryDate'), form_size => 35 }, # See FREE, UNPAID & UNLIMITED constants in Links.pm
ExpiryCounted => { type => 'TINYINT', not_null => 1, default => 0, form_display => Links::language('prompt_ExpiryCounted'), form_type => 'hidden' },
ExpiryNotify => { type => 'TINYINT', not_null => 1, default => 0, form_display => Links::language('prompt_ExpiryNotify'), form_type => 'hidden' },
LinkExpired => { type => 'INT', form_display => Links::language('prompt_LinkExpired'), form_type => 'hidden' },
pk => 'ID',
ai => 'ID',
fk => {
Users => { LinkOwner => 'Username' }
index => {
urlndx => ['URL'],
stndx => ['Status'],
valexpndx => [qw/isValidated ExpiryDate/],
newndx => ['isNew'],
popndx => ['isPopular'],
userndx => ['LinkOwner'],
expiryndx => [qw/ExpiryDate ExpiryNotify/],
expcntndx => [qw/ExpiryCounted ExpiryDate/]
subclass => {
table => { Links => 'Links::Table::Links' },
html => { Links => 'Links::HTML::Links' }
# --------- Changes Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'Changes', $action,
cols => [
LinkID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1, regex => '^\d+$' },
Username => { type => 'CHAR', size => 50, not_null => 1, default => 'admin' },
ChgRequest => { type => 'TEXT' },
Timestmp => { type => 'TIMESTAMP' }
fk => {
Links => { LinkID => 'ID' },
Users => { Username => 'Username' }
# --------- Category Table ----------------
my $new_category = create_table(\$output, 'Category', $action,
cols => [
ID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_ID') },
Name => { type => 'CHAR', size => 255, not_null => 1, weight => 3, regex => '^[^/]+$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Name') },
FatherID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1, default => 0, form_size => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_FatherID') },
CatRoot => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1, default => 0, form_type => 'hidden' },
CatDepth => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1, default => 0, form_type => 'hidden' },
Full_Name => { type => 'CHAR', size => 255, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Full_Name') },
Description => { type => 'TEXT', weight => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Description') },
Meta_Description => { type => 'TEXT', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Meta_Description') },
Meta_Keywords => { type => 'TEXT', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Meta_Keywords') },
Header => { type => 'TEXT', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Header') },
Footer => { type => 'TEXT', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Footer') },
Category_Template => { type => 'CHAR', size => 20, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Category_Template') },
Number_of_Links => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, default => 0, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Number_of_Links') },
Direct_Links => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, default => 0, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Direct_Links') },
Has_New_Links => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Has_New_Links') },
Has_Changed_Links => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Has_Changed_Links') },
Newest_Link => { type => 'DATE', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Newest_Link') },
Timestmp => { type => 'TIMESTAMP', time_check => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Timestmp') },
Payment_Mode => { type => 'TINYINT', not_null => 1, default => 0, form_size => 1, form_names => [GLOBAL,NOT_ACCEPTED,OPTIONAL,REQUIRED], form_values => ['Use global settings','Not accepted','Optional','Required'], form_type => 'SELECT', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Payment_Mode') },
Payment_Description => { type => 'TEXT', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Payment_Description') },
subclass => {
table => { Category => 'Links::Table::Category' },
html => { Category => 'Links::HTML::Category' }
pk => 'ID',
ai => 'ID',
index => {
catndx => ['Name'],
namndx => ['Full_Name'],
fthrindex => ['FatherID'],
rootndx => ['CatRoot'],
c_p => ['Payment_Mode'],
# --------- Category Tree -------------------------
$output .= "Creating Category tree... ";
my $e = $DB->editor('Category');
if ($e->add_tree(father => "FatherID", root => "CatRoot", depth => "CatDepth", force => ($new_category ? 'force' : 'check'))) {
$output .= "okay\n";
else {
$output .= "failed ($GT::SQL::error)\n";
# --------- CatPrice Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'CatPrice', $action,
cols => [
cp_id => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
cp_cat_id_fk => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
cp_term => { type => 'CHAR', not_null => 1, size => 10 }, # e.g. 8d, 1m, 2y, 3w, unlimited, etc.
