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2024-06-17 11:49:12 +00:00
use strict;
use lib '/home/slowtwitch/forum.slowtwitch.com/cgi-bin/admin';
use GForum qw/$DB $CFG $IN/;
use vars qw/$PRINT_HEADER $FONT $MAX $poll_vars/;
local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&GForum::fatal;
$poll_vars = do "poll.cfg";
$MAX = 20;
$FONT = qq~font face="tacoma, arial, san-serif" size="2"~;
sub main {
my $do = $IN->param('do');
if ($do eq 'add_form') { add_form(); }
elsif ($do eq 'add') { add(); }
elsif ($do eq 'modify_form') { modify_form(); }
elsif ($do eq 'modify') { modify(); }
elsif ($do eq 'disable') { disable(); }
elsif ($do eq 'enable') { enable(); }
elsif ($do eq 'home_show') { home_show(); }
elsif ($do eq 'home_notshow') { home_notshow(); }
else {
sub header {
print $IN->header();
print "<html><head><title>Poll Admin</title></head><body><$FONT>";
sub nav {
print qq!
<b>Poll</b>: <a href="admin.cgi?do=add_form">Add Poll</a> | <a href="admin.cgi">List Poll</a>
#<br><b>Quiz</b>: <a href="admin.cgi?do=add_form&poll_type=1">Add Quiz</a> | <a href="admin.cgi?poll_type=1">List Quiz</a><br>
sub footer {
print "</body></html>";
sub include_form {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
my $val = shift || {};
my $option = shift || $MAX;
my $output = qq~<form action="admin.cgi" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="$val->{do}">
<input type="hidden" name="poll_id" value="$val->{poll_id}">\n~;
$output .= qq~<p><$FONT color="red">$val->{error}</font></p>~ if $val->{error};
$output .= qq~
<B>Question:</B> <br><textarea rows="4" cols="50" name="poll_question">$val->{poll_question}</textarea><br>\n
<B>Description:</B> <br><textarea rows="4" cols="50" name="poll_text">$val->{poll_text}</textarea><br>\n
<b>Answers Options:</b> <br>
my $i = 1;
my $select = qq~<select name="poll_answer">~;
if ($val->{poll_answers_loop}) {
foreach my $ans (@{$val->{poll_answers_loop}}) {
$output .= qq~Option $i: <input type="text" name="poll_answer_answer_$i" size="30" value="$ans->{poll_answer_answer}"> &nbsp;~;
if (!$val->{poll_type}) {
$output .= qq~Votes: <input type="text" name="poll_answer_votes_$i" size="10" value="$ans->{poll_answer_votes}"><br>\n~;
$output .= qq~<input type="hidden" name="current_poll_answer_id_$i" value="$ans->{poll_answer_id}">\n~;
$output .= "<br>";
$select .= qq~<option value="$ans->{poll_answer_id}"~;
if ($val->{poll_answer} == $ans->{poll_answer_id}) {
$select .= " selected";
$select .= qq~>$i</option>\n~;
if ($IN->param('num_answers') > $i) {
foreach ($i .. $IN->param('num_answers')) {
$output .= qq~Option $_: <input type="text" name="poll_answer_answer_$_" size="30" value=""> &nbsp;~;
if (!$val->{poll_type}) {
$output .= qq~Votes: <input type="text" name="poll_answer_votes_$_" size="10" value="0"><br>\n~;
$output .= "<br>";
$select .= qq~<option value="$_">$_</option>\n~;
$i += 2;
else {
foreach (1 .. $option) {
my $ans = $val->{'poll_answer_answer_' . $_};
$output .= qq~Option $_: <input type="text" name="poll_answer_answer_$_" size="30" value="$ans"> &nbsp;~;
if (!$val->{poll_type}) {
$output .= qq~Votes: <input type="text" name="poll_answer_votes_$_" size="10" value="0">\n~;
$output .= "<br>";
$select .= qq~<option value="$_">$_</option>\n~;
$select .= "</select>";
if ($val->{poll_type} == 1) {
$output .= qq~<b>Right Answer:</b> $select<br><input type="hidden" name="poll_type" value="1">\n~;
$output .= qq~<B>Total Votes:</B> <input type="text" size="10" name="poll_votes" value="$val->{poll_votes}"><br><br>\n~;
$output .= $val->{poll_id} ?
