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<title>Federated Docs – Linux</title>
<description>Recent content in Linux on Federated Docs</description>
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<title>Docs: Element</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
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<p>This documentation is for users and administrators, not those wanting to install.</p>
<p>Your Federated Core comes pre-installed with a powerful <a href="https://matrix.org/">Matrix</a> server allowing you to communicate with anyone on your team and anyone in the world using Matrix.</p>
<p>The client for using Matrix is Element. You can use <a href="https://documentation.federated.computer/docs/core_applications/element/">Element in a web broswer</a> with your Federated Core, or you can install and use a desktop application.</p>
<p>Download desktop clients <a href="https://element.io/download">at this link</a>. Note: in our experience, the &ldquo;Debian / Ubuntu x86_64&rdquo; instructions are the best way to get the Element desktop client rather than using your package manager.</p>
<p>When you launch the Element application the first time, you want to click &ldquo;Sign In&rdquo;. You will need to edit your &ldquo;Homeserver&rdquo; value and put in your &ldquo;username&rdquo; and &ldquo;password&rdquo;.</p>
<p>Userful information for configuring your Element desktop application.</p>
<p>Homeserver: <a href="https://matrix.domain.com">https://matrix.domain.com</a> where domain.com is your domain name.</p>
<p>Username: Your email address for your Federated Core.</p>
<p>Password: Your password.</p>
<p>You will need to verify your access using your security key OR from another device already logged in.</p>
<title>Docs: Nextcloud Applications</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
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<p>This documentation is for users and administrators, not those wanting to install.</p>
<p>Using <a href="https://nextcloud.com/install/">this link</a> you can find a variety of applications from Nextcloud allowing you to connect your desktop and mobile device to your Federated Core.</p>
<p>There are applications for &ldquo;desktop&rdquo; for MacOS, Windows, Linux. Note, if you&rsquo;ve configure your Ubuntu-based Linux system using the built-in settings, you do not need a desktop client.</p>
<p>There are many applications offering integration with Nextcloud. You can find those listed at <a href="https://apps.nextcloud.com/categories/integration">this link</a>. Not all these applications work with your Federated Core, but many do. If we can be of assistance, please reach out for help.</p>
<title>Docs: Thunderbird</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
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<p>This documentation is for users and administrators, not those wanting to install.</p>
<p>Thunderbird isn&rsquo;t clunky anymore. Lots of investment is going into this great email, calendar, contacts, and more desktop client.</p>
<p>You can download Thunderbird from their <a href="https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/download/">website</a>.</p>
<p>The steps for configuring Thunderbird are practically the same for the major desktop platforms. Use the standard installation options and allow Thunderbird to be your default mail application.</p>
<p>You&rsquo;ll be asked to enter your Federated Core email address. Thunderbird <em>should</em> auto-configure your settings, but if you need to manually set them up, here is the needed information:</p>
<p>Server: mail.domain.com (where &ldquo;domain.com&rdquo; is your domain name. Example: mail.federated.com.)
Port: 993
Security: SSL/TLS</p>
<p>Server: mail.domain.com (where &ldquo;domain.com&rdquo; is your domain name. Example: mail.federated.com.)
