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2024-06-17 21:49:12 +10:00
# ==================================================================
# Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/
# GT::IPC::Run::Unix
# Author : Scott Beck
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# $Id: Unix.pm,v 1.24 2004/02/17 01:33:07 jagerman Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# ==================================================================
package GT::IPC::Run::Unix;
use strict;
use vars qw/$EVENTS $ERROR_MESSAGE/;
use base 'GT::Base';
use IO::Select;
use POSIX qw(fcntl_h errno_h :sys_wait_h);
sub READ_BLOCK () { 512 }
@GT::IPC::Run::Unix::ISA = qw(GT::IPC::Run);
sub execute {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ($self) = @_;
# unless ($self->{sigchld_installed}) {
# $self->{chld_signal} = sub {
# my $child;
# while (($child = waitpid -1, WNOHANG) > 0) {
# $self->{goners}{$child} = $?;
# $self->debug(
# "forked child $child exited with exit status (".
# ($self->{goners}{$child} >> 8).
# ")\n"
# ) if $self->{_debug};
# }
# $SIG{CHLD} = $self->{chld_signal};
# };
# $SIG{CHLD} = $self->{chld_signal};
# $self->{sigchld_installed} = 1;
# }
# Create a semaphore pipe. This is used so that the parent doesn't
# begin listening until the child's stdio has been set up.
my ($child_pipe_read, $child_pipe_write) = $self->oneway;
die "Could not create semaphore socket: $!" unless defined $child_pipe_read;
my $pid;
if ($pid = fork) { # Parent
my $child = delete $self->{current_child};
$self->{select}->add_stdout($pid => $child->stdout_read);
$self->{select}->add_stderr($pid => $child->stderr_read);
$self->{children}{$pid} = $child;
if ($child->stdin and ref($child->stdin) eq 'SCALAR') {
print {$child->stdin_write} ${$child->stdin};
close $child->stdin_write;
# Cludge to stop speed forking
select undef, undef, undef, 0.001;
# Close what the parent will not need
# close $child->stdout_write if $child->stdout_write;
# close $child->stderr_write if $child->stderr_write;
# close $child->stdin_read if $child->stdin_read;
close $child_pipe_read;
close $child_pipe_write;
return $pid;
else {
$self->fatal(FORK => "$!") unless defined $pid;
$self->debug("Forked: $$\n") if $self->{_debug} > 1;
# Get out self and out filenos
my $self = delete $self->{current_child};
my ($stdout_fn, $stderr_fn, $stdin_fn);
$stdout_fn = fileno($self->stdout_write) if $self->stdout_write;
$stderr_fn = fileno($self->stderr_write) if $self->stderr_write;
$stdin_fn = fileno($self->stdin_read) if $self->stdin_read;
# Close what the child won't need.
# close $self->stdin_write if $self->stdin_write;
# close $self->stderr_read if $self->stderr_read;
# close $self->stdout_read if $self->stdout_read;
# Tied handles break this
untie *STDOUT if tied *STDOUT;
untie *STDERR if tied *STDERR;
untie *STDIN if tied *STDIN;
# Redirect STDOUT to the write end of the stdout pipe.
if (defined $stdout_fn) {
$self->debug("Opening stdout to fileno $stdout_fn") if $self->{_debug};
open( STDOUT, ">&$stdout_fn" )
or die "can't redirect stdout in child pid $$: $!";
$self->debug("stdout opened") if $self->{_debug};
# Redirect STDIN from the read end of the stdin pipe.
if (defined $stdin_fn) {
$self->debug("Opening stdin to fileno $stdin_fn") if $self->{_debug};
open( STDIN, "<&$stdin_fn" )
or die "can't redirect STDIN in child pid $$: $!";
$self->debug("stdin opened") if $self->{_debug};
# Redirect STDERR to the write end of the stderr pipe.
if (defined $stderr_fn) {
$self->debug("Opening stderr to fileno $stderr_fn") if $self->{_debug};
open( STDERR, ">&$stderr_fn" )
or die "can't redirect stderr in child: $!";
select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;