cp_cost => { type => 'DOUBLE', not_null => 1 },
cp_type => { type => 'TINYINT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 }, # 0 = signup, 1 = renewal, 2 = recurring
cp_description => { type => 'TEXT' }
pk => 'cp_id',
ai => 'cp_id',
fk => {
Category => { cp_cat_id_fk => 'ID' }
# --------- Reviews Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'Reviews', $action,
cols => [
ReviewID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_ReviewID') },
Review_LinkID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1, regex => '^\d+$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_LinkID') },
Review_Owner => { type => 'CHAR', size => 50, not_null => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_Owner') },
Review_Rating => { type => 'SMALLINT', unsigned => 1, not_null => 1, default => 0, regex => '^\d+$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_Rating') },
Review_Date => { type => 'DATETIME', not_null => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_Date') },
Review_ModifyDate => { type => 'DATETIME', not_null => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_ModifyDate') },
Review_Subject => { type => 'CHAR', size => 100, not_null => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_Subject') },
Review_Contents => { type => 'TEXT', not_null => 1, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_Contents') },
Review_ByLine => { type => 'CHAR', size => 50, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_ByLine') },
Review_WasHelpful => { type => 'INT', unsigned => 1, regex => '^\d+$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_WasHelpful') },
Review_WasNotHelpful => { type => 'INT', unsigned => 1, regex => '^\d+$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_WasNotHelpful') },
Review_Validated => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_Validated') },
Review_GuestName => { type => 'CHAR', size => 75, form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_GuestName') },
Review_GuestEmail => { type => 'CHAR', size => 75, regex => '^(?:(?:.+\@.+\..+)|\s*)$', form_display => Links::language('prompt_Review_GuestEmail') },
pk => 'ReviewID',
ai => 'ReviewID',
subclass => {
table => { Reviews => 'Links::Table::Reviews' }
index => {
rownerndx => ['Review_Owner'],
rdatendx => ['Review_Date'],
rlinkndx => ['Review_LinkID']
fk => {
Links => { Review_LinkID => 'ID' },
Users => { Review_Owner => 'Username' }
# --------- CatLinks Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'CatLinks', $action,
cols => [
LinkID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
CategoryID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 }
subclass => {
table => { CatLinks => 'Links::Table::CatLinks' }
index => {
lndx => ['LinkID']
unique => {
cl_cl_q => [qw/CategoryID LinkID/]
fk => {
Links => { LinkID => 'ID' },
Category => { CategoryID => 'ID' }
# --------- CatRelations Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'CatRelations', $action,
cols => [
CategoryID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
RelatedID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
RelationName => { type => 'VARCHAR', size => 255 }
index => {
catid => ['CategoryID']
fk => {
Category => { CategoryID => 'ID', RelatedID => 'ID' }
# --------- User Editors Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'Editors', $action,
cols => [
Username => { type => 'CHAR', size => 50, not_null => 1 },
CategoryID => { type => 'INT', unsigned => 1, not_null => 1 },
CanAddCat => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanModCat => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanDelCat => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanMoveCat => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanAddLink => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanDelLink => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanModLink => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanCopyLink => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanMoveLink => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanValLink => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanModReview => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanAddRel => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
CanAddEdit => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['No', 'Yes'], not_null => 1, default => 'No' },
unique => {
edituserndx => ['Username', 'CategoryID']
fk => {
Users => { Username => 'Username' },