qq~<input type="submit" value="Modify">&nbsp;<a href="admin.cgi?do=modify_form&poll_id=$val->{poll_id}&num_answers=$i">Want to add more options?</a></form>~ :
qq~<input type="submit" value="Add"></form>~;
return $output . "\n";
sub list {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
my $msg = shift;
my $start_at = $IN->param("start_at") || 1;
my $poll_count = $IN->param("poll_count") || 100;
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash();
$cgi->{nh} ||= $start_at;
$cgi->{mh} ||= $poll_count;
$cgi->{sb} ||= "poll_date";
$cgi->{so} ||= "DESC";
$cgi->{poll_type} ||= 0;
#use Data::Dumper; print "<pre>" . Dumper($cgi) . "</pre>";
my $db = $DB->table('Poll');
my $ans_db = $DB->table('PollAnswer');
my $sth = $db->query_sth($cgi);
my $output;
if ($msg) {
$output .= "<p>$msg</p>";
my $i=1;
my $correct = "";
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my $date = $row->{poll_date};
$output .= qq~<p><table width="100%"><tr><td colspan="2"><$FONT>$i.) $row->{poll_question} (posted on $date)</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><$FONT>Description: $row->{poll_text}</td></tr>~;
my $answers = $ans_db->select( { poll_id_fk => $row->{poll_id} })->fetchall_hashref();
my $max = 0;
my $votes = $row->{poll_votes};
foreach my $poll_answer (@$answers) {
if ($votes) {
$poll_answer->{poll_answer_percentage} = sprintf("%" . $poll_vars->{percentage_pre} . "." . $poll_vars->{percentage_post} . "f",$poll_answer->{poll_answer_votes} / $votes * 100);
if ($poll_answer->{poll_answer_votes} > $max) {
$max = $poll_answer->{poll_answer_votes};
$poll_answer->{poll_answer_is_leading} = 1;
else {
$poll_answer->{poll_answer_is_leading} = 0;
if ($poll_answer->{poll_answer_id} == $row->{poll_answer}) {
$correct = $poll_answer->{poll_answer_answer};
$output .= qq~
<td align="right" width="20%">
<td align="left" width="80%">
<$FONT> ~;
if ($poll_answer->{poll_answer_percentage}) {
my $width = $poll_answer->{poll_answer_percentage} * 4;
$output .= qq~<img src="/images/leftbar.gif" height="10" width="2" alt="" /><img src="/images/mainbar.gif" height="10" width="$width" alt="" /><img src="/images/rightbar.gif" height="10" width="2" alt="" />~;
else {
$output .= qq~<img src="/images/leftbar.gif" height="10" width="2" alt="" /><img src="/images/rightbar.gif" height="10" width="2" alt="" />~;
$output .= qq~$poll_answer->{poll_answer_votes} / $poll_answer->{poll_answer_percentage} %
if ($row->{poll_type}) {
$output .= qq~<tr><td colspan="2"><$FONT>The Correct Answer is: $correct</td></tr>~;
$output .= qq~<tr><td colspan="2"><$FONT>Total Answered: $row->{poll_votes}</td></tr>~;
else {
$output .= qq~<tr><td colspan="2"><$FONT>Total Votes: $row->{poll_votes}</td></tr>~;
$output .= qq~<tr><td colspan="2"><$FONT> <a href="admin.cgi?do=modify_form&poll_id=$row->{poll_id}">Edit</a> | ~;
$output .= $row->{poll_enabled} ?
qq~<a href="admin.cgi?do=disable&poll_id=$row->{poll_id}"> Disable </a>~ :
qq~<a href="admin.cgi?do=enable&poll_id=$row->{poll_id}"> Enable</a>~ ;
$output .= $row->{poll_home} ?
qq~| <a href="admin.cgi?do=home_notshow&poll_id=$row->{poll_id}"> Don't Show this on Home Page</a>~ :
qq~| <a href="admin.cgi?do=home_show&poll_id=$row->{poll_id}"> Show this on Home Page</a>~ ;
$output .= qq~</td></tr></table>~;
print $output;
sub add_form {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash();
my $error = shift;
if ($error) {
$cgi->{error} = $error;
$cgi->{do} = 'add';
my $form = include_form( { %$cgi }, 4 );
print $form;
sub add {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This subroutine will get called whenever the hook 'do_post_post'