Port: 465
Security: SSL/TLS</p>
<p>Click &ldquo;Finish&rdquo; and you&rsquo;re ready to send/receive email.</p>
<p>In order to connect Thunderbird to the addresses kept in your Nextcloud application, select the small address book icon in the upper right of Thunderbird to select the &ldquo;Address Book&rdquo; mode.</p>
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<p>Then select the drop down to the right and select &ldquo;Add CardDAV Address Book&rdquo;.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/dropdown_hud9b7dd15a194e1b0e7f027f3d839b054_5872_227x111_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="227" height="111">
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<p>The put in your username (email) for your Federated Core into the &ldquo;New CardDAV Address Book&rdquo; dialog box.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/information_hu3ff8fd0a4b6d74a9b83260c7195a1731_6487_553x250_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="553" height="250">
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<p>You need to get the link for the &ldquo;Location&rdquo; line. This can be found in Nextcloud. Open a browser, enter the nextcloud.domain.com address for your Federated Core where &ldquo;domain.com&rdquo; is your particular domain name, navigate to the Contacts application, and then Contacts Settings in the lower left of the window. You&rsquo;ll see a window like this:</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 939px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/link_hud5de244a29c056cfb02e50604e481f6c_35107_929x692_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="929" height="692">
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<p class="card-text">
<p>You click on the three dots in the &ldquo;Address books&rdquo; section to see a drop down menu. Select &ldquo;Copy link&rdquo;. That is the link address we need for the &ldquo;Location&rdquo; in the prior dialog box in Thunderbird. You can switch back to Thunderbird and paste the link into the &ldquo;Location&rdquo; section of the dialog box then click &ldquo;Continue&rdquo;.</p>
<p>Now Thunderbird will ask you to authenticate to your Nextcloud application.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/authentication_hufe848b2729d1ea3251199478c550fb01_9409_518x208_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="518" height="208">
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<p>Enter your username (email address for Federated Core) and password. Click &ldquo;OK&rdquo; and you should have your Address Book from Nextcloud now connected to Thunderbird.</p>
<p>These instructions work for any Calendar in your Nextcloud application. You can have Calendars for yourself/personal, decks, task lists, etc.</p>
<p>We will be adding a CalDAV calendar to Thunderbird. First switch to the Calendar mode in Thunderbird by clicking the calendar icon along the right side of the Thunderbird application.</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 43px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/calendar_hua1ae1423ef7c8d9f1ede540239c60d60_503_33x35_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="33" height="35">
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<p>You then click the &ldquo;+&rdquo; symbol so that we can add/subscribe to a calendar from Nextcloud.</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 334px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/addcal_hud1278df75ee4fc7676720a5e14775de2_3059_324x68_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="324" height="68">
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<p>We choose from the next dialog box to subscribe to a &ldquo;On the Network&rdquo; calendar and click &ldquo;Next&rdquo;.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/network_hud6f04308bd9eff81815730d953284ecc_8159_495x404_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="495" height="404">
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<p>Now we put in our username (email address).</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/create_hu9abe794f8179355a52e06d3a0337ebc7_8382_496x402_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="496" height="402">
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<p class="card-text">
<p>In order to find the &ldquo;Location&rdquo; we need to switch to our Nextcloud application and navigate to the &ldquo;Calendar&rdquo; app.</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 488px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/nc-calendar_hu51d1ccfbd16db1a8e67685d77fb31e7e_5256_478x59_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="478" height="59">
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<p>You select the calendar you want to subscribe to by clicking on the &ldquo;edit&rdquo; function. Another dialogue box is presented:</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 603px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/privatelink_hu59ff46aee80deb5edbc4c61d2fa54733_15147_593x323_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="593" height="323">
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<p>Click on the &ldquo;Copy private link&rdquo; buttton to copy the desired &ldquo;Location&rdquo; to the clipboard. Now we can go back to Thunderbird and paste the link into the &ldquo;Location&rdquo; box and click &ldquo;Find Calendars&rdquo;.</p>
<p>When Thunderbird finds the calendar, it will ask us for our password for Nextcloud.</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 619px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/password_huf235b6ee719de0df1e57651fb76a2b04_8904_609x186_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="609" height="186">
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<p>Enter your password and then click &ldquo;OK&rdquo;. Now we are asked to subscribe to the calendar.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/thunderbird/subscribe_hu010d879b6617fca296b816bbddfc9bac_8911_495x402_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="495" height="402">
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<p>Leave the &ldquo;Calendar Type&rdquo; as &ldquo;CalDAV&rdquo; and click &ldquo;Subscribe&rdquo;. Your calendar is now available in Thunderbird.</p>
