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# ==================================================================
# Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/
# GT::SQL::Driver::MSSQL
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# $Id: MSSQL.pm,v 2.7 2005/12/03 00:54:11 jagerman Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# ==================================================================
# Description: MSSQL driver for GT::SQL
package GT::SQL::Driver::MSSQL;
# ====================================================================
use strict;
use vars qw/@ISA $ERROR_MESSAGE %BINDS/;
use DBI qw/:sql_types/;
use GT::SQL::Driver;
use GT::AutoLoader;
@ISA = qw/GT::SQL::Driver/;
sub protocol_version { 2 }
sub connect {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Need to set some session preferences.
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = $self->SUPER::connect(@_) or return;
# Set max read properties for DBI
$dbh->{LongReadLen} = 1_048_576;
# Newer DBD::ODBC sets this to 0 which can cause cast errors
$dbh->{odbc_default_bind_type} = SQL_VARCHAR;
$dbh->do("SET ANSI_NULLS ON");
return $dbh;
sub dsn {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Override the default create dsn, with our own. Creates DSN like:
my ($self, $connect) = @_;
$self->{driver} = $connect->{driver} = 'ODBC';
return "DBI:$connect->{driver}:$connect->{database}";
sub hints {
fix_index_dbprefix => 1,
case_map => 1,
bind => [
now => 'GETDATE()',
ai => 'IDENTITY(1,1)',
drop_pk_constraint => 1
sub _prepare_select {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Track limits as ODBC has no built-in limit support; this driver hacks it in.
my ($self, $query) = @_;
my ($limit, $offset);
# Look for either PG or MySQL limits
$query =~ s/\bLIMIT\s+(\d+)\s+OFFSET\s+(\d+)/($limit, $offset) = ($1, $2); ''/ie
or $query =~ s/\bOFFSET\s+(\d+)\s+LIMIT\s+(\d+)/($limit, $offset) = ($2, $1); ''/ie
or $query =~ s/\bLIMIT\s+(\d+)\s*(?:,\s*(\d+))?/($limit, $offset) = ($2 || $1, $2 ? $1 : 0); ''/ie;
if ($limit) {
$self->{_limit} = 1;
$self->{_lim_offset} = $offset;
my $top = $limit + $offset;
$query =~ s/(SELECT(?:\s+DISTINCT)?)/$1 TOP $top/i;
if (!$offset) {
delete @$self{qw/_limit _lim_offset/};
return $query;
sub _prepare_describe {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For compatibility with old code, 'DESCRIBE TABLE' is mapped to something that
# looks something like a MySQL 'DESCRIBE TABLE' result.
my ($self, $query) = @_;
if ($query =~ /DESCRIBE\s+(\w+)/i) {
return <<QUERY;
c.name AS "Field",
WHEN t.name LIKE '%int' THEN t.name + '(' + CAST(t.prec AS VARCHAR) + ')'
WHEN t.name LIKE '%char' THEN t.name + '(' + CAST(c.length AS VARCHAR) + ')'
WHEN t.name = 'decimal' THEN t.name + '(' + CAST(c.prec AS VARCHAR) + ',' + CAST(c.scale AS VARCHAR) + ')'
WHEN t.name = 'float' THEN 'double'
ELSE t.name
END AS "Type",
ISNULL(c.collation, 'binary') AS "Collation",
CASE WHEN c.isnullable = 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE '' END AS "Null",
WHEN m.text LIKE '(''%' THEN SUBSTRING(m.text, 3, LEN(m.text) - (CASE WHEN m.text LIKE '%'')' THEN 4 ELSE 2 END))
WHEN m.text LIKE '(%' THEN SUBSTRING(m.text, 2, LEN(m.text) - (CASE WHEN m.text LIKE '%)' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END))
ELSE m.text
FROM syscomments m, sysobjects d
WHERE m.id = d.id AND d.xtype = 'D' AND d.info = c.colid AND d.parent_obj = o.id
) AS "Default",
CASE WHEN c.status & 0x80 = 0x80 THEN 'auto_increment' ELSE '' END AS "Extra"
syscolumns c, systypes t, sysobjects o
c.id = o.id AND
o.name = '$1' AND
o.type = 'U' AND
c.xtype = t.xtype
else {
return $self->warn(CANTPREPARE => $query, "Invalid/unsupported DESCRIBE query");
# The following could be used above for "Key" - but it really isn't that useful
# considering there's a working SHOW INDEX:
# (
# FROM sysindexes i, sysindexkeys k
# i.indid = 1 AND i.id = o.id AND k.id = i.id AND k.indid = i.indid AND
# k.colid = c.colid
# ) AS "Key",
sub column_exists {
my ($self, $table, $column) = @_;
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare(<<EXISTS);
FROM syscolumns c, sysobjects o
c.id = o.id AND
o.type = 'U' AND
o.name = ? AND
c.name = ?