Category => { CategoryID => 'ID' }
# --------- Verify History Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'Verify', $action,
cols => [
LinkID => { type => 'INT', unsigned => 1, not_null => 1 },
Status => { type => 'SMALLINT', not_null => 1, default => 0 },
Date_Checked => { type => 'DATE' }
index => {
veriflndx => ['LinkID']
fk => {
Links => { LinkID => 'ID' }
# --------- Session Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'Sessions', $action,
cols => [
session_id => { type => 'CHAR', size => 32, not_null => 1, binary => 1 },
session_user_id => { type => 'CHAR', size => 50, not_null => 1 },
session_date => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1 },
session_expires => { type => 'TINYINT', default => 1 },
session_data => { type => 'TEXT' }
pk => 'session_id',
fk => {
Users => { session_user_id => 'Username' }
# --------- Email Template Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'EmailTemplates', $action,
cols => [
Name => { type => 'CHAR', size => 50, not_null => 1, regex => '\S' },
MsgFrom => { type => 'TEXT', not_null => 1, regex => '\A(?:\S+\@[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)+)\Z' },
MsgFromName => { type => 'TEXT', not_null => 1 },
Subject => { type => 'TEXT', not_null => 1 },
Message => { type => 'MEDIUMTEXT', not_null => 1 },
MessageFormat => { type => 'ENUM', values => [qw[text html]], not_null => 1, default => 'text' },
LinkTemplate => { type => 'MEDIUMTEXT' }
pk => 'Name'
# --------- Email Mailings Table -------------
create_table(\$output, 'EmailMailings', $action,
cols => [
ID => { type => 'INT', unsigned => 1, not_null => 1 },
Mailing => { type => 'INT', unsigned => 1, not_null => 1 },
Email => { type => 'TEXT', size => 75, not_null => 1 },
Sent => { type => 'TINYINT', default => 0, not_null => 1 },
LinkID => { type => 'INT', unsigned => 1 } # If this is a sending to link owners, this will hold the Link ID
pk => 'ID',
ai => 'ID'
# --------- Email Mailing Index Table --------
create_table(\$output, 'MailingIndex', $action,
cols => [
Mailing => { type => 'INT', unsigned => 1, not_null => 1 },
extra => { type => 'TINYTEXT', not_null => 1 },
done => { type => 'INT' },
mailfrom => { type => 'TEXT', not_null => 1 },
name => { type => 'TEXT', not_null => 1 },
subject => { type => 'TEXT', not_null => 1 },
message => { type => 'MEDIUMTEXT', not_null => 1 },
messageformat => { type => 'ENUM', values => [qw[text html]], not_null => 1, default => 'text' },
pk => 'Mailing',
ai => 'Mailing'
# --------- MailingList Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'MailingList', $action,
cols => [
ID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1 },
Email => { type => 'CHAR', size => 255, not_null => 1 }
index => {
maillistndx => ['Email']
# --------- MailingListIndex Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'MailingListIndex', $action,
cols => [
ID => { type => 'INT', unsigned => 1, not_null => 1 },
Name => { type => 'CHAR', size => 255, not_null => 1 },
DateModified => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1 },
DateCreated => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1 }
pk => 'ID',
ai => 'ID'
# --------- ClickTrack Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'ClickTrack', $action,
cols => [
LinkID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1 },
IP => { type => 'CHAR', size => 16, not_null => 1 },
ClickType => { type => 'ENUM', values => ['Rate', 'Hits','Review'], not_null => 1 },
ReviewID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, default => 0},
Created => { type => 'TIMESTAMP' }
subclass => {
table => { ClickTrack => 'Links::Table::ClickTrack' }
unique => {
ct_licr => ['LinkID', 'IP', 'ClickType','ReviewID']
index => {
cndx => ['Created']
# --------- Payments Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'Payments', $action,
cols => [
payments_id => { type => 'CHAR', not_null => 1, size => 16 },
payments_linkid => { type => 'INT', unsigned => 1, not_null => 1 },
payments_status => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, default => 0, unsigned => 1 }, # 0 = pending, 1 = completed, 2 = declined, 3 = error
payments_method => { type => 'CHAR', not_null => 1, size => 25 },
payments_type => { type => 'TINYINT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 }, # 0 = initial payment, 1 = renewal payment, 2 = recurring payment
payments_amount => { type => 'DOUBLE', not_null => 1 },
payments_term => { type => 'CHAR', not_null => 1, size => 10 }, # e.g. 8d, 1m, 2y, 3w, unlimited, etc.
