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<title>Gossamer List - Help - Plugins</title>
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<p>Plugins are files that can be installed into your copy
of Gossamer List to extend the functionality of many aspects
of the program. The tools in the plugin menu allow you to
browse, download, install, uninstall and modify your plugins,
as well as write your own plugins. </p>
<p><font color="#CC0000"><b>Warning:</b></font> Plugins contain
code that will be executed on and affect your system. Be
careful while installing any plugins from a source of which
you are unsure or do not trust.</p>
<p><span class="helptitle">Plugin Manager</span><br>
The Plugin Manager (which will be displayed by default when
you view the Plugins menu) allows you to easily install,
edit, uninstall and delete plugins that you have downloaded,
and displays brief descriptions of those plugins. The plugin
manager is divided into two menus, the "Installed Plugins"
menu and the "Uninstalled Plugins" menu. Each plugin that
you have downloaded is listed in one of these two menus
(which menu each plugin is listed in is obviously dependant
on whether or not the plugin is currently installed). To
the right of the name of each plugin, the version number
and author of the plugin are listed. The author's name may
be linked to their web site or email address. To the right
of the author's name you are given the options of installing,
editing, or deleting the plugin. </p>
<p class="body_bold">To install a plugin, click the "Install"
link: </p>
<p>- A screen describing the plugin and how to use it will
be displayed. </p>
<p>- Click the "Install" button at the bottom of the screen
to confirm the installation. </p>
<p>- If you are installing a newer version of a plugin already
on your system, you will be given a prompt asking if you
want to overwrite the pre-existing plugin with the newer
version. </p>
<p class="body_bold">To edit a plugin, click the "Edit" link:
<p>- A screen displaying the plugins options will appear.
<p>- Make any changes that you want, and click the "Edit"
button to confirm them. </p>
<p class="body_bold">To uninstall a plugin, click the "Uninstall"
link: </p>
<p>- A screen either describing the plugin or describing how
the uninstall will affect Gossamer List will be displayed.
<p>- You can either completely uninstall the plugin and all
of its files and records by clicking the "Full Uninstall"
button, or only uninstall the plugin itself by clicking
"Skip Plugin Uninstall". This option will leave any files
or records created by the plugin untouched, and is useful
if you are planning to reinstall the plugin at some point.
<p class="body_bold">To delete a plugin, click the "Delete"
link: </p>
<p>- You will be given the option of confirming or aborting
the delete. </p>
<p>- A plugin must be uninstalled before it can be deleted.
<p><span class="helptitle"><a name="download">Plugin Download</a></span><br>
The Plugin Download menu allows you to download and install
plugins in three ways: from the Gossamer Threads website,
from another URL, or from a file. </p>
<p>To download plugins from Gossamer Threads: </p>
<p>- Click the "Show" button to see a list of plugins available
for download direct from Gossamer Threads. If you have already
installed any of these plugins, the version number of your
copy of the plugin will be displayed next to the version
number of the latest available version of the plugin, so
you can easily identify plugins that have been updated since
you last installed them. Note: You will not be able to download
plugins from Gossamer Threads if you do not have a valid
registration number entered in the "Misc Options" section
of the Setup menu. </p>
<p>- Click the "Download" link beside a plugin to begin downloading
it. </p>
<p class="body_bold">To install plugins from a URL:</p>
<p>- Enter the URL location of the plugin you wish to download
in the field provided. </p>
<p>- Click the "Install" button. </p>
<p class="body_bold">To Install plugins from a file:</p>
<p>- Enter the file location of the plugin you wish to download
in the field provided, or click the "Browse" button to search
for the file. </p>
<p>- Click the "Install" button when the correct file location
has been entered. </p>
<p><span class="helptitle"><a name="wizard">Plugin Wizard</a></span><br>
The Plugin Wizard tool allows you to create your own plugins,
or modify pre-existing ones. </p>
<p>If you are creating a new plugin, enter its name in the
"Create new plugin named:" field and click the "Next" button.
If you are modifying a pre-existing plugin, select it from
the drop-down menu and click the "Next" button. </p>
<p>- The first plugin wizard menu allows you to specify basic
information about your plugin: version number, author, licensing
(freeware, shareware, commercial, etc), Gossamer List version
requirements, and description. </p>
<p>- The second plugin wizard menu allows you to create hooks
for the plugin. </p>
<p>- The third plugin wizard menu allows you to specify menu
options. </p>
<p>- The fourth plugin wizard menu allows you to specify user
options. </p>
<p>- If your plugin requires bundled files, the fifth plugin
wizard menu allows you to configure those files. </p>
<p>- The sixth plugin wizard menu allows you to configure
the messages that will be displayed and the code that will
be executed when the plugin is installed and uninstalled
<p><span class="helptitle">About Plugins</span><br>
Clicking on "About Plugins" will give you a brief description
of plugins and how they can be used in Gossamer List. </p><p>