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<title>Federated Docs – Linux</title>
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<title>Docs: Thunderbird</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
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<p>This documentation is for users and administrators, not those wanting to install.</p>
<p>Thunderbird isn&rsquo;t clunky anymore. Lots of investment is going into this great email, calendar, contacts, and more desktop client.</p>
<p>You can download Thunderbird from their <a href="https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/download/">website</a>.</p>
<p>The steps for configuring Thunderbird are practically the same for the major desktop platforms. Use the standard installation options and allow Thunderbird to be your default mail application.</p>
<p>You&rsquo;ll be asked to enter your Federated Core email address. Thunderbird <em>should</em> auto-configure your settings, but if you need to manually set them up, here is the needed information:</p>
<p>Server: mail.domain.com (where &ldquo;domain.com&rdquo; is your domain name. Example: mail.federated.com.)
Port: 993
Security: SSL/TLS</p>
<p>Server: mail.domain.com (where &ldquo;domain.com&rdquo; is your domain name. Example: mail.federated.com.)
Port: 465
Security: SSL/TLS</p>
<p>Click &ldquo;Finish&rdquo; and you&rsquo;re ready to send/receive email.</p>
<p>In order to connect Thunderbird to the addresses kept in your Nextcloud application, select the small address book icon in the upper right of Thunderbird to select the &ldquo;Address Book&rdquo; mode.</p>
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<p>Then select the drop down to the right and select &ldquo;Add CardDAV Address Book&rdquo;.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/dropdown_hud9b7dd15a194e1b0e7f027f3d839b054_5872_227x111_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="227" height="111">
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<p>The put in your username (email) for your Federated Core into the &ldquo;New CardDAV Address Book&rdquo; dialog box.</p>
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<p>You need to get the link for the &ldquo;Location&rdquo; line. This can be found in Nextcloud. Open a browser, enter the nextcloud.domain.com address for your Federated Core where &ldquo;domain.com&rdquo; is your particular domain name, navigate to the Contacts application, and then Contacts Settings in the lower left of the window. You&rsquo;ll see a window like this:</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/link_hud5de244a29c056cfb02e50604e481f6c_35107_929x692_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="929" height="692">
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<p>You click on the three dots in the &ldquo;Address books&rdquo; section to see a drop down menu. Select &ldquo;Copy link&rdquo;. That is the link address we need for the &ldquo;Location&rdquo; in the prior dialog box in Thunderbird. You can switch back to Thunderbird and paste the link into the &ldquo;Location&rdquo; section of the dialog box then click &ldquo;Continue&rdquo;.</p>
<p>Now Thunderbird will ask you to authenticate to your Nextcloud application.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/authentication_hufe848b2729d1ea3251199478c550fb01_9409_518x208_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="518" height="208">
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<p>Enter your username (email address for Federated Core) and password. Click &ldquo;OK&rdquo; and you should have your Address Book from Nextcloud now connected to Thunderbird.</p>
<p>These instructions work for any Calendar in your Nextcloud application. You can have Calendars for yourself/personal, decks, task lists, etc.</p>
<p>We will be adding a CalDAV calendar to Thunderbird. First switch to the Calendar mode in Thunderbird by clicking the calendar icon along the right side of the Thunderbird application.</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 43px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/calendar_hua1ae1423ef7c8d9f1ede540239c60d60_503_33x35_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="33" height="35">
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<p>You then click the &ldquo;+&rdquo; symbol so that we can add/subscribe to a calendar from Nextcloud.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/addcal_hud1278df75ee4fc7676720a5e14775de2_3059_324x68_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="324" height="68">
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<p>We choose from the next dialog box to subscribe to a &ldquo;On the Network&rdquo; calendar and click &ldquo;Next&rdquo;.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/network_hud6f04308bd9eff81815730d953284ecc_8159_495x404_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="495" height="404">
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<p>Now we put in our username (email address).</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/create_hu9abe794f8179355a52e06d3a0337ebc7_8382_496x402_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="496" height="402">
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<p class="card-text">
<p>In order to find the &ldquo;Location&rdquo; we need to switch to our Nextcloud application and navigate to the &ldquo;Calendar&rdquo; app.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/nc-calendar_hu51d1ccfbd16db1a8e67685d77fb31e7e_5256_478x59_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="478" height="59">
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<p>You select the calendar you want to subscribe to by clicking on the &ldquo;edit&rdquo; function. Another dialogue box is presented:</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/privatelink_hu59ff46aee80deb5edbc4c61d2fa54733_15147_593x323_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="593" height="323">
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<p>Click on the &ldquo;Copy private link&rdquo; buttton to copy the desired &ldquo;Location&rdquo; to the clipboard. Now we can go back to Thunderbird and paste the link into the &ldquo;Location&rdquo; box and click &ldquo;Find Calendars&rdquo;.</p>
<p>When Thunderbird finds the calendar, it will ask us for our password for Nextcloud.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/password_huf235b6ee719de0df1e57651fb76a2b04_8904_609x186_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="609" height="186">
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<p>Enter your password and then click &ldquo;OK&rdquo;. Now we are asked to subscribe to the calendar.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/subscribe_hu010d879b6617fca296b816bbddfc9bac_8911_495x402_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="495" height="402">
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<p>Leave the &ldquo;Calendar Type&rdquo; as &ldquo;CalDAV&rdquo; and click &ldquo;Subscribe&rdquo;. Your calendar is now available in Thunderbird.</p>
<title>Docs: Ubuntu-based Distribution</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
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<p>This documentation is for users and administrators, not those wanting to install.</p>
<p>Connecting your entire Ubuntu-based operations system (such at Ubuntu or Pop OS) is very easy.</p>
<p>Open your &ldquo;Settings&rdquo; application and then select the &ldquo;Online Accounts&rdquo; section of &ldquo;Settings&rdquo;.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/ubuntu/onlineaccounts_hu7232d2ab18ca31c5fa7688d3d1e1bd88_2604_222x46_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="222" height="46">
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<p>You have the option to connect a Nextcloud account from the list.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/ubuntu/addaccount_hu2b35f73ef15655e68615df97497e0380_24959_621x565_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="621" height="565">
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<p>When you select &ldquo;Nextcloud&rdquo; you&rsquo;ll be given a dialog box to enter in the specific information for your Federated Core.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/ubuntu/nextcloud_hu235263402ab0f6e16f822cfc1edb7f7d_8188_331x213_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="331" height="213">
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<p>The &ldquo;Server&rdquo; is &ldquo;<a href="https://nextcloud.domain.com">https://nextcloud.domain.com</a>&rdquo; when &ldquo;domain.com&rdquo; is your domain. The &ldquo;username&rdquo; is your email address for your Federated Core. And the &ldquo;Password&rdquo; is your password for Federated Core.</p>
<p>Now your files, email, calendars will &ldquo;automatically&rdquo; work with the applications that are part of your Ubuntu-based distribution.</p>
<p>Note: you will have to separately configure Thunderbird. See the documentation for those instructions.</p>