<title>Docs: Ubuntu-based Distribution</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
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<p>This documentation is for users and administrators, not those wanting to install.</p>
<p>Connecting your entire Ubuntu-based operations system (such at Ubuntu or Pop OS) is very easy.</p>
<p>Open your &ldquo;Settings&rdquo; application and then select the &ldquo;Online Accounts&rdquo; section of &ldquo;Settings&rdquo;.</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 232px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/ubuntu/onlineaccounts_hu7232d2ab18ca31c5fa7688d3d1e1bd88_2604_222x46_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="222" height="46">
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<p>You have the option to connect a Nextcloud account from the list.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/ubuntu/addaccount_hu2b35f73ef15655e68615df97497e0380_24959_621x565_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="621" height="565">
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<p>When you select &ldquo;Nextcloud&rdquo; you&rsquo;ll be given a dialog box to enter in the specific information for your Federated Core.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/ubuntu/nextcloud_hu235263402ab0f6e16f822cfc1edb7f7d_8188_331x213_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="331" height="213">
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<p>The &ldquo;Server&rdquo; is &ldquo;<a href="https://nextcloud.domain.com">https://nextcloud.domain.com</a>&rdquo; when &ldquo;domain.com&rdquo; is your domain. The &ldquo;username&rdquo; is your email address for your Federated Core. And the &ldquo;Password&rdquo; is your password for Federated Core.</p>
<p>Now your files, email, calendars will &ldquo;automatically&rdquo; work with the applications that are part of your Ubuntu-based distribution.</p>
<p>Note: you will have to separately configure Thunderbird. See the documentation for those instructions.</p>
<title>Docs: Office Suite</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
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<p>This documentation is for users and administrators, not those wanting to install.</p>
<p>The Nextcloud installation of your Federated Core works just like a product such as Dropbox(tm) or Google Drive(tm) and is compatible with office suites such as Microsoft Office(tm) or Libre Office(tm).</p>
<p>When you save a file from Microsoft Office(tm) or Libre Office(tm) to your &ldquo;Files&rdquo; on your Federated Core using your Nextcloud desktop client or the integration with Ubuntu-based Linux operating systems, that file is available for preview and work within the web interface of Nextcloud. This gives you maximum flexibility to work using desktop office tools or the web interface.</p>
<p>Let&rsquo;s see how this might work. Note: you need to have the Nextcloud desktop client installed and configured, or your Ubuntu-based operating system configure to work with Nextcloud and the &ldquo;Files&rdquo; option turned on.</p>
<p>If you go to the &ldquo;Files&rdquo; application on Nextcloud in your browser at &ldquo;nextcloud.domain.com&rdquo; (where domaim.com is your domain name), you can click the big &ldquo;+&rdquo; (&ldquo;plus&rdquo;) symbol to get the following drop down.</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/office/newdocument_hub370032279ab9d2a1d2eb2c949abd1e0_20151_249x415_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="249" height="415">
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<p>In this example we will select and create a &ldquo;New spreadsheet&rdquo;. After giving our spreadsheet a name, Nextcloud opens a full-featured web editor for your spreadsheet. We&rsquo;ve entered in some data. Changes are automatically saved.</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 860px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/office/preview_huf0eb94680681a0fc595e84de15640478_36676_850x438_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="850" height="438">
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<p>Now, assuming the Nextcloud client is installed and configured, you can look in your file browser for your operating system and find the spreadsheet we created. Here&rsquo;s what that looks like on Pop OS.</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 295px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/office/file_hu0597fb0c4f90481746ffc5a861ef097d_1902_285x53_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="285" height="53">
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<p>If you double click that, it will open in the office suite installed and configured to handle &ldquo;xls*&rdquo; files.</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 729px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/office/libreoffice_hue59a53138008897a2c8dddf90fe6a9e6_35099_719x314_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="719" height="314">
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<p>Here&rsquo;s the same file synched to another machine running Windows.</p>
<figure class="card rounded p-2 td-post-card mb-4 mt-4" style="max-width: 217px">
<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/office/windows_hu507a0c47dab3cf963af05068d389bfb7_999_207x31_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="207" height="31">
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<p>And we can open the file and edit it in Excel&hellip;</p>
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<img class="card-img-top" src="/docs/client_applications/linux/office/excel_hu4e6e1b6944df5c593a0dbe2b82576e7b_18642_534x318_resize_catmullrom_3.png" width="534" height="318">
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<p>Neat, huh? A couple of caveats. You can&rsquo;t edit in Excel and expect to see the changes expressed in Libre Office on another machine. Excel and Libre Office don&rsquo;t play nice together that way.</p>
<p>However, you can edit spreadsheets, documents, presentations and more on the web and then, using the share tools in Nextcloud &ldquo;Files&rdquo;, allow someone else to work on that file in the desktop editor of their choice.</p>