Core Applications

These pages describe the applications and services available with your Federated Core. For the most part these are web services accessed using a browser. If you want to use your Federated Core using desktop and mobile applications, please consult the “Client Applications” part of this documentation.

This documentation is for users and administrators, not those wanting to install.

Documentation for each application and service available on Federated Core is listed below.


Baserow is a no-code database application allowing you to quickly create customized applications for your team and company.


Listmonk is an email list management program. It can be used to replace programs like Mailchimp.


Panel is the control center for your Federated Core.


PowerDNS information


Vaultwarden is a password manager like 1Password or LastPass but your criticial, sensitive data is not stored on someone else’s server with other accounts data. It is stored on your private Federated Core.


Wireguard is your VPN service allowing you to use your Federated Core entirely privately as well as access outside services from your Federated Core rather than the IP address of your desktop computer or mobile device.


Element is a web client used to interact with your Matrix server. You can use Element and Matrix to talk/chat/communicate with other Matrix server users around the world.


Gitea is a full-featured, compatible replacement for Github and is used for source-code managment and control.


Jitsi is a secure videoconferencing application. No one is listening in.


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