payments_start => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
payments_last => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
pk => 'payments_id',
fk => {
Links => { payments_linkid => 'ID' }
index => {
p_sl => ['payments_status', 'payments_last'],
p_ll => ['payments_linkid', 'payments_last'],
p_al => ['payments_amount', 'payments_last'],
# --------- Payment Logs Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'PaymentLogs', $action,
cols => [
paylogs_id => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
paylogs_payments_id => { type => 'CHAR', not_null => 1, size => 16 },
paylogs_type => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, default => 0, unsigned => 1 }, # 0 = info, 1 = accepted, 2 = declined, 3 = error
paylogs_time => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
paylogs_viewed => { type => 'TINYINT', not_null => 1, default => 0, unsigned => 1 },
paylogs_text => { type => 'TEXT' },
pk => 'paylogs_id',
ai => 'paylogs_id',
fk => {
Payments => { paylogs_payments_id => 'payments_id' }
index => {
pl_yt => ['paylogs_type', 'paylogs_time'],
pl_t => ['paylogs_time']
# --------- Bookmark Folders Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'Bookmark_Folders', $action,
cols => [
my_folder_id => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
my_folder_name => { type => 'VARCHAR', not_null => 1, size => 255 },
my_folder_description => { type => 'VARCHAR', size => 255 },
my_folder_user_username_fk => { type => 'VARCHAR', size => 50 },
my_folder_default => { type => 'TINYINT', not_null => 1, default => 0, unsigned => 1 },
my_folder_public => { type => 'TINYINT', not_null => 1, default => 0, unsigned => 1 }
pk => 'my_folder_id',
ai => 'my_folder_id',
fk => {
Users => { my_folder_user_username_fk => 'Username' }
# --------- Bookmark Links Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'Bookmark_Links', $action,
cols => [
my_id => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
my_link_id_fk => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
my_user_username_fk => { type => 'VARCHAR', size => 50 },
my_folder_id_fk => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, unsigned => 1 },
my_comment => { type => 'VARCHAR', size => '255' }
pk => 'my_id',
ai => 'my_id',
fk => {
Users => { my_user_username_fk => 'Username' },
Bookmark_Folders => { my_folder_id_fk => 'my_folder_id' },
Links => { my_link_id_fk => 'ID' },
# --------- SearchLogs Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'SearchLogs', $action,
cols => [
slog_query => { type => 'VARCHAR', not_null => 1, size => 255 },
slog_count => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, default => 0 },
slog_hits => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, default => 0 },
slog_time => { type => 'FLOAT' },
slog_last => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1, default => 0 },
pk => 'slog_query'
# --------- Newsletter Subscription Table ----------------
create_table(\$output, 'NewsletterSubscription', $action,
cols => [
UserID => { type => 'CHAR', size => 50 },
CategoryID => { type => 'INT', not_null => 1 },
unique => {
ns_uc => ['UserID', 'CategoryID']
fk => {
Users => { UserID => 'Username' },
Category => { CategoryID => 'ID' }
return $output;
sub create_table {
my ($output, $table, $action, @def) = @_;
$$output .= Links::language('dialog_create', $table);
my $c = $DB->creator($table);
$c->clear_schema() if $action eq 'force';
@def % 2 and die "Odd number of table defs passed to create_table()";
while (@def) {
my ($meth, $arg) = splice @def, 0, 2;
if ($c->create($action)) {
$$output .= Links::language('dialog_ok');
return 1;
else {
$$output .= Links::language($GT::SQL::errcode eq 'TBLEXISTS' ? ('error_failed_exists') : ('error_failed_other', $GT::SQL::error));
$GT::SQL::errcode if 0; # silence "used only once" warning
return 0;
sub load_from_sql {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates def files based on existing tables.
my ($output, $return);
foreach my $table (@TABLES) {
$output .= "$table .. ";
my $c = $DB->creator($table);
$return = $c->load_table($table);
if ($return) {
if ($table eq 'Links' or $table eq 'Users' or $table eq 'Category') {
table => { $table => "Links::Table::$table" },
html => { $table => "Links::HTML::$table" }
elsif ($table eq 'CatLinks' or $table eq 'ClickTrack') {
table => { $table => "Links::Table::$table" }
$output .= "ok!\n";
else {
$output .= "failed: $GT::SQL::error\n";
return $output;
sub load {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Return a hash of current connection settings.
my %h = ();
$h{prefix} = $DB->prefix();
$h{database} = $DB->{connect}->{database};
$h{login} = $DB->{connect}->{login};
$h{password} = $DB->{connect}->{password};
$h{host} = $DB->{connect}->{host};
$h{host} .= ":" . $DB->{connect}->{port} if $DB->{connect}->{port};
$h{driver} = $DB->{connect}->{driver};
return \%h;