$sth->execute($table, $column);
return scalar $sth->fetchrow;
sub _prepare_show_tables {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# MS SQL's version of MySQL's 'SHOW TABLES'; there is also 'sp_tables', but
# that returns more information (and more tables - it includes system tables)
# than we want.
my $self = shift;
$self->{do} = 'SELECT';
"SELECT name as table_name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U'";
sub _prepare_show_index {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# See the 'Driver-specific notes' comment in GT::SQL::Driver
my ($self, $query) = @_;
if ($query =~ /^\s*SHOW\s+INDEX\s+FROM\s+(\w+)\s*$/i) {
$self->{do} = 'SELECT';
return <<QUERY;
sysindexes.name AS index_name,
syscolumns.name AS index_column,
INDEXPROPERTY(sysindexes.id, sysindexes.name, 'IsUnique') AS index_unique,
WHEN sysindexes.indid = 1 AND (
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysconstraints
WHERE sysconstraints.id = sysobjects.id AND sysconstraints.status & 7 = 1
) > 0 THEN 1
END AS index_primary
sysindexes, sysobjects, sysindexkeys, syscolumns
sysindexes.indid >= 1 AND sysindexes.indid < 255 AND
sysindexes.id = sysobjects.id AND sysindexes.id = sysindexkeys.id AND sysindexes.id = syscolumns.id AND
sysindexkeys.colid = syscolumns.colid AND
sysindexes.status = 0 AND
sysindexes.indid = sysindexkeys.indid AND
sysobjects.xtype = 'U' AND sysobjects.name = '$1'
sysindexkeys.indid, sysindexkeys.keyno
else {
return $self->warn(CANTPREPARE => $query, "Invalid/unsupported SHOW INDEX query");
# MS SQL shouldn't have the AI column in the insert list
sub ai_insert { () }
# Returns a list of default constraints given a table and column
sub _defaults {
my ($self, $table_name, $column_name) = @_;
my $query = <<" QUERY";
SELECT o.name
FROM sysconstraints d, sysobjects t, syscolumns c, sysobjects o
WHERE d.status & 5 = 5 -- status with '5' bit set indicates a default constraint
AND d.id = t.id -- constraint table to table
AND c.id = t.id -- column's table to table
AND d.colid = c.colid -- constraint column to column
AND d.constid = o.id -- constraint id to object
AND t.name = '$table_name' -- the table we're looking for
AND c.name = '$column_name' -- the column we're looking for
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($query)
or return $self->warn(CANTPREPARE => $query, $DBI::errstr);
or return $self->warn(CANTEXECUTE => $query, $DBI::errstr);
my @defaults;
while (my $default = $sth->fetchrow) {
push @defaults, $default;
return @defaults;
sub drop_column {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generates the SQL to drop a column.
my ($self, $table, $column, $old_col) = @_;
my @queries;
# Delete any indexes on the column, as MSSQL does not do this automatically
my $sth = $self->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM $table");
my %drop_index;
while (my $index = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
if ($index->{index_column} eq $column) {
push @queries, map "DROP INDEX $table.$_", keys %drop_index;
for ($self->_defaults($table, $column)) {
# Drop any default constraints
push @queries, "ALTER TABLE $table DROP CONSTRAINT $_";
push @queries, "ALTER TABLE $table DROP COLUMN $column";
sub alter_column {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Changes a column in a table.
