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# ==================================================================
# Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/
# GT::Cache
# Author : Scott Beck
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# $Id: Cache.pm,v 1.13 2004/01/13 01:35:15 jagerman Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# ==================================================================
# Description:
# Implements a tied hash cache that will not grow forever, but expire
# old/unused entries. Useful under mod_perl.
package GT::Cache;
# ===============================================================
use vars qw /$DEBUG $VERSION $CACHE_SIZE/;
use strict;
$DEBUG = 0;
$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision: 1.13 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
$CACHE_SIZE = 500;
# tie %cache, 'GT::Cache', $size, \&function;
# ----------------------------
# Is called when you tie a hash to this
# class. The size should be the size limit
# you want on your hash. If not specified
# this will default to the CLASS variable
# $CACH_SIZE which is initialized to 500
my $this = shift;
my $size = shift || $CACHE_SIZE;
my $code = shift || sub {undef};
my $class = ref $this || $this;
my $self = bless {
cache_size => $size,
popularity => [],
content => {},
indices => {},
is_indexed => 0,
size => 0,
code => $code,
}, $class;
$#{$self->{popularity}} = $size;
return $self;
sub FETCH {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
if (ref $key) {
require GT::Dumper;
my $dmp = new GT::Dumper (
data => $key,
sort => 1
my $new = $dmp->dump;
$key = $new;
unless (exists $self->{content}->{$key}) {
my $val = $self->{code}->($key);
defined $val or return undef;
$self->STORE ($key, $val);
return $val;
if ($self->{is_indexed}) {
my ($pos1, $pos2, $replace);
$pos1 = $self->{content}->{$key}->[1];
$pos2 = $pos1 + (int (rand( ($self->{cache_size} - $pos1) / 2) )) || 1;
$replace = ${$self->{popularity}}[$pos2];
${$self->{popularity}}[$pos2] = $key;
$self->{content}->{$key}->[1] = $pos2;
if (defined $replace) {
${$self->{popularity}}[$pos1] = $replace;
$self->{content}->{$replace}->[1] = $pos1;
return $self->{content}->{$key}->[0];
# %cash = (key1 => $field1, key2 => $val2);
# -----------------------------------------
# $cash{key} = $val;
# ------------------
# Called when you store something in the hash.
# This will check the number of elements in the
# hash and delete the oldest one if the limit.
# is reached.
sub STORE {
my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
if (ref $key) {
require GT::Dumper;
my $dmp = new GT::Dumper (
data => $key,
sort => 1
my $new = $dmp->dump;
$key = $new;
my ($replace, $insid);
if ($self->{is_indexed}) {
$insid = int (rand($self->{cache_size} / 2)) || 1;
if (defined ($replace = ${$self->{popularity}}[$insid])) {
delete $self->{content}->{$replace};
undef ${$self->{popularity}}[$insid];
${$self->{popularity}}[$insid] = $key;
$self->{content}->{$key} = [$value, $insid];
else {
${$self->{popularity}}[$self->{size}] = $key;
$self->{content}->{$key} = [$value, $self->{size}];
if ($self->{size} == $self->{cache_size}) {
for (0 .. $#{$self->{popularity}}) {
next unless defined $self->{popularity}[$_];
$self->{content}{$self->{popularity}[$_]}[1] = $_;
$self->{is_indexed} = 1;
sub DELETE {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
if (ref $key) {
require GT::Dumper;
my $dmp = new GT::Dumper (
data => $key,
sort => 1
my $new = $dmp->dump;
$key = $new;
exists $self->{content}->{$key} or return undef;
my $aref = delete $self->{content}->{$key};
undef $self->{popularity}->[$aref->[1]];
return $aref->[0];
sub CLEAR {
my $self = shift;
$self->{content} = {};
$self->{size} = 0;
$self->{popularity} = [];
$self->{is_indexed} = 0;
sub EXISTS {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
if (ref $key) {
require GT::Dumper;
my $dmp = new GT::Dumper (
data => $key,
sort => 1
my $new = $dmp->dump;
$key = $new;
return exists $self->{content}->{$key} ? 1 : 0;
my $self = shift;
my $c = keys %{$self->{content}};
return scalar each %{$self->{content}};
sub NEXTKEY {return scalar each %{shift()->{content}}}
=head1 NAME
GT::Cache - Tied hash which caches output of functions.
use GT::Cache;
my %cache;
tie %cache, 'GT::Cache', $size, \&function;
GT::Cache implements a simple but quick caching scheme for remembering
the results of functions. It also implements a max size to prevent
the cache from growing and drops least frequently requested entries
first, making it very useful under mod_perl.
=head1 EXAMPLE
use GT::Cache;
my %cache;
tie %cache, 'GT::Cache', 100, \&complex_func;
while (<>) {
print "RESULT: ", $cache{$_}, "\n";
sub complex_func {
my $input = shift;
# .. do complex work.
return $output;
This will cache the results of complex_func, and only run it when
the input is different. It stores a max of 100 entries at a time,
with the least frequently requested getting dropped first.
=head1 NOTES
Currently, you can only pass as input to the function a single
scalar, and the output must be a single scalar. See the
Memoize module in CPAN for a much more robust implementation.
Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
=head1 VERSION
Revision: $Id: Cache.pm,v 1.13 2004/01/13 01:35:15 jagerman Exp $