description: "Replace Google Workplace and Micorosoft Office 365."
## Regain control over your data!
Nextcloud makes remote collaboration easy without the price of your data being used by Google and Microsoft to advertise and train their AI.
**Used Around the Globe**
Nextcloud is used by 10s of millions of users by 100s of thousands of organizations around the world. For you, this means you have choices besides Federated Computer if you are even looking to move.
**Nextcloud Hub**
Get all the software you need for your team or business collaboration needs.
"Nextcloud Files" replaces a solution like Dropbox or Google Files or Onecloud with open-source syncing software for all your digital files across desktop, web, and mobile. There are file viewers for your convenience for many of the popular file formats.

"Nextcloud Groupware" integrates calendar, contacts, and web mail and other productivity features such as a kanban Deck to help your team get their work done faster, easier and on their terms.

"Nextcloud Office" is a powerful LibreOffice-based online office suite with collaborative editing supporting all major document, spreadsheet and presentation formats and works in all major browsers.

**Email Included**
Email hosting is included with your Nextcloud software.
**Single Sign On**
Federated Core offers Nextcloud with our single-sign-on and integrated user management system.
**The Convenience of SaaS, the Security of Open-Source Solutions**
Federated Core remains steadfast in its value proposition: bridging the gap between the convenience of Software as a Service (SaaS) and the security of open-source solutions. By integrating Castopod into Federated Core, we are expanding the horizons of your online business potential while upholding our commitment to data privacy, encryption, and automated backups.
For just $39 per month (per domain), Federated Core empowers you with the tools you need for managing your podcast, backed by the Castopod developer community.