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# ==================================================================
# Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/
# GT::Dumper
# Author: Scott Beck
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# $Id: Dumper.pm,v 1.39 2007/02/10 15:59:02 sbeck Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# ==================================================================
# Description:
# Implements a data dumper, useful for converting complex Perl
# data structures to strings, which can then be eval()ed back to
# the original value.
package GT::Dumper;
# ===============================================================
use strict;
use GT::Base;
use Exporter;
use overload;
$EOL = "\n";
$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision: 1.39 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
var => '$VAR',
data => undef,
sort => 1,
order => undef,
compress => undef,
structure => undef,
tab => ' '
@EXPORT = qw/Dumper/;
@ISA = qw/Exporter GT::Base/;
sub Dumper {
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Dumper acts similar to Dumper in Data::Dumper when called as a
# class method. If called as a instance method it assumes you
# have set the options for the dump and does not change them.
# It only takes a single argument - the variable to dump.
my $self;
if (@_ == 2 and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__)) {
$self = shift;
$self->{data} = shift;
elsif (@_ == 1) {
$self = GT::Dumper->new(data => shift);
else {
die "Bad args to Dumper()";
return $self->dump;
sub dump {
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# my $dump = $class->dump(%opts);
# --------------------------------
# Returns the data structure specified in %opts flatened.
# %opts is optional if you have created an object with the
# options.
my $this = shift;
# See if options were passed in
my $self;
if (!ref $this) {
$self = $this->new(@_);
else {
$self = $this;
if (@_) {
my $data = $self->common_param(@_) or return $self->fatal(BADARGS => '$dumper->dump(%opts)');
my $level = 0;
my $ret = '';
if ($self->{var} and not $self->{structure}) {
$ret .= ($self->{compress} ? "$self->{var}=" : "$self->{var} = ");
$self->_dump_value($level + 1, $self->{data}, \$ret);
$ret .= ';' unless $self->{structure};
$ret .= $EOL unless $self->{structure} or $self->{compress};
return $ret ? $ret : 1;
sub dump_structure {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
return $self->dump(structure => 1, data => $data);
sub _dump_value {
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Internal method to decide what to dump.
my ($self, $level, $val, $ret, $n) = @_;
my $was;
my $ref = ref $val;
if ($ref and overload::StrVal($val) =~ /=/) { $self->_dump_obj( $level + 1, $val, $ret) }
elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') { $self->_dump_hash( $level + 1, $val, $ret) }
elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { $self->_dump_array($level + 1, $val, $ret) }
elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR' or $ref eq 'REF' or $ref eq 'LVALUE') {
$self->_dump_scalar($level, $val, $ret)
elsif ($ref eq 'CODE') { $$ret .= 'sub { () }' }
else { $$ret .= _escape($val) }
return 1;
sub _dump_scalar {
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Dump a scalar reference.
my ($self, $level, $val, $ret, $n) = @_;
my $v = $$val;
$$ret .= '\\';
$self->_dump_value($level, $v, $ret, 1);
return 1;
sub _dump_hash {
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Internal method to for through a hash and dump it.
my ($self, $level, $hash_ref, $ret) = @_;
$$ret .= '{';
my $lines;
if ($self->{sort}) {
for (sort { ref($self->{order}) eq 'CODE' ? $self->{order}->($a, $b, $hash_ref->{$a}, $hash_ref->{$b}) : $a cmp $b } keys %{$hash_ref}) {
$$ret .= "," if $lines++;
$$ret .= $EOL . ($self->{tab} x ($level / 2)) unless $self->{compress};
my $key = _escape($_);
$$ret .= $self->{compress} ? "$key," : "$key => ";
$self->_dump_value($level + 1, $hash_ref->{$_}, $ret, 1);
else {
for (keys %{$hash_ref}) {
$$ret .= "," if $lines++;
$$ret .= $EOL . ($self->{tab} x ($level / 2)) unless $self->{compress};
my $key = _escape($_);
$$ret .= $self->{compress} ? "$key," : "$key => ";
$self->_dump_value($level + 1, $hash_ref->{$_}, $ret, 1);
$$ret .= $EOL if $lines and not $self->{compress};
$$ret .= ($lines and not $self->{compress}) ? (($self->{tab} x (($level - 1) / 2)) . "}") : "}";
return 1;
sub _dump_array {
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Internal method to for through an array and dump it.
my ($self, $level, $array_ref, $ret) = @_;
$$ret .= "[";
my $lines;
for (@{$array_ref}) {
$$ret .= "," if $lines++;
$$ret .= $EOL.($self->{tab} x ($level / 2)) unless $self->{compress};
$self->_dump_value($level + 1, $_, $ret, 1);
$$ret .= ($lines and not $self->{compress}) ? $EOL.(($self->{tab} x (($level - 1) / 2)) . "]") : "]";
return 1;
sub _dump_obj {
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Internal method to dump an object.