# is run.
my $total_options = 0;
my %seen;
my $dup = 0;
for (1 .. $MAX) {
my $ans = $IN->param("poll_answer_answer_$_");
if ($ans) {
if ($seen{$ans}) {
$dup = 1;
$seen{$ans} = 1;
if ($dup) {
return add_form("Answers are the same.");
if (!$IN->param('poll_question')) {
add_form("No question entered!");
if ($total_options < 2) {
# Insert question into Poll table
my $a = $DB->table('Poll');
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash;
$cgi->{'poll_enabled'} = '1';
$cgi->{'poll_type'} ||= 0;
$cgi->{'poll_votes'} = 0;
if (!$cgi->{'poll_type'}){
$cgi->{'poll_answer'} = 0;
require GT::Date;
$cgi->{'poll_date'} = GT::Date::date_get();
my $rec = $a->insert($cgi) or die "$GT::SQL::error";
my $poll_id = $rec->insert_id;
if (!$poll_id) {
print "error: can't add poll, reason: $GT::SQL::error";
# Insert answers into PollAnswer table
my $votes_sum;
my $b = $DB->table('PollAnswer');
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $MAX; $i++) {
my %answer;
if ($IN->param("poll_answer_answer_$i")) {
$answer{'poll_answer_answer'} = $IN->param("poll_answer_answer_$i");
$answer{'poll_answer_votes'} = 0;
$answer{'poll_id_fk'} = $poll_id;
my $res = $b->insert(\%answer);
my $ans_id = $res->insert_id;
if ($i == $cgi->{poll_answer}) {
$a->update( { poll_answer => $ans_id }, { poll_id => $poll_id });
my $msg = "Poll added successfully!";
sub modify_form {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
my $id = $IN->param('poll_id') || shift;
if (!$id) {
print "no poll id passed";
my $poll = $DB->table('Poll')->get($id);
my $ans_db = $DB->table('PollAnswer');
my $poll_answer = $ans_db->select( { poll_id_fk => $id } )->fetchall_hashref();
my $hits = $ans_db->hits;
my $form = include_form( { do => 'modify', %$poll, poll_answers_loop => $poll_answer}, 4 );
print $form;
sub modify {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
my $poll_id = $IN->param('poll_id');
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash();
# Update existing record or insert new record (PollAnswer table)
my $votes_sum = 0;
my $a = $DB->table('PollAnswer');
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $MAX; $i++) {
my %answer;
if ($IN->param("poll_answer_answer_$i")) {
$answer{'poll_answer_answer'} = $IN->param("poll_answer_answer_$i");
if ($IN->param("poll_answer_votes_$i")) {
$answer{'poll_answer_votes'} = $IN->param("poll_answer_votes_$i");
$answer{'poll_id_fk'} = $poll_id;
$votes_sum += $IN->param("poll_answer_votes_$i");
if ($IN->param("current_poll_answer_id_$i")) {
$a->update(\%answer, { poll_answer_id => $IN->param("current_poll_answer_id_$i") }) or die $GT::SQL::error;
else {
elsif ($IN->param("current_poll_answer_id_$i") and not $IN->param("poll_answer_answer_$i")) {
$a->delete( { poll_answer_id => $IN->param("current_poll_answer_id_$i") });
# Update vote count
my $p = $DB->table('Poll');
my $poll_type = $IN->param('poll_type') || '0';
my $cols = $p->cols;
my $mod = {};
foreach (keys %$cols) {
next if ($_ eq 'poll_id');
next if ($_ eq 'poll_date');
next if ($_ eq 'poll_home');
next if ($_ eq 'poll_enabled');
$mod->{$_} = $cgi->{$_};
if (!$poll_type) {
$mod->{poll_answer} = 0;
$mod->{poll_type} = 0;
$p->update( $mod , { poll_id => $poll_id }) or die "$GT::SQL::error";
&list("The poll has been updated successfully!");
sub disable {
my $poll_id = $IN->param('poll_id');
my $p = $DB->table('Poll');
my $poll = $p->get($poll_id);
if (!$poll) {
return &list("No such quiz or poll: $poll_id");
$p->update({ poll_enabled => 0 }, { poll_id => $poll_id });
&list("The poll/quiz $poll->{poll_question} has been disabled.");
sub enable {
my $poll_id = $IN->param('poll_id');
my $p = $DB->table('Poll');
my $poll = $p->get($poll_id);
if (!$poll) {
return &list("No such quiz or poll: $poll_id");
$p->update({ poll_enabled => 1 }, { poll_id => $poll_id });
&list("The poll/quiz $poll->{poll_question} has been enabled.");
sub home_show {
my $poll_id = $IN->param('poll_id');
my $p = $DB->table('Poll');
my $poll = $p->get($poll_id);
if (!$poll) {
return &list("No such quiz or poll: $poll_id");
$p->update({ poll_home => 0 });
$p->update({ poll_home => 1 }, { poll_id => $poll_id });
&list("The poll/quiz $poll->{poll_question} has been set to show on home page.");
sub home_notshow {
my $poll_id = $IN->param('poll_id');
my $p = $DB->table('Poll');
my $poll = $p->get($poll_id);
if (!$poll) {
return &list("No such quiz or poll: $poll_id");
$p->update({ poll_home => 1 }, { poll_id => $poll_id });
&list("The poll/quiz $poll->{poll_question} has been removed from showing on the home page.");