my ($self, $table, $column, $new_def, $old_col) = @_;
# make a copy so as not to clobber the original reference
my %col = %{$self->{schema}->{cols}->{$column}};
if ($col{type} =~ /TEXT$/i) {
# You can't alter a TEXT column in MSSQL, so we have to create an
# entirely new column, copy the data, drop the old one, then rename the
# new one using sp_rename.
my $tmpcol = "tempcol__" . time . "__" . ('a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z')[rand 52];
# We don't have to worry about dropping indexes because TEXT's can't be indexed.
my @constraints = $self->_defaults($table, $column);
# Added columns must have a default, which unfortunately cannot be a column, so
# if the definition doesn't already have a default, add a fake one. We use ''
# for the default - though not allowed by GT::SQL, it _is_ allowed by MSSQL.
my $no_default;
if (not defined $col{default}) {
$col{default} = '';
$new_def = $self->column_sql(\%col);
$no_default = 1;
# This cannot be done in one single transaction as the columns won't
# completely exist yet, as far as MSSQL is concerned.
$self->do("ALTER TABLE $table ADD $tmpcol $new_def") or return;
push @constraints, $self->_defaults($table, $tmpcol) if $no_default;
my @q = "UPDATE $table SET $tmpcol = $column";
push @q, map "ALTER TABLE $table DROP CONSTRAINT $_", @constraints;
push @q, "ALTER TABLE $table DROP COLUMN $column";
$self->do_raw_transaction(@q) or return;
$self->do("sp_rename '$table.$tmpcol', '$column'") or return;
return 1;
# An ALTER COLUMN in MS SQL cannot contain a default, so if a default is
# specified that isn't the same as the old one, we drop the default
# constraint and add a new one.
my $new_default = delete $col{default};
my $old_default = $old_col->{default};
my $default_changed = (
defined $new_default and defined $old_default and $new_default ne $old_default
defined $new_default ne defined $old_default
my @queries;
if ($default_changed) {
if (defined $old_default) {
push @queries, map "ALTER TABLE $table DROP CONSTRAINT $_", $self->_defaults($table, $column);
if (defined $new_default) {
push @queries, "ALTER TABLE $table ADD CONSTRAINT default_${table}_$column DEFAULT " . $self->quote($new_default) . " FOR $column";
if (defined $new_default) {
# Rewrite the column def without the DEFAULT (an ALTER COLUMN cannot contain a default in MSSQL)
$new_def = $self->column_sql(\%col);
push @queries, "ALTER TABLE $table ALTER COLUMN $column $new_def";
return @queries > 1
? $self->do_raw_transaction(@queries)
: $self->do($queries[0]);
sub drop_index {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drops an index. Versions of this module prior to 2.0 were quite broken -
# first, the index naming was (database prefix)(index name) in some places, and
# (prefixed table name)(index name) in others. Furthermore, no prefixing of
# indexes is needed at all as, like MySQL, indexes are per-table. As such,
# this driver now looks for all three types of index when attempting to remove
# existing indexes.
my ($self, $table, $index_name) = @_;
return $self->do("DROP INDEX $table.$index_name")
or $self->do("DROP INDEX $table.$table$index_name")
or $self->do("DROP INDEX $table.$self->{connect}->{PREFIX}$index_name");
sub extract_index_name {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ($self, $table, $index) = @_;
$index =~ s/^\Q$table\E(?=.)//i # broken (tablename)(index name) format
or $index =~ s/^\Q$self->{connect}->{PREFIX}\E(?=.)//i; # broken (prefix)(index name) format;
package GT::SQL::Driver::MSSQL::sth;
# ====================================================================
use strict;
use vars qw/@ISA $ERROR_MESSAGE $DEBUG/;
use GT::SQL::Driver::sth;
use GT::AutoLoader;
$DEBUG = 0;
@ISA = qw/GT::SQL::Driver::sth/;
sub insert_id {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Retrieves the current sequence.
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_insert_id} if $self->{_insert_id};
my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT @@IDENTITY') or return $self->fatal(CANTPREPARE => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY', $DBI::errstr);
$sth->execute or return $self->fatal(CANTEXECUTE => 'SELECT @@IDENTITY', $DBI::errstr);
$self->{_insert_id} = $sth->fetchrow;
sub execute {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fetch off only rows we are interested in.
