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<h1 class="title">Contribution Guidelines</h1>
<div class="lead">How to contribute to the docs</div>
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<p>These basic sample guidelines assume that your Docsy site is deployed using Netlify and your files are stored in GitHub. You can use the guidelines &ldquo;as is&rdquo; or adapt them with your own instructions: for example, other deployment options, information about your doc project&rsquo;s file structure, project-specific review guidelines, versioning guidelines, or any other information your users might find useful when updating your site. <a href="">Kubeflow</a> has a great example.</p>
<p>Don&rsquo;t forget to link to your own doc repo rather than our example site! Also make sure users can find these guidelines from your doc repo README: either add them there and link to them from this page, add them here and link to them from the README, or include them in both locations.</p>
<p>We use <a href="">Hugo</a> to format and generate our website, the
<a href="">Docsy</a> theme for styling and site structure,
and <a href="">Netlify</a> to manage the deployment of the site.
Hugo is an open-source static site generator that provides us with templates,
content organisation in a standard directory structure, and a website generation
engine. You write the pages in Markdown (or HTML if you want), and Hugo wraps them up into a website.</p>
<p>All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We
use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult
<a href="">GitHub Help</a> for more
information on using pull requests.</p>
<h2 id="quick-start-with-netlify">Quick start with Netlify</h2>
<p>Here&rsquo;s a quick guide to updating the docs. It assumes you&rsquo;re familiar with the
GitHub workflow and you&rsquo;re happy to use the automated preview of your doc
<li>Fork the <a href="">Goldydocs repo</a> on GitHub.</li>
<li>Make your changes and send a pull request (PR).</li>
<li>If you&rsquo;re not yet ready for a review, add &ldquo;WIP&rdquo; to the PR name to indicate
it&rsquo;s a work in progress. (<strong>Don&rsquo;t</strong> add the Hugo property
&ldquo;draft = true&rdquo; to the page front matter, because that prevents the
auto-deployment of the content preview described in the next point.)</li>
<li>Wait for the automated PR workflow to do some checks. When it&rsquo;s ready,
you should see a comment like this: <strong>deploy/netlify — Deploy preview ready!</strong></li>
<li>Click <strong>Details</strong> to the right of &ldquo;Deploy preview ready&rdquo; to see a preview
of your updates.</li>
<li>Continue updating your doc and pushing your changes until you&rsquo;re happy with
the content.</li>
<li>When you&rsquo;re ready for a review, add a comment to the PR, and remove any
&ldquo;WIP&rdquo; markers.</li>
<h2 id="updating-a-single-page">Updating a single page</h2>
<p>If you&rsquo;ve just spotted something you&rsquo;d like to change while using the docs, Docsy has a shortcut for you:</p>
<li>Click <strong>Edit this page</strong> in the top right hand corner of the page.</li>
<li>If you don&rsquo;t already have an up to date fork of the project repo, you are prompted to get one - click <strong>Fork this repository and propose changes</strong> or <strong>Update your Fork</strong> to get an up to date version of the project to edit. The appropriate page in your fork is displayed in edit mode.</li>
<li>Follow the rest of the <a href="#quick-start-with-netlify">Quick start with Netlify</a> process above to make, preview, and propose your changes.</li>
<h2 id="previewing-your-changes-locally">Previewing your changes locally</h2>
<p>If you want to run your own local Hugo server to preview your changes as you work:</p>
<p>Follow the instructions in <a href="/docs/getting-started">Getting started</a> to install Hugo and any other tools you need. You&rsquo;ll need at least <strong>Hugo version 0.45</strong> (we recommend using the most recent available version), and it must be the <strong>extended</strong> version, which supports SCSS.</p>
<p>Fork the <a href="">Goldydocs repo</a> repo into your own project, then create a local copy using <code>git clone</code>. Dont forget to use <code>--recurse-submodules</code> or you wont pull down some of the code you need to generate a working site.</p>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1
<p>Run <code>hugo server</code> in the site root directory. By default your site will be available at http://localhost:1313/. Now that you&rsquo;re serving your site locally, Hugo will watch for changes to the content and automatically refresh your site.</p>
<p>Continue with the usual GitHub workflow to edit files, commit them, push the
changes up to your fork, and create a pull request.</p>
<h2 id="creating-an-issue">Creating an issue</h2>
<p>If you&rsquo;ve found a problem in the docs, but you&rsquo;re not sure how to fix it yourself, please create an issue in the <a href="">Goldydocs repo</a>. You can also create an issue about a specific page by clicking the <strong>Create Issue</strong> button in the top right hand corner of the page.</p>
<h2 id="useful-resources">Useful resources</h2>
<li><a href="">Docsy user guide</a>: All about Docsy, including how it manages navigation, look and feel, and multi-language support.</li>
<li><a href="">Hugo documentation</a>: Comprehensive reference for Hugo.</li>
<li><a href="">Github Hello World!</a>: A basic introduction to GitHub concepts and workflow.</li>
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