my ($self, $level, $obj, $ret) = @_;
my $class = ref $obj;
$$ret .= "bless(";
$$ret .= $EOL.($self->{tab} x ($level / 2)) unless $self->{compress};
my $strval = overload::StrVal($obj);
if ($strval =~ /ARRAY\(/) { $self->_dump_array($level + 2, \@{$obj}, $ret) }
elsif ($strval =~ /HASH\(/) { $self->_dump_hash( $level + 2, \%{$obj}, $ret) }
elsif ($strval =~ /SCALAR\(/ or $obj =~ /REF\(/ or $obj =~ /LVALUE\(/)
{ $self->_dump_value($level + 2, $$obj, $ret) }
$$ret .= ",";
$$ret .= $EOL.($self->{tab} x ($level / 2)) unless $self->{compress};
$$ret .= _escape($class);
$$ret .= $EOL.($self->{tab} x (($level - 1) / 2)) unless $self->{compress};
$$ret .= ")";
return 1;
sub _escape {
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Internal method to escape a dumped value.
my ($val) = @_;
defined($val) or return 'undef';
$val =~ s/('|\\(?=['\\]|$))/\\$1/g;
return "'$val'";
=head1 NAME
GT::Dumper - Convert Perl data structures into a string.
use GT::Dumper;
print Dumper($complex_var);
print GT::Dumper->dump ( var => '$MYVAR', data => $complex_var);
GT::Dumper by default exports a method Dumper() which will
behave similar to Data::Dumper's Dumper(). It differs in that
it will only take a single argument, and the variable dumped
will be $VAR instead of $VAR1. Also, to provide easier control
to change the variable name that gets dumped, you can use:
GT::Dumper->dump ( var => string, data => yourdata );
and the dump will start with string = instead of $VAR = .
=head1 EXAMPLE
use GT::Dumper;
my %foo;
my @bar = (1, 2, 3);
$foo{alpha} = \@bar;
$foo{beta} = 'a string';
print Dumper(\%foo);
This will print:
$VAR = {
'beta' => 'a string',
'alpha' => [
=head2 Dumper
Dumper() is exported by default when using GT::Dumper. It takes a single
variable and returns a string representation of the variable. The string can
then be eval()'ed back into the same data structure.
It takes only one argument - the variable to dump. The return is a string of
the form:
where 'DATA' is the actual data structure of the variable. A more powerful and
customizable dumping method is the L</"dump"> method.
=head2 dump
dump() provides a more customizable method to dumping a data structure. Through
the various options available, listed below, the output of a data structure
dump can be formatted in several different ways.
The options are as follows. Only the L</"data"> option is required.
=over 4
=item * data
The data option takes a data structure to dump. It is required.
=item * var
By default, a dump is output as an assignment to C<$VAR>. For example, dumping
the string C<foo> would return: C<$VAR = 'foo'>. You can change and even omit
the assignment using the C<var> option. To specify a different variable, you
simply specify it as the value here. To have 'foo' dump as just C<'foo'>
instead of C<$VAR = 'foo'>, specify var as an empty string, or undef.
=item * tab
When indenting for complex data structures (array refs, hash refs, etc.) an
indent is used. By default, the indent is 4 spaces, however you can change this
by using the C<tab> option.
=item * sort
The C<sort> option enables hash key sorting. It is not on by default - to
enable, simply specify the sort option with 1 as the value. The default sort
method is case-sensitive alphabetical. See the L</"order"> option for
specifying your own sort order.
=item * order
When sorting, it is sometimes desirable to use a custom sort order rather than
the default case-sensitive alphabetical sort. The C<order> option takes a code
reference and enables custom sort ordering. The code reference will be passed 4
variables. The first and second are the two items being compared - $a and $b in
Perl's sort mechanism. The third and fourth are the values in the hash being
sorted. The code reference, like a Perl sort routine, should return -1 if $a
should come before $b, 0 if $a and $b are equivelant in your sort order, and 1
if $b should come before $a. Because of scoping and package issues in Perl, it
is not possible to directly use $a and $b.
=item * compress
The default dump method is to use ' => ' between hash key and value, to use
indenting, and to add a line break after each dumped element. You can turn all
of these off by using the compress option.
Compression removes all non-essential characters from the output, thus reducing
data size, however also generally making the dump very difficult to read. If
enabled, the dumping behaviour is changed as follows:
=over 4
=item * assignment
If using a var (ie. C<$VAR = DATA>), the spaces around the = will be stripped.
The output will look like: C<$VAR=DATA>
=item * hash keys
Instead of placing the 4 characters ' => ' between hash keys and values, a
single ',' will be used.
=item * tabs
Tabs will not be used.
=item * newlines
Normally, a newline character is added after each dumped element. Compress
turns this off.
=item * structure
The structure option causes the dump to be a valid perl structure rather than a
valid perl statement. This differs in two ways - for one, the C<var> option is
ignored - it is treated as if a blank C<var> was entered, thereby not returning
an assignment. The other difference is that an an ordinary dump adds a
semicolon and newline at the end of the dump, but these are not added when the
structure option is enabled.
=head2 dump_structure
This is a quick method to do a structure dump. It takes one argument - the data
to dump. Calling:
is identical to calling:
$class->dump(data => $DATA, structure => 1);
See the L</"structure"> option.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Jason Rhinelander
Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
=head1 VERSION
Revision: $Id: Dumper.pm,v 1.39 2007/02/10 15:59:02 sbeck Exp $