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{_need_preparing}) {
$self->{sth} = $self->{dbh}->prepare($self->{query}) or return $self->warn(CANTPREPARE => $self->{query}, $DBI::errstr);
if (my $binds = $GT::SQL::Driver::MSSQL::BINDS{$self->{query}}) {
for my $bind (@$binds) {
my ($index, $col, $type) = @$bind;
$self->{sth}->bind_param($index, $_[$index-1], $type);
else {
# We need to look for any values longer than 8000 characters and bind_param them
# to SQL_LONGVARCHAR's to avoid an implicit rebinding that results in a
# "Can't rebind placeholder x" error. Actually, we look for 4000 because that's
# the worst-case scenario for escaping being able to increase to 8000 characters.
for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i++) {
if (defined $_[$i] and length $_[$i] > 4000) {
$self->{sth}->bind_param($i+1, $_[$i], DBI::SQL_LONGVARCHAR);
my $time;
if ($self->{_debug}) {
$self->last_query($self->{query}, @_);
my $stack = '';
if ($self->{_debug} > 1) {
$stack = GT::Base->stack_trace(1,1);
$stack =~ s/<br>/\n /g;
$stack =~ s/ / /g;
$stack = "\n $stack\n"
my $query = GT::SQL::Driver::debug->replace_placeholders($self->{query}, @_);
$self->debug("Executing query: $query$stack");
$time = Time::HiRes::time() if exists $INC{"Time/HiRes.pm"};
my $rc = $self->{sth}->execute(@_) or return $self->warn(CANTEXECUTE => $self->{query}, $DBI::errstr);
$self->{_names} = $self->{_results} = $self->{_insert_id} = undef;
# Attempting to access ->{NAME} is not allowed for queries that don't actually
# returning anything (such as 'ALTER TABLE foo ADD COLUMN a INT'); as such, try
# to avoid them here. The eval is there just in case a query runs that isn't
# caught.
unless ($self->{do} =~ /^(?:ALTER|CREATE|INSERT|UPDATE|DROP|DELETE|SP_RENAME)$/) {
eval {
$self->{_names} = $self->{sth}->{NAME};
# Limit the results if needed.
if ($self->{do} eq 'SELECT' or $self->{do} eq 'DESCRIBE') {
my $none;
if ($self->{_limit}) {
my $begin = $self->{_lim_offset} || 0;
for (1 .. $begin) {
# Discard any leading rows that we don't care about
$self->{sth}->fetchrow_arrayref or $none = 1, last;
$self->{_results} = $none ? [] : $self->{sth}->fetchall_arrayref;
$self->{rows} = @{$self->{_results}};
elsif ($self->{query} =~ /^\s*sp_/) {
$self->{_results} = $self->{sth}->fetchall_arrayref;
$self->{rows} = @{$self->{_results}};
else {
$self->{rows} = $self->{sth}->rows;
$self->{_need_preparing} = 1;
if ($self->{_debug} and exists $INC{"Time/HiRes.pm"}) {
my $elapsed = Time::HiRes::time() - $time;
$self->debug(sprintf("Query execution took: %.6fs", $elapsed));
return $rc;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
package GT::SQL::Driver::MSSQL::Types;
use strict;
use GT::SQL::Driver::Types;
use Carp qw/croak/;
use vars qw/@ISA/;
@ISA = 'GT::SQL::Driver::Types';
# MSSQL has a TINYINT type, however it is always unsigned, so only use it if
# the column is _meant_ to be unsigned - otherwise use SMALLINT, which is
# always signed.
my ($class, $args) = @_;
my $type = $args->{unsigned} ? 'TINYINT' : 'SMALLINT';
$class->base($args, $type);
# Though MSSQL supports a CHAR type, it can't be used because it doesn't trim
# trailing spaces, and that would most likely break things designed to work
# with the way 'CHAR's currently work.
sub DATE { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'DATETIME') }
sub TIMESTAMP { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'DATETIME') }
sub TIME { croak "MSSQL does not support 'TIME' columns" }
sub YEAR { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'DATETIME') }
# MSSQL doesn't support BLOB's, but has binary 'IMAGE' and 'VARBINARY' types -
# the one (rather large) caveat to these being that they require escaping and
# unescaping of input and output.