# Tell the parent that the stdio has been set up.
close $child_pipe_read;
print $child_pipe_write "go\n";
close $child_pipe_write;
# Program code here
my $program = $self->program;
if (ref($program) eq 'ARRAY') {
exec(@$program) or do {
print STDERR "can't exec (@$program) in child pid $$:$!\n";
eval { POSIX::_exit($?); };
eval { kill KILL => $$; };
elsif (ref($program) eq 'CODE') {
$? = 0;
# In case flushing them wasn't good enough.
close STDOUT if defined fileno(STDOUT);
close STDERR if defined fileno(STDERR);
eval { POSIX::_exit($?); };
eval { kill KILL => $$; };
else {
exec($program) or do {
print STDERR "can't exec ($program) in child pid $$:$!\n";
eval { POSIX::_exit($?); };
eval { kill KILL => $$; };
die "How did I get here!";
sub put {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $self = shift;
my $pid = shift;
print {$self->{children}{$pid}->stdin_write} @_;
sub do_one_loop {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ($self, $wait) = @_;
$wait = 0.05 unless defined $wait;
# See if any children have exited
my $child;
while (($child = waitpid -1, WNOHANG) > 0) {
next unless exists $self->{children}{$child};
$self->{goners}{$child} = $?;
"forked child $child exited with exit status (".
($self->{goners}{$child} >> 8).
) if $self->{_debug};
for my $pid (keys %{$self->{goners}} ) {
my $child = $self->{children}{$pid} or next;
if (!$child->called_reaper) {
$child->exit_callback->($pid, $self->{goners}{$pid})
if $child->exit_callback;
my ($stdout_pending, $stderr_pending) = $self->{select}->can_read($wait);
my %not_pending = %{$self->{children}};
for my $pid (@$stdout_pending, @$stderr_pending) {
delete $not_pending{$pid};
for my $pid (keys %{$self->{goners}}) {
my $child = $self->{children}{$pid} or next;
if ($not_pending{$pid} and not $child->called_done) {
$child->done_callback->($pid, $self->{goners}{$pid})
if $child->done_callback;
if (!@$stdout_pending and !@$stderr_pending) {
$self->debug("Nothing else to do, flushing buffers")
if $self->{_debug};
"Children: ".
"; goners: ".
) if $self->{_debug};
# We still have children out there
return 1 if keys(%{$self->{children}}) > keys(%{$self->{goners}});
# Flush output filters and delete children to free memory and FDs
# Nothing left to do
return 0;
# else we have stuff to do
for my $pid (@$stdout_pending) {
my $child = $self->{children}{$pid};
$self->debug("STDOUT pending for $pid") if $self->{_debug};
my $ret = sysread($child->stdout_read, my $buff, READ_BLOCK);
if (!$ret) {
if ($! != EAGAIN and $! != 0) {
# Socket error
"$pid: Socket Read: $!: $^E; Errno: ", 0+$!
) if $self->{_debug};
else {
# Process callbacks
$self->debug("[$pid STDOUT]: `$buff'\n")
if $self->{_debug} > 1;
if ($child->handler_stdout) {
for my $pid (@$stderr_pending) {
my $child = $self->{children}{$pid};
$self->debug("STDERR pending for $pid") if $self->{_debug};
my $ret = sysread($child->stderr_read, my $buff, READ_BLOCK);
if (!$ret) {
if ($! != EAGAIN and $! != 0) {
# Socket error
"$pid: Socket Read: $!: $^E; Errno: ", 0+$!
) if $self->{_debug};
else {
# Process callbacks
$self->debug("[$pid STDERR]: `$buff'\n")
if $self->{_debug} > 1;
if ($child->handler_stderr) {
return 1;
sub flush_filters {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $self = shift;
for my $pid (keys %{$self->{children}}) {
my $child = delete $self->{children}{$pid};
if ($child->handler_stdout) {
if ($child->handler_stderr) {
sub stop_blocking {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ($self, $socket_handle) = @_;
my $flags = fcntl($socket_handle, F_GETFL, 0) or die "getfl: $!";
$flags = fcntl($socket_handle, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK)
or die "setfl: $!";
sub start_blocking {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ($self, $socket_handle) = @_;
my $flags = fcntl($socket_handle, F_GETFL, 0) or die "getfl: $!";
$flags = fcntl($socket_handle, F_SETFL, $flags & ~O_NONBLOCK)
or die "setfl: $!";