147 lines
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147 lines
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foreach ( $_POST as $key )
$stemlength = (float)$_POST['stem_length'];
$headangle = (float)$_POST['head_tube_angle'];
$stemangle = (float)$_POST['stem_angle'];
$clamp = (float)$_POST['clamp'];
$spacer = (float)$_POST['spacer'];
$headset = (float)$_POST['headset'];
$reach = 0;
$stack = 0;
// calculate stack and reach
$stretch = ($stemlength*cos(deg2rad(90-$headangle+$stemangle))) - (($clamp/2) + $spacer + $headset)*cos(deg2rad($headangle));
$rise = ($stemlength*sin(deg2rad(90-$headangle+$stemangle))) + (($clamp/2) + $spacer + $headset)*sin(deg2rad($headangle));
//echo($xser." - (".$stemlength."*cos(deg2rad(90-".$headangle."+".$stemangle."))) - ((".$clamp."/2) + ".$spacer." + ".$headset.")*cos(deg2rad(".$headangle."))");
//$stack = $yser - ($stemlength*sin(deg2rad(90-$headangle+$stemangle))) - (($clamp/2) + $spacer + $headset)*sin(deg2rad($headangle));
$rise = round($rise, 0);
$stretch = round($stretch, 0);
//echo ("STACK: ".$stack);
//echo ("REACH: ".$reach);
<?PHP include("config.php"); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html >
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<title><:: Welcome to Slowtwitch.com ::>: Stem Rise & Stretch Calculator</title>
<meta name="KEYWORDS" content="bike, geometry, custom" />
<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="Are you trying to calculate the rise and stretch of a stem? Use our calculator to help."/>
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<h1>F.I.S.T Stem Calculator</h1>
<hr class="line" />
<div class="clearfix">
<div class="col-2-3">
<div class="dtable form">
<div class="drow">
<div class="dcell name">Head Tube Angle</div>
<div class="dcell divider"></div>
<div class="dcell value">
<? echo $headangle."°"; ?>
<div class="drow">
<div class="dcell name">Stem Length</div>
<div class="dcell divider"></div>
<div class="dcell value">
<? echo $stemlength."mm"; ?>
<div class="drow">
<div class="dcell name">Stem Angle</div>
<div class="dcell divider"></div>
<div class="dcell value">
<? echo $stemangle."°"; ?>
<div class="drow">
<div class="dcell name">Stem Clamp Height</div>
<div class="dcell divider"></div>
<div class="dcell value">
<? echo $clamp."mm"; ?>
<div class="drow">
<div class="dcell name">Spacer Height</div>
<div class="dcell divider"></div>
<div class="dcell value">
<? echo $spacer."mm"; ?>
<div class="drow">
<div class="dcell name">Headset Topcap</div>
<div class="dcell divider"></div>
<div class="dcell value">
<? echo $headset."mm"; ?>
<div class="col-1-3">
<p>Rise: <? echo $rise."mm"; ?></p>
<p>Stretch: <? echo $stretch."mm"; ?></p>
<p class="center"><a href="stem_calc.php" class="btn default">Return to the Stem Calculator</a></p>
Even if the fit is performed correctly, pitfalls loom. You must have the
tools to accurately find the stack and reach of the bike that fits under the
rider. The fitter is required to account for the stem length, stem pitch,
height of the stem clamp, headset upper stack, spacers under the stem if
any, and of course the choice of aerobar. He then must have an accurate way
of generating the stack and reach measures, using either a fit bike (best is
the bike made by Exit Cycling) that accurately generates these values
(taking into consideration <a href="/Bike_Fit/Fudging_for_negative_reach_123.html">negative reach</a> if applicable), or he must use an external tool, such
as Serotta's X/Y tool.
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